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6kw sealed room with AC, cO2, 4x4 trays, AK47, 71 days flower


Active member
8" radiant hoods, hortilux bulbs, 3.5g nursury pots, red lava rock, Dutchmasters gold, AN BigBud.

Had tables with 9, 16 and 12 plants, tried to see what did best but lost track during harvest. I do know that there was a handfull of 5oz+ plants. All were in red lava, with a little hydroton and rockwool crutons here and there.

I did a test with 2 plants in coco. I did a layer of rockwool crutons 2" deep, and filled with brick type coco with a little rockwool. Theres were placed on top of some 3" netcups to raise them higher than the rest of the plants for a 2" flood, rather than full flood of the others. These 2 plants were among the best, and will use this method with the rockwool/coco in the future with the e/f tables.

I tried some tables with topped palnts and soem LST'd, again without recording the #'s :(

I used dutchmasters gold bloom, and hit them with bigbud(powder) at around 3 or 4 weeks flower. My PPMs reached 2000 with minimal signs of burn on a few plants.

My first grow ever yeilding more than 1gpw.

They started out in rapid rooters, then into 3" netpots filled with hydroton

Oh yea, I ran it off its own 200A line and mainpanel



ghost in training
Jesus! I love how you setup your panel. Everything's real neat n tidy. Is the 240 line for your lights? Anyways bravo on the op I hope to run one half as decent as yours sometime. :)


Active member
Some incredible pictures there, thanks for sharing. What temps were you running with the co2 and what were the co2 concentrations?


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Bunker party at budbunkers! Sweet nugs and grow bud, Seems like you added some lights got out of the bunker and into the house!


Active member
ICMag Donor
That is a truly amazing pull! Glad you got over a gpw too! Those plants are buds and stems and that's about it! 5+ ozs of a few plants sounds crazy! What do you think is the single most important thing you have done/changed to increase yield? Do you ever run any other strains or is it just the AK? Seems to be working just fine for you!... :joint:



Now in technicolor
Very inspirational! I feel like shit going back to my 600w tent.

Tell us more about the medium you used, and how long did you veg?


Active member
"nice bro... definitely know what you are doing! nice ... English bulldog? yeeee"

Thanks, I have and english, english/french, and english/boxer. My 3 little pigs.

"Jesus! I love how you setup your panel. Everything's real neat n tidy. Is the 240 line for your lights? Anyways bravo on the op I hope to run one half as decent as yours sometime. "

Yea the house lost a 120v leg due to the line being nicked by a backhoe years ago. I was forced with finding/repairing the break in the line, or running 300' of new line, and opted for new line. Was about $750 to run a new 300' line and main panel. Im actually feeding the "old" main panel with the new one. And yes, the lights are on 240v with plugged into my DIY relay box.

"Some incredible pictures there, thanks for sharing. What temps were you running with the co2 and what were the co2 concentrations?"

Temps were around 70-80 most the time with colder areas near the AC unit. co2 was at 1300-1700. Problem was I had no room for my dehumidifiers except for the opposite end of the room as the AC, so it was warmer over there.

"That is a truly amazing pull! Glad you got over a gpw too! Those plants are buds and stems and that's about it! 5+ ozs of a few plants sounds crazy! What do you think is the single most important thing you have done/changed to increase yield? Do you ever run any other strains or is it just the AK? Seems to be working just fine for you!..."

Id say the best thing was running a single strain, they are all AK47. co2 woud be the next on the list

"Tell us more about the medium you used, and how long did you veg?"

Went with red lava rock because it worked for me in the past with the e/f buckets. I have never seen people run large nursury pots in flood trays, but thought it would work. Not really sure how long they were vegged, they had crazy lives. They were 400miles away when rooted into the 3" pots, thrown into rubbermaids and to the new home. Many werent used, even had a light fall during setup and killed 10 plants. Also when building the new room they didnt have much light at all, and was suprised at how well they took over. I think there was around 90 plants total.