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68 year old Boston man "accidentally" murdered, face down, during raid


A stumbling Framingham SWAT officer accidentally fired his rifle and shot a beloved grandpa to death as he lay face-down on the floor of his own home, authorities admitted yesterday, sparking incredulous outrage by the 68-year-old retiree’s family.
“Eurie Stamps’ death was the result of a fundamentally unjustifiable shooting by law enforcement officers who are charged with protecting public safety,” said Anthony Tarricone, a lawyer representing Stamps’ children. “When an innocent man dies this way at the hands of police, there really are no excuses that can satisfactorily explain away such a tragedy.”
Officer Paul Duncan, who fired the fatal shot, did so after he tripped during a search of Stamps’ home, according to a report issued yesterday by Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone’s office. Duncan will not face charges.

“The actions of Officer Duncan do not rise to the level of criminal conduct, and the shooting death of Eurie Stamps was an accident,” Leone’s office said.
On Jan. 5, police were searching for Stamps’ stepson, Joseph Bushfan, when they served a warrant on Stamps’ home. Bushfan was arrested outside the home, allegedly carrying crack cocaine and money.
Officers then hit the home, throwing a stun grenade and ordering everyone inside to put their hands up and lie on the floor, the report states. Stamps, a grandfather of 12, had obeyed and was lying in the hallway when Duncan attempted to cuff and frisk him.
“As he stepped to his left, (Duncan) lost his balance and began to fall over backwards,” the report states. “Officer Duncan realized that his right foot was off the floor and the tactical equipment that he was wearing was making his movements very awkward. While falling, Officer Duncan removed his left hand from his rifle, which was pointing down towards the ground and put his left arm out to try and catch himself. As he did so, he heard a shot.”
Framingham Town Counsel Christopher Petrini said Duncan, a former Shrewsbury police officer, had been on the Framingham force for several years and on the SWAT team for more than a year. He will remain on paid leave while the police department conducts its own review of the shooting to determine if he violated any internal procedures, Petrini said.
“I don’t think it’s right,” said Adia Boston, Stamps’ niece by marriage. “I think he should be suspended, at a minimum. There should be job loss, if not jail. That wasn’t an accident. . . . It shouldn’t be an accident if it’s the SWAT team. They’re supposed to be trained.”
Lawyer Joseph Bardouille, who is representing Stamps’ widow, charged the district attorney’s report failed to address serious questions about the circumstances of the shooting and said the family has launched a civil rights investigation.
“One of the purposes of the family’s inquiry is to make sure SWAT officers throughout the commonwealth are trained,” Bardouille said, noting experts have told him an officer’s finger should not be on the trigger unless he is prepared to shoot. “They want to prevent something like this from happening again.”
In the meantime, the loss of the retired MBTA machinist left his kin struggling with grief and anger.
“If (the victim) was anyone else, there would have been consequences,” said Boston. “I don’t think it’s right.”

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Safeties are a good thing.

So is proper firearm handling.

It would be nice if our Law Enforcement actually had knowledge of the two.


"“The actions of Officer Duncan do not rise to the level of criminal conduct, and the shooting death of Eurie Stamps was an accident,” Leone’s office said."

That's such bullshit.
Bobby, in their defense, you can't go into a raid with a safety on.

I concede that law enforcement types tend to have less-than-savory personalities, and are indeed shitheads en masse. But I don't see this as the result of a homicidal or massively incompetent loon. This is just a human being in a terribly nerve-racking situation who fucked up.

My problem is chiefly with the policies that necessitate these raids.

Very strange to me that they release the shooters name. I would imagine retribution would be on the minds of many.


"Duncan will not face charges." Besides being a horrible story, This part is fuc*ed. If it were anyone else but a dumb cop, they would be screwed forever. FN-PO-PO! & on top of that some people just should not be allowed to be a cop. I swear my dog is smarter than most of em.:rant:


Active member
So they had already arrested the dude outside and then tossed in the flash bang and went in? That alone should bring criminal charges to the cops.


May your race always be in your favor


Active member
"“The actions of Officer Duncan do not rise to the level of criminal conduct, and the shooting death of Eurie Stamps was an accident,” Leone’s office said."

That's such bullshit.

If I had my wife lay on the floor so we could pretend rape fantasy. Then i trip and shoot her in head. 100$ says it's criminal conduct.


Active member
one thing they left out i figure cause of the investigation is how the gun went off and where the elderley person was shot,i think those details are all important and will dissapear into obscurity at the police department,leaving no way to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was intentional or negligent at least.
honestly the story the cop tells sound like a joke espeacially the part about his legs and hands.

Green lung

Active member
If you guys get a chance take a look at soldiers and marines holding rifles in pics you wil notice that there finger is always straight and off the trigger.

Obviously this cop was incompotent and is grade a safety violator.

He needs to be punished, it doesn't matter if it was an accident, the cop was breaking the safety rules and standard procedure which resulted in the dealth of an innocent citizen.
"this just in... Stamps family takes up shotgun justice with mr duncan..."

for real though, if this was your grandpa, how would you let this go down?

i grow

Active member
Eye for an eye!!!

This is complete bullshit! if the house was secure then the safetys should have went on,and the facking gun should have been holstered! i hope they peel his ass off for him!

This should frustrate everyone who reads this! Way way way to much power in there hands.


Active member
“One of the purposes of the family’s inquiry is to make sure SWAT officers throughout the commonwealth are trained,” Bardouille said, noting experts have told him an officer’s finger should not be on the trigger unless he is prepared to shoot. ”
LIke others have said
You don't put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot something.

This pig is guilty of criminal negligence at the very least.


Active member
"“The actions of Officer Duncan do not rise to the level of criminal conduct, and the shooting death of Eurie Stamps was an accident,” Leone’s office said."

That's such bullshit.

If I had my wife lay on the floor so we could pretend rape fantasy. Then i trip and shoot her in head. 100$ says it's criminal conduct.


If you guys get a chance take a look at soldiers and marines holding rifles in pics you wil notice that there finger is always straight and off the trigger.

Obviously this cop was incompotent and is grade a safety violator.

He needs to be punished, it doesn't matter if it was an accident, the cop was breaking the safety rules and standard procedure which resulted in the dealth of an innocent citizen.
Well Said Sir!:tiphat:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
this is what happens in alot of swat style raids.... this shit is pointless you have a warrant knock.... no need for this shit. No need for guns scareing people with flash bangs on a 80 year old man... wtf is wrong with these people..


stone fool
They get away with it because we let them. It would be a real shame if this cops house burned down...........without him in it.