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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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St. Elsewhere
Im glad your so optimistic. I dont know what female mice have to with anything, you sound like a smart guy ureapwhatusow, with all your sci-fi data. Ill I need to do is look around and look at the history of man, humans are fucking stupid. Go to a mall sometime or watch some of the shit on tv and then tell me theres hope. Humans are just buying their time. Do me a favor and go check out Richard Heinberg's web-site or read his book The Part's Over.


But you consider yourself worthwhile, yes? And are you not part of this human race? I don't jive with this whole "humanity is stupid" bullshit. Our very measure of stupidity and intelligence is limited to our own incomplete perspectives, so it seems rather stupid to go around assessing the intelligence of our species as a whole. (What's there to compare it to? Aliens??)

There ARE stupid people, but we wouldn't consider those people so stupid if there weren't already so many complete and utter geniuses in this world. Please, step down off your soap box and chill, humanity is as nature intended it to be.


Opinions are like assholes !

Opinions are like assholes !

Worthwhile ? In what sense ? I wish I wasn't part of the human race, Id rather be an alien. Also, I dont put much into the so called geniuses you speak about. I dont think it was a high school drop out who made the atomic bomb and the like. My uncle was tested at a genius level and is a complete dumbass. Like the fact that he thought Bush was a good president. So you can have your opinion and Ill have mine. Cool ? I didnt know I was on a soap box, what are you on ? Humanity is as nature intended it just like the dinosaurs were as nature intended them. I dont see many dinosaurs around do you ? So maybe you could chill a little too and let me have my opinion because at the end of the day their both like assholes, right ?



I just got where your coming from. Your a true American ? Let me guess, you were part of the US corporate killing machine, US INC. What do you think of BlackWater ? Are they geniuses ?

Some are stupid, some are smart.....

Some are stupid, some are smart.....

Intelligence in and of itself is nothing imho....neither good nor bad.
It has potential to do good or bad. WISDOM is what is important...
It doesn't matter how smart we are; if there is no wisdom we are fucked.........and there may be a correlation between the two but it stops there. One definitely does not cause the other, ie lawyers, doctors, professors, POLITICIANS, authority figures of all kinds.....many are complete fools. We should stop intellligence testing and devise a wisdom test instead....
I understand your anger and at times I feel it as well. But, when you allow yourself to direct that anger at your fellow man, whether they be stupid, smart, right, wrong, whatever, it only serves to isolate yourself by driving others away from you, even if you are right. We need people. Don't allow anger to discredit truth. The only hope is to deal with our fellow man in love. In the past I also have allowed myself to feel contempt and hate for people I felt were stupid and wrong....but it was a mistake. I'm not saying you're being a jerk; only that we must be careful, especially in this format of text, in how what we say will come off.


Ok, your right Carpelibertatem . I should have made it more clear like you say. "MOST", humans have no wisom. Humans on the most part are moved by greed, anger or delusion. Even if you look closely at humans positive aspects they are mostly to serve the self. Who feels but the self weather they are good or bad, and most people like to feel good. I still stand by my statement that humans are dumb or if you like have no wisdom.



St. Elsewhere
Wow way to let me have my opinion. And then to start throwing stones at me over Blackwater and the MIC? Way to try to throw me into one of the many groups you see as the "problem". You sure are setting yourself apart from the pack. It's easy to run around ranting about the disposition of the average human, but what makes you different from the rest of us?

Are you indicting yourself along with the rest of humanity? Because the way you have been talking you seem to infer that you are not part of the problem, if I've misunderstood you I apologize.

But I stand by my statement that it is stupid to try to assess the intelligence of our species as a whole, given we as individuals have absolutely no frame of reference for that sort of thing.

(It's a lonely state of mind you seem to be in, I remember thinking that way, just trying to help you out.)
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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Not sure if this has been posted already, I may be in violation for posting a YT vid but I felt it was appropriate.
31 years later and history shows she repeats herself, Ironic...

You know, honestly...I was thinking the other day about valdez and how back then they were picking up the oil with paper towels and shit...we still have not REAL prep or plan for when something like this happens....still makes me sooo sad.


Im glad your so optimistic. I dont know what female mice have to with anything, you sound like a smart guy ureapwhatusow, with all your sci-fi data. Ill I need to do is look around and look at the history of man, humans are fucking stupid. Go to a mall sometime or watch some of the shit on tv and then tell me theres hope. Humans are just buying their time. Do me a favor and go check out Richard Heinberg's web-site or read his book The Part's Over.


the mice analogy was to illustrate that mankind may have population control programed in their genetic makeup

I have noticed that indenous tribes people like many tribes that live in the rain forest have a seemingly lower instance of homosexuality

could homosexuality be a epigenetic.genetic or even intellectually born coping and self balancing mechanism for man's overpopulation ??

its a simple theory to illustrate that hope may exists without it being clear to us how it will reveal itself

many people aren't "stupid" but they know what they have been exposed to, and are in the process of evolving a more intelligent outlook on life

I had no clue but tons of confidence of how life worked when I was young and after graduating from teh school of hard knocks I think I may have an alternate way to view the world and thus focus your energies

forget the people that don't mesh with your way of life, but instead just focus on those that do and keep an open mind that perhaps the end isn't written in stone

i feel your frustration, its depth and severity and it made me very very upset myself for a very long time

don't underestimate the power of the individual either


every thing dies in the oil :(

It's all good guys....I, and I believe many, are or have been alone and isolated at times because of beliefs we hold that we feel separate us from those around us. And they do separate us, but only in belief. We should look to not stay isolated because of this but break free from that place and reach out to ALL of those around us who are on a different path or place in their lives. We should not let our ideas(politics, religion, etc.) interfere with real, tangible human relationships; even with those who are very different from us. We ARE all the same, but with differences.

*steps down from pulpit*


Hey MarquisBlack, how did I not let you have your opinion ? If I read your other post right it looked like you were not letting or wanting me to have mine. I could careless what anyones opinion is, and didnt you see I "wish" I was an alien and could remove myself from the human (so called ) race. I wish I could see some hope in this world or in people, but it looks really bleak to me. Even the honor and honesty, moral character of people seems on a whole to slipping down the drain. I know humans for the most part are not much better then animals in the past, but you would think we would have evolved a tad faster. Whatever, Im just pissed !



St. Elsewhere
I share your frustration at times, but I've learned that the dumbing down of society is both superficial, and by design. (Ever read "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America?) I apologize if I came off as harsh, but I distrust anything that marginalizes the individual's value in the grand scheme of things.

Incidents like this (the oil spill) can often make the individual feel hopeless and impotent. This feeling of hopelessness can then be exploited in order to offer up a "solution", which usually involves the erosion of liberties. The end result: Collectivism.
Very depressing. Hopefully somebody will come up with a solution and get that well plugged up as soon as possible. I can't image the mess when the first hurricane rolls through....

Perhaps there is another clean and articulate community organizer up in Chicago looking for work as a hole plugger. We should check Craiglist. The solution was probably right under our noses the whole time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
A hurricane passing over the oil spill, while not posing any threat to the shore, would probably be the best thing that could happen at this point. The churning waves, and the high winds would disperse the oil into a larger area (diluting the concentration of oil) while at the same time helping to accelerate the biodegrading of the oil naturally.
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