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600w 4x4 tent Sam the Skunkman, Romulan vertical grow

The buds have been hanging in a dark room with a temp of 70, 50 RH and a ceiling fan on low for 7 days.

The buds felt dry in the outside and the stems would partially crack when tying to snap them, they are dry so I cut them off the branches, weighed them and put them in 4 mason jars... 3.2 Ounces was the final weight... Now I will cure them for the next two weeks and open them twice a day... Earlier this week, they smelled like hay but now the jars smell like orange juice when you open them... I tried some whiskey buds and the smoke is super smooth, has little taste and had a great high... When I grow her clone I'm hoping she does better and the buds are denser with a change in nutes...
Ok, here is the tally so far

Romulan - 3.2 oz - keeping for one run
Sam - 3.5 oz - not a keeper
Duck 2 - 2.2 oz - revegging to keep
Duck 1 - 1.5 oz - revegging to keep
Shorty is still going at 12 weeks...her buds are still kicking out white hairs..her buds are huge and her branches are weak... Not a keeper....

The ducksfoot plants that I found in my mixed pack are some of the best weed I've ever smoked... Two different phenos that are both as good as my favorites... I'm loving them...
600w 4x4 tent Sam the Skunkman, Romulan vertical grow

Ok, shorty quit kicking out white hairs and they all layed down at 13 weeks so I cut her down... Something I noticed is that she has a smell very similar to duck 1... Except she's much bigger with much higher yield...

I think I'm gonna grow her clone out again with lower strength nutes and not flower as long... She's got 90% amber trichs... Her branches will need support, all of them snapped in the middle from the weight of the buds... They all kept growing except one had buds dry on the branch... I trimmed them and smoked them... Very nice weed...

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View attachment 202707


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hey johnny bro....lil busy and behind but hope your rockin and set for spring!...
and dont sweat the density and all that...first runs are for show..now we will grow some real dense herb....Just feel out what we talked on and hold back on the N come mid way...
that way closer to the end their eating all that P-K and makin denser buds...I'll be doin work on the Kahili;s myself so glad to have enjoyed it with ya so far man...keep rollin
hey FOE,

I decided to do a little change up with the Romulan, I'm gonna go organic with her this time... I know what to watch for with her, the clone is pretty yellow because I left her in the cloner too long but I'm sure her 2 foot roots will find their way around that organic soil... I'm sure that she will be better because I know what to look for on her now plus I've heard that organic tastes different...guess I will find out...

hey johnny bro....lil busy and behind but hope your rockin and set for spring!...
and dont sweat the density and all that...first runs are for show..now we will grow some real dense herb....Just feel out what we talked on and hold back on the N come mid way...
that way closer to the end their eating all that P-K and makin denser buds...I'll be doin work on the Kahili;s myself so glad to have enjoyed it with ya so far man...keep rollin
600w 4x4 tent Sam the Skunkman, Romulan vertical grow

Lesson learned with shorty... Break the main cola down for drying or it will mold inside the top quarter... Looked just like the mold you get inside alfalfa hay sometimes... I need to make a drying box with racks... And get a cheap trimmer, it took 2 hours to get her cut up and into jars...


i take the leaves of as the plant gets closer to the finish line,less to do at the end,plus added bonus of extra light getting lower down ,win, win amego
600w 4x4 tent Sam the Skunkman, Romulan vertical grow

I hear ya willy... I left the leaves on this time to dry and they looked good, smelled good... I think I'll try on of the ikea drying racks on the next harvest... And trim wet... And start taking leaves during the finish!

All the weed I grew with AN have the same aftertaste when you hit the ash... I'm looking forward to my ppks running jacks... I've got shorty and the Romulan organic now too...

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