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$60 Remote 400 Hps Ballast

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Hello everyone i had a pic of my ballast box up here i did catch a lot of flack for it cause its made out of plastic. But It does have extreme ventation and is providing excellent results. The point i was trying to make with this thread is buying all kinds of expensive equipment does not make you a good grower.
Most ballasts have either extensive aluminum heat-sinked cases or louvered / vented cases to aid in the dissipation of heat. In my experience, a 400w transformer based ballast can get quite toasty without some airflow. Do you anticipate any issues in a sealed plastic box?
Way to work on a budget man



Is this for real?

Let me tell you, magnetic coil ballasts get SUPER FUCKING HOT, that thing will be a melted fire ball in no time.

I hope you have a fire extinguisher handy :biglaugh: :hotbounce


Active member
yeah i never set my ballasts on anything, they're either hanging or sittin on a couple metal brackets to get dissipate the heat. Other wise, looks good!

- SubN


just do it
i put a 40 watt lightbulb in a glass jar inside a rubbermaid to add some heat for some seeds to germ, the light bulb cracked the jar, melted thru the rubbermaid, thru linoleum, and had my subfloor smoldering, if i had to guess, that ballast will get a lot hotter than a 40w bulb,learn from my mistakes, dont burn down the ghetto


Listen guys its got a giant fan that runs directly over it imma post a pic of my plants of my 100% organic recycled grow and you can guys can laugh when i pull of half p off it.
Listen guys its got a giant fan that runs directly over it imma post a pic of my plants off my 100% recycled grow and you can guys can laugh when i pull of half p off it.

Everyone whos posted in this thread was remarking on an apparent safety hazard. No one has said anything about you or your plants. Why are you so defensive?

One love

Cheers man


Well you and your friend both agreed i have an appropriate name and laughed about it to me that is kind of an insult. Theres nothing funny about growing to me. Its actually the thing that i take more serious than anything else in my life. That ballast is off the bottom of that box and there is 300 cfm of air blowing directly on top of it and a small pc fan extracing air from the case.Its going to have to get close to 300 degress to melt that hard plastic and theres no way its even going to get close to that.Everyone jumped on me before i even got to tell more about it. I operate on a less then zero budget man sh*t happens. Ive never started a fire or came even close in 8 years so i dont think its gonna happen now. My total budget into this is no more then $200 (including electricity). Im not trying to be a dick to anybody just a couple of you kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I was an original og member and have been around ic since the beggining i just change it up all the time because like half of the other people on here, im completly paranoid. So no disrespect to anybody in my thread. You can be safe and ghetto too. Trust me on that.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
can you give us a ballpark location of this grow? east/west coast? state?

i wanna read the newspaper article down the road after your house burns to the ground from your lunchbox setup.

not being a hater, but your ignorance and self pride will be your downfall.

fire needs 3 things to live:
1. heat = ballast
2. fuel = plastic box
3. O2= it's everywhere and your speeding up the process with that fan

this will be an epic tragedy


can you give us a ballpark location of this grow? east/west coast? state?

i wanna read the newspaper article down the road after your house burns to the ground from your lunchbox setup.

not being a hater, but your ignorance and self pride will be your downfall.

fire needs 3 things to live:
1. heat = ballast
2. fuel = plastic box
3. O2= it's everywhere and your speeding up the process with that fan

this will be an epic tragedy

First off I'm not ignorant but i do have a ton of self pride.I guess according to your statement. A fire could start anywhere at anytime. Being those conditions exist everywhere in the known world. I would love to see an 85 degree box burst into flames. Why dont you explain to me how the chemical makeup of my toolbox is going to change to ignite and catch fire at 85 degrees F. Look at how old those plants are That ballast hasnt got warm to the touch yet. Maybe thats why my plants are growing so good because of the irradiation glow off my flaming ballast box. The only time im worried about starting a fire is when i pass out from smoking to many blunts. Dont worry i will keep all of you posted.


I just dont understand why anyone would willingly take the risk of fire when a 12x12 metal junction box can be bought at home depot for like 15 bucks.


This thread should be binned so newbs dont see this and think its a good idea.

And a half P from 6 soda bottles :biglaugh:


I would love to buy a box like that but if you understood what part of the world im at right now, The conditions im in, and whats available to me at this moment, its impossible. Im working with what i got right now so i can put my self in a place where i can get nice stuff again Trust me before this everythong was taken from me. I started back out without a roof over my head this is all i can do and all i know how to do. I know it looks ghetto. But I assure everyone. There is a pc fan constantly extracting air out of that box. and a squirell cage fan with its outlet pointed directly over the top. I dont run it sealed. I never said to anyone hey everybody build this box. No a newbie should not mess around with anything like that. I know about electricity and know about heat. Im not burning anything down. Ull see man ill guarantee at least a half p from 8 Count em 8. 2 liter soda bottles and one is a 1.75 of lord calvert canadian whiskey bottle. It doesnt matter what kind of containter your growing in as long as its the proper size and you transplant at the right time. I know my strains and i got em dialed in. Save this post man cause im will make you eat ur words on it.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
i can assure you that the ballast gets way hotter than 85 degrees.
unless your talking Celcius.
a 400w ballast at full temp will take your fingerprints right of your tips.

i will get my thermal gun this week and aim it at my 400w ballast to show you it heats up a couple hundred degrees.
well above the melting points of plastic.
even if you had bought the best poly plastic around, it would still melt at those temps.

we would all appreciate it if you put a *Disclaimer* in your thread title to make sure nobody else follows this thread.
if not, this thread will be missing in under 24 hours.
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