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600W Ballast Core -- Availibility ??

The core on my 600W fried up about a month ago while I was out of town for a few days, and tripped the entire circuit (GFCI).. anyhow.. lost all of my genetics, barely salvaged a few plants that were 4-5 wks.

Question is..

Does anyone sell just the core itself? Ignitor and capacitor are a-okay as far as I can tell. Trying to fix this as cheaply as possible especially after losing my crop and time :(.
:whiteflag::thank you:
I'll give them a call tomorrow.. anyone else have any ideas?

It's pretty crazy.. the tape that's wrapped around the core actually ignited and caught fire in the top corner.. see something new everyday .. unfortunately :///
Thats sucks yo almost every messed up crop i hear about is somebody going on vacation....... I know it cant be avoided sometimes but DAMN IT your girls suffer

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