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60 Minutes' first report on marijuana


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60 Minutes' first report on marijuana
In 1970, 60 Minutes reported on the illegal pot harvest in Kansas. Today, the great pot experiment is a story that's still playing out on the broadcast

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook reports on the impact of marijuana legalization on a community in Colorado. He visits the largest recreational cultivation facility in the country —36 acres of plants that are each tagged and tracked, from seed to sale.

It’s quite a difference from the first time 60 Minutes showed viewers marijuana harvesting.
It was 1970, and correspondent Mike Wallace took viewers to Kansas, “quite literally Middle America,” he says in the clip above. There, he found 63,000 acres of the plant, growing like a weed, appropriately enough.
Wallace’s story focused on the illegal harvesting of thousands of pounds—and millions of dollars worth—of wild marijuana in Kansas. As he noted in the report, the plant has grown wild in the Midwest for centuries.

Settlers grew it as a cash crop for the rope and rug industries, and Mexican laborers who smoked it cast aside leftover seeds, which then grew in the wild. During World War II, when a large percentage of the world’s hemp plants were behind enemy lines, the U.S. government arranged for hemp to be planted throughout Kansas. Marijuana seeds were spread easily by wind and birds, and the plant thrived.
Because it was illegal in all 50 states, harvesting was done in the cover of night, much like Prohibition-era practices. Wallace followed a few harvesters, a group of young people called the River City Outlaws, who made comfortable – if illegal – incomes from the wild marijuana crop.

Wallace spoke with several River City Outlaws, whose faces and identities were kept hidden by the broadcast. One man told him that, since his hair is “too shaggy to be a shoe clerk,” he turned to hemp harvesting. “Marijuana harvesting is a major means of support in this town, and it tends to support the entire lifestyle of our whole culture here, which is essentially a grass, acid, and beer culture,” he told Wallace.
At the time, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation was the chief law enforcement agency dealing with the state’s marijuana problem. The head of the bureau, Harold Nye, told Wallace that only one agent was assigned to combat illegal harvesting full-time. That’s 63,000 acres of marijuana, and one agent to fight it. From January to November 1970, the bureau confiscated 8,600 pounds of marijuana, then worth $2,750,000.

Certainly, society has a part to play in this, in the growing of marijuana, and law enforcement,” Nye said. “So I think it’s really the whole society has the problem on their hands.”
Those words still ring true today as 60 Minutes returns to the marijuana story three decades later with a dispatch from Colorado, where the great pot debate is still playing out. The broadcast paid a visit to Colorado governor John Hickenlooper in this week’s story to hear about the pros and cons of legalization. There’s one thing he’s sure of-- the status quo wasn’t working.

“No one can argue the old system wasn’t a disaster,” Hickenlooper says. “We had an old system where the kids had open access to marijuana and everything was black market. There was no regulation; there was all illegal activity. We were creating whole generations of kids that were growing up thinking that to break the law and make money selling drugs was perfectly fine. That’s what we’re trying to fight against.”

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Well-known member
and all this time i thought we were fighting to be free in our personal lives from excessive govt interference & the ruining of lives by imposing jail sentences/criminal records on people that are causing society no harm. i guess Hickenlooper STILL does not really "get it"...


Well-known member
Cannabis Industry Leaders Respond To 60 Minutes Report On Colorado Legal Marijuana Industry

Nation’s premier cannabis industry consulting group takes issue with “The Pot Vote,” for its biased presentation with opinions masquerading as facts

DENVER, Nov. 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- DCG ( www.denverconsultinggroup.com), the nation's leading cannabis industry consultancy, responded to the recent report titled, "The Pot Vote," which aired on the CBS News program, 60 Minutes, and focused on the town of Pueblo, Colorado.

Denver Consulting Group, which has an executive team comprised of some of the biggest names in the legal marijuana industry, took issue with the information presented in the report, which they say was biased and unsubstantiated.

The 6o Minutes correspondent was Dr. Jonathan LaPook, who is also known for developing a medical management software package that he sold in 1999 to a company later acquired by the owners of WebMD. He interviewed Dr. Steven Simerville, a pediatrician at Saint Mary Corwin Medical Center in Pueblo, who supports a ballot initiative to ban recreational cannabis because he says he's noticed more babies being born with THC in their system.

60 Minutes gave just passing mention that Dr. Simerville's observations were anecdotal, not scientific, but proceeded anyway to state, "In the first nine months of this year, 27 babies born at this hospital tested positive for THC. That's on track to be about 15 percent higher than last year."

"Perhaps illicit drug use is the bigger issue here," Justin Jones, Co-Founder of DCG commented. "Since drug use is often attributed to economic hardship, it should be noted that the legal cannabis industry has created 1,300 new jobs and more than 60 new businesses in Pueblo," he said. "A more important story would be on the town's opioid addiction, which legal cannabis can also help solve."

60 Minutes also stated, "Research suggests babies exposed to marijuana in utero may develop verbal, memory and behavioral problems during early childhood," although no specific studies were attributed.

The report failed to mention that numerous studies conclude that the active compounds in cannabis are actually neuroprotective. The National Institute of Health published a research study that stated, "Cannabidiol, THC and other cannabinoids are potent antioxidants. Cannabidiol was superior to both alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) and ascorbate (Vitamin C) in (neuro) protective capacity."

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Active member
The comments all govt and social/media present is like they in the blind for safety? Well even if it cannabis was as bad as the prescriptions and booz they promote. Why should any person on this earth have the right to tell me I can-not grow my own and consume it ( like any plant/herb )

Point is they state it's for the sack of wanting to know more about cannabis is for the wholesome safety of all of us and were have no choice to consume even if it's "bad"( when they put it on Schedule 1 so no lab/college can). Look at the common american's groceries or drinks(Pure poison and should be banned since they have all logical proof it's inhuman consumable a lot of it and has not been tested long enough to even know what will happen to next gen or all of us in up-comming years, When cannabis is cemented as undebatable for removable on Schedule 1? sounds like pure BS and drug corp wish they could own it lol)? The super-cop BS & war on drugs makes this world only money for the govt on the prohibition side. it's such a stupid based mortality & asks for people to force themselves on worse drugs or not be able to enjoy their life on their own choices.
