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58 pounds a Day!


Growing marijuana outdoors is simple in California. The anticipated legalization of marijuana - Prop 19 on the November ballot - is already being greeted with proposals for pot factory farms. Now small growers cry foul; but what did they think would happen?

It Started with Medical Marijuana

Getting legal Mary Jane is nothing new in the Golden State. The "American Medical Marijuana Association" devotes itself to protecting patients' rights and access to prescribed dope. They also work to protect patients who choose to smoke medically sanctioned weed from far-reaching consequences. A case in point is the recent news that smoking medical marijuana led to the firing of a Wal-Mart employee.

Then Came a Push for the Blanket Legalization of Marijuana

Championed in 2009 by San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano, the idea never really went away. As a result, California voters have the option of voting for the legalization of marijuana on the November ballot in the form of Proposition 19. Perfectly summarized by AOL News, Prop 19 proposes to make the private possession of weed (up to one ounce) legal for adults over 21 years of age. It would also turn dope into a taxable crop.

Enter the Pot Factory Farm

A savvy Oakland business entrepreneur is getting ready ahead of the anticipated legalization of marijuana. Seeking to carve out a sizable niche of the market, the L.A. Times reports that the owner of the already incorporated AgraMed proposes to take Mary Jane production into the big leagues.

The entrepreneur has outlined plans to "manufacture growing equipment, bake marijuana edibles in a 10,000-square-foot kitchen and use two football fields of space to grow about 58 pounds of marijuana every day." The irresistible hook in this scenario is the influx of ready cash and jobs: 371 workers would staff the plant, and a projected $1.5 million in annual tax payments would make it into Oakland's coffers.

Small Time Dope Growers are Outraged

Although in the past the electorate was sold on the idea of medical marijuana as a doctor-patient decision and on the mushrooming number of small-time dispensaries in Los Angeles as necessary for the good of needy patients, these same marijuana activists are now crying foul. It appears that it is no longer really just about the patient and ready availability of the drug, but also about cold, hard cash.

With pot factory farming likely to do to smalltime growers what Costco and Wal-Mart have done to mom-and-pop grocery stores and Ace Hardware, detractors - as outlined in the New York Times - ask why this proposal should be considered in the first place. Small grower representatives are asking to "bring these citizen farmers out of the shadows and into the light and give them a role in this new industry."

It is true that the mom-and-pop medical marijuana growers are the backbone of the legalization effort. It is also true that growing marijuana outdoors is a simple task in California, with little need for pot factory farming.

All that said, the activists who worked so tirelessly on the legalization of marijuana may have overlooked just one tiny fact surrounding the purple haze: Once dope becomes legal, it also becomes big business.



One has to ask: What precludes big business from hiring existing experts in the industry as grow managers, consultants, regional sales reps, etc? :wave:


Existing experts come at a high price, and big businesses don't like incurring expenses, because they cut into profit margins.

What? It's true!


Trying to have a good day
Well if they have found a way to grow 58 pounds a day we need them to do a grow log for us....lols


You all were not fooled by prop 19 being about legalization were you???? LOL... the more and more we dig the more the truth comes out. Taxation baby not legalization!

Gert Lush

Active member
You all were not fooled by prop 19 being about legalization were you???? LOL... the more and more we dig the more the truth comes out. Taxation baby not legalization!
There is NO taxation on personal growers, nada, zilch, not even something like an annual license fee. Now if a few big growers that plan to flood the market with crappy 2nd rate weed get taxed... well, boo-hoo-hoo.

Frankly, I think they may be in for a big shock anyway. Demand might not be quite as mad as they hoped when there's a pot plant on everyone's windowsill.

Gert Lush

Active member
This is a great reason to vote no on prop 19 ... I'd rather see these large operators get nipped in the bud.
Upside-down thinking, my friend.
Want to see the large operators inconvenienced?
Then allow everyone to grow their own.

Oh yes, and don't tax personal growers, only the large operators.
Isn't that what you want?
IOW you want Prop 19.
Or you may prefer shooting yourself in the foot by voting against it.

The thing is that the big growers KNOW that Prop 19 will hurt them, since it will allow the common man an advantage over them, that's why you've been seeing so much misinformation being spread. A lot of it paid for, I'd bet!


I realize I don't live in CA, but I don't see what the big deal is about big corporations coming in. Ultimately, they will be growing commercial bud. It will be chemically grown, probably poorly flushed, crappily manicured, that sort of thing. So, they will only be appealing to a certain market. The rest of the consumers... the ones who care about quality, about organic, about good vibes, about harmony... will continue to seek out the good stuff, which will ONLY be grown by individuals, or collectives, and will still be plentifully available, if not moreso.

I guess the part I'm having trouble understanding is how corporations and their mid-grade commercial pot they will be selling will affect people who want quality? I shop at my local farmers market, which is very popular around here among people who care about eating healthy, non-GMO food, and never once have I ever heard of anyone from this crowd (farmers or consumers) getting pissed off at the new Wal Mart going up across town... or the local Whole Foods store having a sale on mass-produced edamame or anything like that.

Why? Because people in the know... i.e., the people who have been shopping at this farmers market their entire lives... are not interested in the lesser-quality, mass-produced, non-local food that these places sell. It's that simple. There's room for everyone in this world, it would seem.

But one thing is for sure, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see this: the BEST way to stick it to the large, corporate type pot growers is simply to grow yourself, teach everyone around you to grow, and not support the Wal Mart type dispensaries.

Rant over. (I care about this subject because whatever happens in Cali will set an example for things to come to other states, so this is a HUGE deal that affects not only you cali residents but the rest of the world too!)


The cat that loves cannabis
Even with two football fields to grow in, I'm having a hard time believing that this guy can produce 58 pounds a day.
In fact I'm calling bullshit on that claim.


Overkill is under-rated.
Just for giggles I drew up plans for what an industrial pot operation would look like.

Fenced in compound, consisting of about a dozen large warehouses.

1 for moms/clones
2 for vegging
4 for flowering
1 for trimming/drying/curing
1 for packaging/shipping

If needed, double the numbers above. Hell, I'd want half the warehouses to be the auto-darkening greenhouses so 3/4 of the year I could save on power. You could grow a ton per day if you wanted, but I wouldn't want to be there when the DEA shows up. I think it's just a matter of time before they do.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Honostly i do believe more then likely weed will become like Beer is now today... There will be the Budweiser and what ever crap ass beer for cheap to the mass's....

Then we will have little microbrewerys that will have that FIRE and itll me more about finding that certain clone no one else has rather then the clones going around now...

I could be wrong but whos knows... thats how i hope it is...


The cat that loves cannabis
You could grow a ton per day if you wanted, but I wouldn't want to be there when the DEA shows up. I think it's just a matter of time before they do.
How? 2000 pounds a day? lets say you were growing plants that produced 4 pounds each, you would still need to harvest 500 of them each day, and lets say your strain takes 70 days to flower, that means you would have to have 35'000 plants in flower at all times to harvest 500 of them each day.
Unless my math is wrong.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh it would probably be WAY more plants than that, vegged 30 days I'd be looking for 3-4oz per plant, so yeah a metric SHITLOAD of plants. It would take a lot of room, moms, clones, and workers, but ANY scale is possible. If you had 5 Samurai trimmers, and 40 people who trimmed all day in 8 hour shifts (running 24X7) you could trim anything.

God, imagine the amount of hash/oil you could make out of one days trimmings!


man I remember when this shit use to be just as illegal as crack! I wonder if they should start legalizing cocaine since it helps numb me up before I go to the dentist and helps keep me up so I could go to work in the morning:woohoo: I’m going to start a new coalition to tax coke! Who’s with me!! wait has this happened all ready:chin:

i wonder if there going to have to walk threw some kind of contraption that could detect if you've been pinching a few zips off the crop I could just imagin what that would be like.


2 football feilds, is roughtly 100,000sqft, or 6,250 4x4 squares. so lets say they get a realistic 1.5#per light at 9,375lbs every harvest divided by 60days is 156.35lbs a day in theory. Im sure they wont have 6,250-1000w lights but 156 is alot more than 60lbs so its very doable. shit imagen what you could do with a couple million buckets and a bunch of lesbo ex-crack head city offical riding your limp cock baredick.

I hope the government slaps an edmission tax on these mother fucker( right before they raid them) that breaks them right before they arrest these blood suckers.


May your race always be in your favor
It's all about the money. If a mega farm sends 1.5 mil to the tax coffers of Oakland, do the small growers or collective pay any tax? I think if, and it's a big if, that mj becomes legal The big money men mega farms are going to want a monopoly on growing. So I can see where it will be legal to posses and smoke but not grow, because the money guys don't want any comPOTition. So money lobbying the governmet in Sacramento will get small or home growers out lawed like in the Netherlands. ALSO THE U.S AND MOST OF THE REST OF THE UNITED NATIONS MEMBERS HAVE PASSED LAWS WORLD WIDE OUTLAWING LEGALIZATION, GOOGLE IT!!! its all about the money, money, money. Plus are the feds going to allow this, Hell their still busting medical users after Obama said it wasn't going to happen. My rant is over.:smoweed:

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