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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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So: Just one bump here to point out the Story is on video at DemocracyNow.org June 9th show.

This spill looks like it will make it around Florida and move up the Atlantic. Just how far is the question now.
There is no question that BP is lying through their teeth every step of the way thus far. Frankly, even if they started telling the truth at some point, I doubt anyone would believe them.

The more the stock goes down. The more lies and deceit will be pumped out of their media machine.


Active member
yo disco , been a while lol. hope all is well,

speaking of wells, in this case oil. it can be found that we are kept in the stone age as far as technology for energy, medicine and global well being.

free anergy(or close to) can be harvested from the sun, the waves, the wind, ions in the air and heat in the earth(geothermal) and one of the easiest is magnetic. i really hope the crisis precipitates a real awakening to how dumbed down we really are, and how abusive it keeps us to ourselves, others and the earth especially.

has anyone realized that every single thing we do almost (99%) of the time, is detrimental to our whole ecosystems health. think about it. everything invovles some sort of combustion, fusion or chemical reaction. where does all that shit go? we breathe and eat all that shit, so does our water , trees and everything.

this is disaster capitalism at its finest, and who loses the most, first the earthlings (animals, sea and air, land). what do we do without those things, buy a new earth haha. people gotta research the rothschilds, rockerfellers and nwo and disaster capitalism. as one or a whole. dont let them tell us how to think, how to act and how to bow.

we are humans, free your minds, invent positive helping things. start rebelling against your artificial behavior learned in kindergarten. know yourselves, make a bid for your personal power. free teslas free technology . do your part to change how you live in any way.

these elitists think they own you. do they, or dont they? rise up, america was built on people fighting for their rights, nort big macs and escalades and bling. do your bests, be yourselves, artificial reality is coming to a close, do what you want with respect and dignity and integrity, peace, d


Thank you.

This is truly messed up. I was watching the news video and I understand from the news tonight that Halliburton has been sold.
Halliburton is the one responsible for putting in the Cement foundation and the highly controversial "second Tap" or a production tap on what should have been an exploratory only base.

If I have the information correct, and i am recalling what I heard on the news tonight, The owner of Halliburton has sold it because he isn't happy with the way the company has grown?
I hope I got that right. I see the video is not available atm..

So pardon me if I have that bit wrong.

I have been watching and I assume that it is true that BP was pushing their workers to cut corners and bypass safety.

It looks like they new the safety valve at the ocean floor that should have stopped the flow didn't work and still pushed on forcing their employees to take risks to save money.

You know I can easy say Down with BP because I dislike international corporations but this "oil spill" is way beyond the normal protest stuff. This is way off the chart corporate greed and disregard for the well being of the whole planet.

Speaking of Tony Hayward, BP's Main guy. He is on video saying he wanted this to be over because it was messing with his life and he wanted to get back to his life..
Then we see the sincere videos on CNN where this is the most important thing to him.
Yet BP refuses to allow workers to ware respirators let alone provide them for their workers because that would be proof that vapours are dangerous and a respiratory disaster means a different kind of clean-up and financial responsibility.

Isn't it time we slay this monster and do the right kind of clean up?

Shouldn't the Earth be more important here than money?

I have that video up now and if I am wrong on the sale of Halliburton..

Thanks everyone.. This is beyond my personal politics and it is a disaster that effects all of our lives.


My bad.. It's Blackwater that is for sale.. Aren't they the same or are they related?


Not the same and not related...

Okay.. I didn't know. It's easy to get these high profile corporations that are in the news so often "linked" in some way in one's memory.

It's sinking in for me exactly how much oil has gushed and how much could gush in the coming months.

The gentleman interviewed tonight on Democracy now ( jun 9 ) was explaining how we need to watch the flow 24/7 to understand how much is flowing in one day because this hole in the ocean floor isn't a steady flow. It can Speed Gush now and again as it starts to open up the depths of the oil deposit I gathered.

Seems the structure of the ocean floor could change because of the escaping oil.

So I am a bit shaken thinking this could be beyond imagination in damage to the ocean.

Anyway thanks for the correction. I'm worried.



There is no question that BP is lying through their teeth every step of the way thus far. Frankly, even if they started telling the truth at some point, I doubt anyone would believe them.

The more the stock goes down. The more lies and deceit will be pumped out of their media machine.

I just thought to think of it as dominoes. Economic dominoes.

The idea of any more Economic dominoes falling in the USA is a horrid thought.

There is to be twin relief wells drilled I believe. One more than BP was suggesting I understand.

I have to agree with you that BP isn't being as truthful as they should.
My suggestion to BP is get on their Knees and beg for us to forgive them. "They have screwed the pooch this time."

I listened to the news last week and I think they are only liable for $75 million in damages.
Is that true?
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Active member
Are you guys kidding...BP is full of shit...

They'll never pay for all the cleanup that will be needed. A hundred miles of gulf coast will have to be REPLACED...all the sand. You know what that's going to cost?

We haven't had a REAL oil slick come ashore yet...when it does, when an oil slick that's 10 miles long as just as wide shows up and starts to move on-shore, it's going to be a nightmare. We'll see what we're really in for when that first really big area of oil hits shore. That will give us a good idea of what the rest of the cleanup will be like.

It's not going to destroy the oceans...they're REALLY big. It may destroy parts of the gulf and parts of the coast. Imagine Panama City to New Orleans having an oil soaked and unusable coastline. Imagine a smelly, stinky, dead zone along hundreds of miles of coast. That much oil can't just be "cleaned up". It's going to have to be removed...dug up...but what do you do with it?

I fear this could be a HUGE disaster that we've just begun to realize the importance and magnitude of.

BP won't pay for this...taxpayers will. Add ANOTHER trillion to the federal debt to cover this cleanup...because that's what it's going to cost. It's a good opportunity to make some money...form a cleanup company (I want a cut for the idea).

If a hurricane happens to move through the spill area...watch out! It will take that oil and push it a mile in from the coast. You want to see a mess...that will be it.

Amos Moses

This is the largest ecological disaster the world has ever witnessed.....and it's only beginning. Give it another six months.

It will be decades before this region will recover. Nancy Pelosi said she was going to "save the planet". She, along with Obama, Al Gore, Rahm, Bill Clinton and their greedy team of idiots are destroying it.....in so many ways.

Yes, it is now time to forget political indoctrination and open your eyes, your ears and your mind. We've been lied to and manipulated for far too long! Unchain yourselves from the fantasy world of media, politics and the propaganda machine we call government.

It's now time to question everything you are exposed to. It's time we all stop being the puppet slaves of the marriage of media, business and politics.

The people need to clearly see what is happening and bring an end to this bullshit once and for all!

Please watch and understand the power players involved in this oil fiasco and follow the money trail. Keep an open mind and throw away the chains of politics and devisiveness.

Join with your fellow human beings with one voice and together we can cleanse our world of the corruption, greed and disinformation that is threatening our future.

We all need to know the truth.

Amos :wave:


Andinismo Hierbatero
If a hurricane happens to move through the spill area...watch out! It will take that oil and push it a mile in from the coast. You want to see a mess...that will be it.

that would be insane... strong fast winds carrying oil and smacking it against everything a few miles from the coast... maybe even more.

sad, just sad...


I see the thread on BP lying has been merged with this one so pardon everyone for the tack on.

That is an interesting article and reflects the news show Democracy Now and how it covered the topics.

I noticed the change in President Obama as this was unfolding and I noticed with the news conferences President Obama made that he recognized BP was not telling all the truth they needed to.

The news show I watch has covered the local people and their point of view which isn't represented in the BP version of things.

So someone will have to reckon with the community. A community that was hard pressed to make those loan payments on the rebuilding of their businesses and communities from the devastating hurricane Katrina.

It is true that officially the President is responsible for the welfare of the Nation. This has happened on his watch.

DiscoBiscuit, I was watching and if I understand things correctly this will take 20 years to get all the legal work finished. Folks impacted by this may have to wait that long to see compensation for BP's "oil spill." I'm guessing the real crime is the re-destruction of that area. I hope these folks do make it. Many have invested in the marine harvests which have been wiped out this year and possibly many years into the future.

I understand BP is offering $5000 cash now if folks will sign off of any future claims.
I also understand they are terminating anyone who talks to the press about what is going on.

Is this the right thing here? Secrets and cash buy-outs?


New member
Halliburton moved their main

Halliburton moved their main

headquarters to Dubai
they still have an office in Houston to avoid all those pesky requirements for being a (totally)foreign company
Yaknow...government contracts are harder to get for totally foreign companies.


headquarters to Dubai
they still have an office in Houston to avoid all those pesky requirements for being a (totally)foreign company
Yaknow...government contracts are harder to get for totally foreign companies.

Hey Zinger.. How long do you think it will take folks to stop listening to the news on the oil spill? I'm watching to see how long folks' attention span is.


New member
American Alzheimers at work

American Alzheimers at work

not long IMHO
We have been conditioned to the Hilton Effect
The Clinton Effect..the Foley/Sanford/Craig Effect

Connect the dots
Abhramoff-Mariannas..slave labor..Prostitution..Dubai..
"Indian" Casinos..Payoffs.payoffs


weed fiend
Hey Zinger.. How long do you think it will take folks to stop listening to the news on the oil spill? I'm watching to see how long folks' attention span is.

It's gonna be hard to ignore if the slick that's headed for Pensacola hits land. If these underwater "plumes" exist, what happens when they hit land? I think we'll have a new term, "oil tsunami".

The cleanup is gonna be bad, I just hate to think about toxic-dispersants mixed in.

It'll be on everybody's mind.


"Currently, our Soldiers and Airmen are staging for and are engaged in the planning of the effort to evacuate and provide security and clean up for the coastal communities expected to be impacted by the oil spill," Jindal wrote. "They are engaged in the protection of vital infrastructure to include medical facilities, fuel distribution, interstate highways, water-ice distribution and power facilities, which are all vital to the recovery of coastal Louisiana."

I'm preparing to see an evacuation.
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