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6k overkill for a 12'x8' stadium?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I would like the room to be 12'x8', think 6k is to much for a stadium?


Well-known member
Yes - I would say so.

I've ran 4k in a stadium that shape - 11'x7'...

I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say though..


Im working with a stadium in a 12x9 room, 6k would def be overkill, 3 or 4 is perfect.


My problem with the 8' width is that even with 1000 watters hung vertically ,the sideways lumens fall waaaaay off after 32-36" ,so the upper levels of plants will suffer and be stretchy IME..but....

6KW`s prolly a bit much to control heat/environment , but 5 KW with the bulbs hung at 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10' will possibly help the upper levels with the overlap of light if yas cover everything in the room that ain`t green in reflectix including the ceiling....

I pre-vegged my plants under T-5`s with the lights as close to the plants as possible without scorchin/bleachin to make em stack nodes and limbs as tight as possible before puttin em in the flip rooms and pullin the trigger....then...

Till end of stretch they fukin exploded with rootmass and foliage/budset.....and then....

The horti trellis kept em from fallin slapover sideways under their own weight till end of cycle ftw...anyways....

I see folks talkin 3 and 4 KW but trust me....50 watts per and a lil over like you`d have with 5 `ll make yas happy come harvey guaranteed....so....Good luck and...



So basically, its 3' per 1000 so 6k is 18'.. correct?
Actually Bro , it`s more watts per sq ft than light spacing....but....

The 6' width and 18' length requires minimum 5400 watts and would be better served IME with 9-600 watt eye horti`s for more overlap and lumen absorption by the plants if yas cover everything in refectix as stated earlier , cuz the plants can grow closer without any scorchin/bleachin that 1K`s are so famous for in close quarters....and....

600`s are waaaay easier to control environment with and eye horti`s are not far off from 1 K`s lumen wise when you factor the difference in how much closer the plants can get to em , but again....

I`m sure yas prolly got the 1 K`s , will most likely use em and I know this ain`t your first rodeo Mr C , so 6K with 104 sq ft gives yas plenty of watts per , so yas just gotta dial ambient temps and relative humidity with increased plant numbers and you`re on your way to increased yields and quality nuggage as long as they don`t stretch too much toward the bulbs after the flip....anyways....

Holler if I can help....DHF....:ying:.....


Well-known member
I've always used the school of thought of 50w per SqFt for horizontal grows, but when talking vertical/stadium grow are you still using the floor dimensions of the room to figure this?

Wouldn't using your wall "stadium seating" width & height be more accurate in figuring the SqFt as it applies to where your canopy is going to be?

Are most stadium growers spacing their bulbs down the line at 2' intervals as DHF suggests?

so 1st bulb being 2' in from end of stadium?

When I built my hydro stadium (not currently being ran) I really didnt know the best way to run them. I ended up just spacing my lamps as evenly as possible down the line. I wonder what the point of diminishing return is when spacing down a line like that. How many lamps in how many feet of length. I dont see how the normal 50w per sq foot of your floor dimensions applies here. Typically when I see stadium grows they have more lamps per their length then when running horizontal. 12' = 3 lamps in horizontal where as most put 4 lamps in 12' in stadiums.

For what its worth JonJaffer only used 3k in a 11x7 stadium and hit 2lbs per light. His lamps however were not vertical but rather horizontal w/ batwings bent upwards so I'm sure that changed things a bit.

My stadium show with 4k vertical in a 11x7 gave me 6lbs. I almost feel that while the 4th light gave me a bit nicer nugs that I could have still obtained similar yields with just the 3. Thats just speculation though.. I didnt get a chance to try less lamps.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Ya, its all a little confusing because of what I've done in the past and what others have done.

I used to run 6k over 2 - 4'x8' tables, killed it super hard.

Then I ran 6 - 600's in a room that was a green bastard, northern farmer combo (if you can imagine) that I pulled 7 off of .88 per watt, not amazing, but good. That room was 20' long and 6' wide. Had amazing looking buds with a grab bag a friend had at the time of casey jones, sour d, og kush, agent orange, and some others I can't remember.

So a 16'x8' would be 46 watts/foot with 6k. Lights would be spaced every 32".... hmmm


Ya, its all a little confusing because of what I've done in the past and what others have done.

I used to run 6k over 2 - 4'x8' tables, killed it super hard.

Then I ran 6 - 600's in a room that was a green bastard, northern farmer combo (if you can imagine) that I pulled 7 off of .88 per watt, not amazing, but good. That room was 20' long and 6' wide. Had amazing looking buds with a grab bag a friend had at the time of casey jones, sour d, og kush, agent orange, and some others I can't remember.

So a 16'x8' would be 46 watts/foot with 6k. Lights would be spaced every 32".... hmmm
Re do your math Bro....As in 104 divided into 6K....

Good luck...DHF....:ying:


When you asked about 3' spacing on the 1K`s and 18' in length , I was under the impression that you meant 6 x 18 for 108 sq ft that requires 5400 watts if I ran and setup the room Mr C....not 8 x 16 for 128 sq ft......and for the record.....

I was taught by Krusty and Heath to utilize 50 watts per sq ft WITH bare bulbs cuz that`s all I`ve ever run.....and again...

Horizotal SOG tables run minimum 2 -1K`s over 4 x 8 tables for direct down facing lumens of lil over 61 watts per sq ft even though they`re not efficient watts cuz they`re reflected instead of blastin sideways pure like bare bulbs hangin.....but...

I did hit the wrong # key with 104 instead of 108 so my bad....but again....108 x 50 DOES come out to 5400 watts per 6 x 18 so there yas go....anyways....

Good luck Mr C....Hope the 8' width works out for yas....I always built my rooms around the wattage instead of tryin to for the proper wattage in already built rooms , and mabe that`s the case with your setup....dunno...but....

Please don`t take this the wrong way......But if you`ve never done what others have done , then up your game and dial your environment AND watts per sq ft while coverin everything that ain`t green in reflectix ftw.....

70% RH till end of stretch and as low below 5o% as yas can get till end of cycle....It`s the lil things Bro....Some get it....most don`t....

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I have done a ton of stadium growing. Here in BC everyone hitting #2+ per light that is not doing medical trees is doing it this way>>>

Using 2 foot centers on the lights is not ideal and I certainly would never go any smaller than that with 1k lighting. Guys that are hitting consistently over 2 per are using 3 foot centers and they have all the space in the world to work around. If your room is only 8 feet then I would not use 6 - 1000w B/c you need at least 2 feet to maneuver in the room and get down the tiers. If you can make doors to access each tier its doable. If the room is 8x12 I would use the system I showed you, step down to 6 -600w and use 20" centers and make the stadiums a tad narrower, giving you more room to work. Use a mini split on the wall or if using in/out fans make sure your in vent doesnt blow direct on to the plants cuz the hot and cold air will stunt the ones by the vent. Made that mistake before.