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600W Vert Donut [Kali Mist & White Russian]


Having just become a member of IC mag after years upon years of hiding in the shadows, I had not planned on a grow journal and therefore will have to start the journal off with very recent pictures. Ill try not to bore on too much about my setup/grow style etc and concentrate more on the ladies, but if you have a question to ask id be more than happy.

To start with, a few general points about the grow

  • 600 HPS Flower/ 600 MH Veg/ 125w cfl early veg
  • Temps 68-78f, average 75f.
  • Humidity: Average 45%
  • Two White Russians, Beautiful musky citrus pheno that is great for evening smoke. Perfect all-rounder for me.
  • Four Kali Mist (Pre 2000 cut) My most favorite smoke, smells like fruity incense and very intense high.
  • Using Coco/Perlite DTW
  • Using Heads Coco Formula (6/9 ratio GH Flora)
Cuttings are approximately 3 weeks into veg, with about 2 more weeks on the cards. Aiming for a height of 20" before the flip to flower, The Kali mist with triple in height or more, even using the 600w MH.

White Russians are the closest and furthest away in above shot.

Been a total treat to grow thus far, very well mannered ladies! The Russians are already stinking up the room, with the Kali's smelling slightly spicy.

I have started doing a fairly late lst on the Kali's to get some strength into the side branching before I let the tops take off vertically, alongside pruning sucker branches that will fall short of the light come flower time. Managed to get most rear budsites tied around to face the light, so the girls are looking a tad mangled at the moment...

Any feedback negative/positive would be awesome! Going to update every 3 days or so, unless no decent changes have gone on....Although I'll check back often enough!

Take Care


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Sour Seed

cool grow-
i always had crap results from white Russian but sometimes you do find some real keepers from what i understand at least-
good luck on the grow i'll pull up a chair on this one-


Thanks heaps Sour, I got the russian from a very close friend that made his phenotype selection in 1999, chose the highest yielding which also happened to by luck have a very nice aroma (especially after at least 3 months cure).

Admittedly not one-hit knockout stuff though that's for sure, surprising considering the genetic heritage! Nice mellow mostly body high that gives me a break from the sativa's haha ;p


i always had crap results from white Russian

Also, were you disappointed in the effect or yield? Not the first time I've heard this, alot of people disappointed with AK-47 as well it seems.....Maybe serious seeds has had some changes in genetics since 99


Good to have you on board D-RingBinder ;p Can't wait to flower them, but I know there's no point jumping the gun....This is my first vertical grow so I'm very excited about the final yield, going for simple and effective, entirely sick of trying new gimmicks for the time being!

Sour Seed

so you already have it narrowed down then, selections have been made etc-
thats a great start ;)
i always run mine from seed- my run was the serious seed version, one of the original breeders back in the 90's for sure homie ;)
so i had to make selections and culled lots of em and then the keepers just didnt do it-
i'm a big indica and indica dom fan but have a handful of sativa strains i do love-
i wasnt impressed all around- it does yield like a beast though!
thats for sure but just not enough bang or flavor etc for me to mess with again-
serious seeds have changed hands once or twice since bro, and the old WR was bomb back in the day but since then its gone fubar-
new breeders come in not ever knowing the selections to make and reproduce particular phenos and used a shit male or female to repro the serious seed stock.
what really gets me is they keep that serious price tag!! lol

i think its all like wine..we all have our fav right?! lol
what makes the sacred plant so unique and un-earthly by nature-
its grows for us, adapts to us and domesticates us-


i think its all like wine..we all have our fav right?! lol
what makes the sacred plant so unique and un-earthly by nature-
its grows for us, adapts to us and domesticates us-

Cant agree enough mate, I searched for so long for the strain that best suited me and ended up giving up, thinking to myself that I must have been dreaming up the times that I'd had mind blowing smoke...Untill I found this Kali pheno! It seems to massage my brain in all the right ways, I love the idiot grin it puts on my face no matter how dull the day :smoke out:
I can see what you're saying about the russian, It really doesn't blow me away in any one area....But it seems the longer I keep smoking it, the more I enjoy it! Not the sort of stuff you would show off to you're mates, rather the stuff that comes out to be enjoyed after they have all left :joint:

I thought Simon always owned serious seeds since around 1996 or something like that? Hope they havent gone down hill, I will be devastated if I lose my Kali pheno and I couldn't get something similar from seed....Really is a magic strain for me

Sour Seed

i have to admit- ive never ran there Kali- i have ran there ak-47, WR and others-
the ak used to have a cherry pheno you could find but no more- its a week citrus strain now-
so they have changed breeders and might be under the same founder-
but i know things have changed hands somewhere along those lines with serious seeds over the years-
there are others who used the original kali to make crosses so always look there for seed stock-
you can easily find a throw back to the original kali , maybe even with a little hybrid vigor, running the crosses-

you might also want to try, satori by mandala seeds and super lemon haze from greenhouse-
these are strains that have a very euphoric feeling to them and probably a similar twist to your kali-
very stoney but uplifting and gets the mind moving.


Sounds like you have a good idea of what the Kali buzz is like, uplifting and calming at the same time. Although it kicks my ass if I go over board with it! I'd be very interested in crosses made with it from back in the day, although I'm not aware of what breeders have taken that road....

I was actually considering satori beans soon, seen soooooo many good grows pulled off with it and sounds like my cup of tea :) As luck would have it I'm actually wake'n'baking with some super lemon haze right this second, very potent, but makes me feel like I'm about to slip slip into an anxiety attack! Strangely enough though I kind of like that rushing feeling every so often, but think I'd be pretty paranoid smoking it all the time ;p

Thanks for the tips sour, a few more heart thumping cones of lemon haze and then i'll go say good morning to the ladies and tie back a few rebel branches. Might throw some pics up soon!


Cheers clearcutter! I hope to not disappoint!Just poked my head in to say a quick hello to the girls, the Kali's put on over an inch of height overnight, so I have a feeling the root systems are nicely established now.

I measure them every morning so I can get a better feel for my feed frequencies etc, and they have been growing on average 1/2 inch a day. I love this part in the grow cycle when the girls start getting some get up and go about them, I'll throw pics up soon! :)


Yeh these cuttings just seem to have an energy about them that I have never had in my grow room before, very reactive to temps and feed levels, very easy to tell when they are liking whats going on....

Although admittedly the only time I would usually get inch a day growth is in the first two weeks flower stretch, hoping the combination of the blue spectrum light, lst and vertical light will keep the stretch down this time around though. I have 8 foot ceiling to play with though and a spare 400w hps I could stack on top of the 600w, so I suppose its not really an issue.


Pics (Sorry about the quality!)

Pics (Sorry about the quality!)

Just shot of some pics before their feed, looking a little droopy due to skipping a watering to try make the roots expand. Now have roots coming out of the bottom of one of the russian's pots by about 6", they have only been in the 4 gallon pots for only about 10 days!

My EC is 1.4 at the moment and the growth tips are showing more lime green growth than what I'm used too...could just be growing fast though!

The horizontal growing in me says to pull the trigger on 12/12 right now, all girls are sitting about a foot tall even with light bending...but I'm sure better results will be had if I'm patient. Anyone with vert experience have a favourite finished height for a 600w grow?


Sorry, need to stop smoking before posting ;p

First Pic is the bigger Russian, second pic Kali mist, third pic Kali pre-flowers.

Sorry about the quality, getting a better camera soon I hope!



Thanks mate! My close friend has been growing these pheno's for over 12 years, he always pulls them a tad too early and never seems to enter 12/12 with healthy plants...so I'm playing a bit of a game with myself to see if I can out do his results and give him a wake up call.

Just done a rearrange of the plants and will drop in a 400w hps in a week to hit them with 1000w total before flowering. Want to try get some nice tight nodes, well tight for a sativa anyway ;p