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53 days of 12/12, what do think ,I have to cut them off?

Hey you, 53 days have passed since I have switched to the 12/12 cycle, I began to gather after 3-4 days because some plants have started to brown hairs, and those containing only white will leave them more. What you thinking of them gather there or to wait for more. I think I suffer from something also, here are some pictures from today. Thank you, please help.


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Let them go another 2 or 3 weeks..that is what I would do judging by the photo's.
dont judge by the pistols changing colour pal you need to get a 30x or more scope and check your trichs your plants still have weeks to grow by the look of them


Active member
Most/all of the pistils will turn brown BEFORE the plant is ready. After this, watch for the calyxes (seed pods) to swell up. By this the time they are swollen all of the big fan leaves should have yellowed and dropped off. The final thing to watch for is the entire plant will begin to take on an amber/brown tint; this is from the trichomes turning amber, but you don't need a scope to see it because it will affect the whole plant. When you see this it's time to harvest.


go to radioshack.com type microscope. illuminated microscope about $13.00. perfect for trich checking. there are several other brands similarly cheap.


New member
doesn't look like many of the pistils have turned yet. definitely spend the few bucks on the pocket microscope from radioshack. when i got mine i spent like 20 mins just looking at different areas on the plant because it looked cool.

anyway, don't cut yourself short now. you've waited this long. a few more weeks won't hurt you.

the time of harvest will also depend on what type of high you're looking to get. as the trichs mature they give different types of highs. get the microscope and do alittle searching and you'll see what i'm talking about. i no longer have the link but, there's a page out there telling you the different types of highs as your trichs mature. i'm sure someone will chime in on this.


Active member
Rule of thumb is whenever they look ready go another week. If they look better than a week before that, go another week.

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