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6/9 - H3ad/Rez/Modified Lucas with t-5


Active member
Yeah, the clawing was with one strain, I got her dialed. But yeah, basically every other day right before I feed I run RO water (not ph'd) just to get the medium uniformly moist and run out any accumulated nutes.. Then after they are done dripping, I run the nutes through them.. So far they love it alot better than letting them dry in between watering.. And they cant build up to many nutrients as they are given a little flush before each feeding..

Coco, and other organic matter absorb cations, whereas hydroton doesnt.. Meaning that adding water would release the nutrients built up in the medium.. Thats why we feed lower typically with coco..


The Dude
Really i cant say i have a certian schedule as i feed as they get hungry an back off when they dont need. Usually feed 6/9, then water an cal/mg, then 6/9, then water/molasses, then 6/9 ect.... it can vary though like i said.


Few problems you're doing. Too much run off for starters. Don't Chase your tail checking run off. To me in my experience the 6/9 only works good when you allow excess nutes/cec whatever you wanna call it build up in the medium. I get maybe 1-2 cups of run off max on a two gallon container. If that much. Secondly don't bother with the Epsom in veg with t5 will cause more harm than good usually. Thirdly I have a handful of strains that simply will not tolerate 6/9 in veg and even less plants that can't bloom on it well. If these tips don't work go buy some flora grow. 7ml micro 5 ML grow 5ML bloom 3ML cal mag per gallon in that order. With that food you must water like you do now a lot of run off every third or other feeding. Never had one strain not like it and trust me I run 40-60 at all times. Switch back to 6/9 about 15 days into bloom and you're set.

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