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6th Week Flowering and NoW I get Thrips!!! :(



Yo ShutterBug - Cheers for stopping by ... How do u mean u mix in the neem oil with ur feedings? ... If its a foliar feed then thats not an option for me during budding ... bt if u can mix it in with the liquid feed then that awesome and I did not no that ... My feeding/watering takes bout 20 mins anyway (not seconds) bt its gotta b done so if i can jst mix in the neem oil then thats pretty sweet!!!

No retro I was not kidding. Neem oil is systemic, meaning that it is most effectively taken in through the root system. Foiler spraying just has a more immediate effect on the situation, the long term effects are more pronounced from adding it to feedings at an early age. I add it during the vegetative cycle, for two or three feedings, and even when cuts from others that are infected with let's say gnats, they leave the treated plants completely alone. On how far your plants are along Dr. Greenfinger I wouldn't recommend spraying with anything. I have no idea if adding neem this late in flower would have any affects on taste and the likes. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this as I was away for a minute.


Dats algud bro ... Yea i didn't realize neem oil was systemic aye. I put up some sticky traps and removed the worst of the 'infected' material and have not seen anymore signs of the pest returning so thats cool

Cheers mate.


I use neem in every third watering, mixing it in with the water as well. It has always worked very well. I have sprayed neem(on the fan leaves only!), about 3-4 weeks into flowering without any negative effects.

Glad to here things are getting under control!


Dr. Greenfinger said:
yea so I'm bout half way through the 6th week of flowering and as I was checking out my babes progress I find symptoms in their lower growth, think; hmm, that ain't normal ... Hav a look round and find I have Thrips (early stages as far as I can see at least).

Anyways, I've put up a some sticky traps (ya no, the yellow ones lol) so hopefully they help out till I finish flowering :S ... The stupid thing is I usd to hang the traps up even if I had no pests, just in case some came along, but this time I figured I hav no pests so I took down the sticky traps... In retrospect, that was not a good idea hahaha.

Anyways, I have 2 quick question!

1 - I dry my buds in my grow room ... Will Thrips be a problem after harvest, while my buds dry? and can I still dry and process the fan leaves with Thrip damage/Thrips on them?

2 - I obviously dnt want this problem again (especially in my White Widow/Jock Horror grow!!! - which is the nxt run im doing) ... So wat can I do to sterilize my grow room b4 next crop? ... The walls, the roof and the floor are all lined with white plastic and the dehumidifier, all fans etc are white plastic. I'm growing in plastic pots too (Soil). With one plant in a white bubbler bucket (Hydro).
Any advice on sterilizing my area/preventing this happening again any time soon b4 next grow?

Advice greatly appreciated! (I'll give 'rep' to anyone who gives me a good amount of decent advice/ideas! [its not bribery, I swear] :p )


Neem oil is the shit! When used as a soil drench its systemic and stays in the plant for around a month, when used as a foliar spray its a contact insecticide meaning you must actually spray the target pests or hope they walk on it or eat it before it dries, it also controls leaf fungi as well such as powdery mildew, leaf spot etc, it also cleans leaves and makes them shiny and darker which helps prevent future leaf issues, the cleaning aspect that is. It also contains K Im pretty sure.

Since your so far into flowering though I personally wouldnt foliar spray with anything, that can introduce a whole plethora of other problems. As far as a soil drench goes I wouldnt like the idea of doing it, but its your only option if the damage is bad enough and harvest time isnt within a week or two.

After your current grow be sure to clean the room, pots, tools etc with a bleach and water solution, I think you want 1 part bleach to 10 parts water that or 1 part bleach to 5 parts water, cant remember exactly which it is.


Yea cheers dude. As I said earlier, I've already fixed the problem bt thatnks for the input mate.

And I clean grow room after every grow, clean all equipment etc when they're not in use etc. etc. - Was curious as to what the best way to sterilize it is tho, I usually wash everything with disinfectant, I'll add some sort of diluted pesticide this time if need be hahaha.

Cheers mate.