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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Game Bred
Could you point to a Conspiracy Theory in the article I posted?

If not, stfu douche. :moon:

of course i could have been referring to the alex jones info wars post but you got all defensive because you know your "police state" is complete horseshit.

have you ever been to the gulf states?


St. Elsewhere
of course i could have been referring to the alex jones info wars post but you got all defensive because you know your "police state" is complete horseshit.

have you ever been to the gulf states?

My Police State? I only used the words. If you weren't referring to my post then I apologize for the misunderstanding.

And yes, I've been to Florida about half a dozen times, why do you ask?

pine boy

I really dont know what to believe anymore.Infowars will put some crazy shit in your head and as atrotious as this all seems,I cant doubt the crazyness.
I need to tune out or I'll be doomed anyway.
Blessings Y'all


Game Bred
My Police State? I only used the words. If you weren't referring to my post then I apologize for the misunderstanding.

And yes, I've been to Florida about half a dozen times, why do you ask?
because if you understood the people in the area of florida that is effected you would know...we don't do police states.


St. Elsewhere
because if you understood the people in the area of florida that is effected you would know...we don't do police states.

All I'm saying is that BP is buying off Sheriffs in the region, blocking media access, and now felony charges are possible for getting too close without permission.. That paints a pretty grim picture.

Whether or not that constitutes a "Police State" in the traditional sense of the phrase, I guess that's debatable.

Do you guys think an evacuation will be necessary? (Aside from the sheer infeasibility of such a thing..)


Game Bred
All I'm saying is that BP is buying off Sheriffs in the region, blocking media access, now felony charges are possible for getting to close without permission.. Paints a pretty grim picture.

and all im saying is thats complete bullshit...

the story you quoted sources two uncorroborated "journalists" with absolutely zero evidence of an incident and calls it a police state?

any citizen can take their camera and film as much of this atrocity as they please. dont believe me? pm me ill give you my facebook and you can watch a video of my 68 year old mother who grew up on pensacola beach walking up to the chevron refinery at the mouth of the pascagoula river (the largest BP staging area in mississippi) with a vid camera and filming the goings on for hours. then you can watch her crumple to the ground sobbing when she saw the oil on the sand for the first time.
what im getting at is this is hard enough without bullshit.
the people are freaking out!!!
my wifes aunt got caught up in some methane bubble traped under the oil bullshit that was floating arround.
i remember after katrina (that is when i left the coast for a med state) there was all the fema camp and blown levees bullshit and it did not help.


St. Elsewhere
what im getting at is this is hard enough without bullshit.
the people are freaking out!!!

i remember after katrina (that is when i left the coast for a med state) there was all the fema camp and blown levees bullshit and it did not help.

That I can understand.


Active member
ICMag Donor
then you can watch her crumple to the ground sobbing when she saw the oil on the sand for the first time.
Much of the oil that has been found in Florida is not from this incident. It happens all the time it just hasn't been in the spotlight, so any tar ball is going to draw attention.

But to crumple to the ground in anguish...please...
Had she not lived around the ocean long?
Much of the oil that has been found in Florida is not from this incident. It happens all the time it just hasn't been in the spotlight, so any tar ball is going to draw attention.

But to crumple to the ground in anguish...please...
Had she not lived around the ocean long?

Lol are you seriously that ignorant? You've never seen someone love the earth so muchh that it actually bothered them to see it harmed? I have seen a few borderline people...and I've seen a couple people who DEFINITELY had a bigger connection with the lovely lady mother earth. Some people spend their whole lives trying to keep this planet beautiful and healthy (where they can) and to see the part of that land mass that they LIVE being destroyed must KILL them.

Did you not see that video posted last night about the guy watching the "double-complete rainbow" I am pretty sure if a hippy can double orgasm in between crying bouts over the sheer beauty he sees in a rainbow...That an innocent old woman who wants to see her world stay as beautiful as it was when she was a child could be so upset that she may drop to her knees when she sees millions upon millions of gallons of oil spilling around.


Game Bred
Much of the oil that has been found in Florida is not from this incident. It happens all the time it just hasn't been in the spotlight, so any tar ball is going to draw attention.

But to crumple to the ground in anguish...please...
Had she not lived around the ocean long?


there was a tar factory in pensacola bay we are used to tarballs.

when a woman sees the beach where she raised 5 children and seven grandchildren...where her husbands ashes are spread...where she was married
covered in slicks of oil 2 feet deep yes she cried..yes she crumpled

and no she has never lived near the "ocean" we laugh at tourists who call the gulf the ocean.

she has lived on the gulf her entire life as did her mother before her and so on for a hundred generations.

i would tell you to fuck off and call you an ignorant piece of human offal...
but ignorance is rampant in this day and age and its probably your parents fault for raising you wrong...so ill just pitty you and wish it could have better for you.

and btw
"most of the oil washing up in florida is not from this incident"

please do explain what stinking hole you squeezed this nugget of brilliance out of?

ive been around the gulf a loooooooong time and never seen a 2' deep slick at casino beach.


there is a link to a white house document that was going around yesterday, but is now not working today(alexander higgins blog)

It reports that the oil reserve pressure is at an astonishing 12,000psi , WOW, does this mean the whole 50million barrel well is at 12,000psi?. If it is ,then I dont see this thing being stopped
I think they drilled through the bottom floor of the oil well and tapped into some very very high pressure.....as much as 100,000psi...if this is what is pressurizing the well , we could be really fucked ,
who could have imagined that a 20 inch hole could destroy the world


reminds me of a documentry i seen about people drilling for gas at the
bottom of a lake in America in the 70,s i think.
they drilled down into a salt mine and with a hole 4inch wide it sucked the whole lake
drilling rig and ferrys all down into it,all the boats and things started popping up days later.


I saw physicist Dr. Michio Kaku estimate 12,000psi on the toob. A frickin' 12,000psi sand blaster.

I guess my next question is ; is that 12,000psi stable or is that number rising ? is the pressure still increasing in the well?

soooo many questions NOT being asked by MSM


weed fiend
Probably because it's rocket science. If somebody knew what was happening, the rest of us would get a perspective. We know some of the factors, we just don't know how they'll behave a mile below the gulf.

arcticsun is right, they don't know what they're doing. The media isn't helping the rest of us understand what's happening more than glimpses of oily water, animals and shoreline...things that can't be hidden.
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