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60x6o LED BudMaster - Continuous Grows


Ok, so I have had enough of creating always new forums...i always forget how to do it and, when the time comes round to start a new one, I have to start all over!! :chin:

Soooo...I am going to keep to a single post...my general basics are the same, namely:

- 60x60 tent space
- Budmaster OD
- 4" extract & an in-tent fan
- stat controlled greenhouse heater


Well, it didn't start to well...adapting from outdoors to indoors, especially going straight to LED and Autoflowers, when I had dabbled with HPS to finish off a grow (northern latitude...)...Plus, I am no natural green thumb, so it took a while! :plant grow:

But, when I did start getting it right (and the occasional not so great one, but hey, it's part of the fun in learning), things were sweet for a few months!!!


I tend to keep to soil, after trying coco for a while. I have used canna terra professional or bio bizz mix light with my own "supersoil".

Though I have been keeping the soils from previous grows and I will be reusing them from the next grow after having re-conditioned them (I am currently trying some on a plant outside and it seems to be showing nothing but happiness!).

Here are some of the previous sisters to to the current grow...nothing special, but some decent ones there - I think at least!

There are more in my galleries or in my previous posts - including the all-important smoke reports, so vital when doing some research on the net for that next strain to grow! :)
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So, this was the last full grow, before I move to more current things!

I will give a few pictures to give it a bit of a time lapse.

It was interesting, I did 2 Autos and 2 Regs together.
My thinking was that the Autos wouldn't get too big (I hadn't had too much success with Autos indoors...), also cos I was going to switch to 12/12 after 4-5 weeks...

It did work out quite well, though the papaya did suffer a lot...on the whole, a relatively successful experiment, though!

The Kwazulu didn't give me what it could...it was severely deficient in food (first time I grow 100% sativa in a pot....)...I potted it in the end in a bigger pot, but it was too late in flowering I think...still got a couple of oz off it, so not complaining. Overall I got just over 4.5 oz, which for me is about enough these days. Though I would still like to get more out of the space...purely from a scientific point of view, you surely understand???!!! :)

Well, enough blabbering...here are the photos! Autos on Left, Regs on right throughout.



Here are some more...the 2Fast 2 Vast kept true to its name, finishing from seed to chop in just over 8 weeks!

Had a little accident and broke a branch off Kwazulu during training...put it in a pot and after a couple of weeks, it was growing! Gave it to a friend, who has thanked me and I am actually enjoying some tonight!!



And the PAPAYA...very little there, but it was soooo nice I ordered more - I just HAVE to get this one right, it was soooo tasty!!!

And The South African KWAZULU...

100% Sativa, flowered in a little over 9 weeks....she didn't get the best she could, but I will hopefully get to have a go with her again..the one I gave to my friend has been chopped, but not too far back and it's in his garden to see if it will re-veg...fingers crossed!


Smoke Report....

They were all surprisingly very nice. The Autos were relatively relaxed, though the Dutch Auto in particular had a subtle creepy couch-lock if one was not careful! :D It's flavour is very similar to PAssion #1, it brought back many happy memories.

The 2Fast2Vast tasted a little on the citrus side of a big bud, very pleasant and quite energetic.

The Papaya was just plain simple one of the best tasting weeds I have ever had....getting so little off it really hurt, but I will try again! The strength was pretty impressive too, knowing one's socks off for a good hour and then slowly subduing into a really relaxed stoned.

And the Kwazulu...wow!!! Well, I love Sativas, I had to give this one a go due to its short flowering period. The flavour is very smooth with a crisp sharpness to it, the high is jjust so sativa! Smoke it and go and do lots of stuff, giggle loads...yes, really I am hoping it will re-veg!!


Onto the next grow (current one!) soon....I did things differently...and not so sure it has worked - Meh ...one learns hopefully...

off for a last reefa...hope you guys like this thread and enjoy the posts....from my side, tehy won't be super often, no matter my best intentions...but they will be regular and I will hopefully have some nice more photos to show :)


Hi, many thanks, glad you enjoyed! :) checked on the offchance i had amessage but i think you have made me want to do a few updates ;)


Just this guy, ya know?
You are very welcome bro :) I feel like I learned a lot just from reading your journals before I even planted a seed, so thank you.


Mango & Blueberry

Mango & Blueberry

Mango & Blueberry

Also because of a move, i have not really done much...but your post made me want to update my journal - others haev you to thank...or blame!!! :laughing:

So, as I said, I did things differently...decided to do 2 strains..vegged a Mango and a Blueberry for quite a while...

then some heavy training just before switch..was really chuffed with how flat I got them. Also continued opening things up more with defoliation from seed to see if I could keep things tight

Look quite butchered there hey?


This time I think I had night temps were way too col compared to day and both plants appeared to stretch...way more than I had envisaged..but plants still looked ok?

Week 2-ish

Day 19

and then I thought canopy was getting a bit big and plants too tall, so did a bit more defol...


Then the unplanned happened...I found cheap flights for a holiday, so had to start making some trials for leaving the plants.

A friend was going to water the 2 in the garden...and was supposed to check on these too...but never did the ones in the tent! The advantage of having stoner friends, hey...? :chin: :laughing:

Day 38 - just before leaving on holiday




I thought I was leaving nice healthy plants behind. To be fair he looked after the outdoors autos well...but these beasts couldn't cope with no water for 14 days of course, even if they had a couple of litres each in containers to supplement.

I came home to bone dry plants....gutted..still got a bit over a couple of onces, but they has so much promise....suprisingly smoke was very tasty though?? I was quite surprised by this? strength wasn't as it could be, especially the Mango, but still very enjoyable :biggrin:


Super Lemon Haze + 3 unknown

Super Lemon Haze + 3 unknown

Super Lemon Haze + 3 unknown

So, I moved...and it took a while before I was confident enough to get things going again..indoors at least! Had a go at autos outdoors...but this year the weather has been an absolute disaster, summer temps as low as 8 degC at night...even had some frost! didn't select my autos for that kind of weather, not the ones I popped in may anyway!

I also took the chance to germinate some photoperiods..ready for moving indoor when I got my act together a couple of months ago.

Unfortunately, i had only left the see packets as identifiers...and the damp weather made all but 1 illegible! I know one is an AK49, one a somango and one a the other a Pure AK...but I have no clue as to which is which...well..I am starting to know the somango quite well!!! :D

Here they are prior to going indoors... they were in TINY containers just before I re potted..hence so yellow!!! the 2 bigger plants were almost 3 months old at this stage....the others are about 3-4 weeks old...they also were hit by slugs and terribly cold temps for them poor things!



Here they are in their new home...much happier, 10 days after switch!

Day 10

Tough I realise now I got a little too eager in switching 12/12...plants still a little yellow, and it will be clear in next photos that, even though keeping them small and compact is a goal of mine, they still ended up recovering instead of stretching properly after switch...amazing how I was so excited after so long..and a disastrous summer! :shucks: