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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Some questions?

Why is it the only video that is being showed on the news is the ONE shot of the pipe leaking?? They have video of everything right now. How come they don't show us the entire BOP stack and riser. Why, why, why are the lying to us? What do they not want you to know. Fuck these politicians and their corporate cronies.

White House Covers Up Menacing Oil "Blob"

I encourage you to read the whole article.

spasticgramps, read the artilce. seems very fishy. as for drilling to 35k feet on a whim... there is no way dude. these drillships are million dollar a day operations. no way a company, no matter how stupid, is going to fork out the $ for this unless it has been well planned and aproved by the proper authorities. you can't just get away with going this far outside the parameters of your drilling program, its not something you can cover up -- you are required to do surveys after reaching your total depth. if they did this then they surely knew they would get caught.

as for the comment that bp, transocean, haliburton, cameron, my dog all drilled to this depth is very misleading. bp is responible for the drilling program and implementation. transocean supplies the rig & keeps it running as well as providing a crew to run it. haliburton provides cementing. cameron provides bop equipment. ultimately, bp has all the liability. they made the call to use knowingly faulty equipment -- effectively playing russian roulette.

the blowout almost certainly had nothing to do with the depth they drilled to anyway. kicks, or gas influxes, aren't all that uncommon depending on where you work. the rig should have functional equipment to deal with it. the cement job is not the issue-- it shouldn't matter. the fact is that BP was taking shortcuts and now everyone pays the price.

as for why they aren't showing the riser... i'm not sure there is that much riser pipe left man. what we are seeing might be all that is left. i don't know this for a fact tho. honestly, all of the shit bp is doing right now is probably more for apearances than anything else. there will only be permanent solution when they finish the relief well(s).


Pictures from 17 and 18 May...




weed fiend
hoosier, I tried to manifest all your transactions and it reminded me of the Glen Beck Show. Lots of finger pointing, nothing tied together and a good dose of socialism, communism and whateverism. You seem to have dropped the ball on Obama's culpability by, in part defending Schlozman:

or was it castigating Think Progress? Who, by the way happens to cite things like names, dates, whatever took place or was said, whatever's in the congressional record (like ethics investigations.)

It's important to note that the facts are linked to the original article. Which, in your example leads to the Boston Globe if memory serves. Schlozman wasn't quoted in my post. But since you mentioned him, I thought I'd correct you again with some back-up... this time by a conservative joint.

Report Raps Schlozman....

A former Justice Department official discriminated against liberal job applicants at the department and then made false statements to Congress on the matter, according to a Justice Department report released Tuesday.

The probe, conducted by two watchdog groups within the department, reviewed "allegations that political or ideological affiliations were considered in hiring, transferring and assigning cases to career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice," specifically under former DOJ official Bradley Schlozman, who held an interim post at the head of the division.

According to the report, Schlozman circumvented many of his colleagues and arranged the hiring of lesser-qualified applicants based on their conservative political ideology.

The jobs involved were not political appointments but career positions for which candidates, according to federal law and guidelines, are to be selected for their qualifications, not their political or ideological leanings.

In one Jan. 30, 2004, e-mail, Schlozman declined a lunch invitation from a colleague, citing a previous commitment to interview "some lefty who we'll never hire."

In a March 5, 2004, message, he referred to potential hires in another division of the department as "commies" and said that "as long as I'm here, adherents of Mao's little red book need not apply."

The report notes that Department of Justice officials interviewed as part of the investigation said Schlozman believed many career employees at the departments were holdovers from prior administrations and not, as Schlozman reportedly said, "on the team." He wanted to hire "real Americans," a term those interviewed said Schlozman used "when referring to political conservatives."

Additionally, in a February 2006 voice mail Schlozman left for a colleague, he said that in hiring volunteer interns, experience relevant to the job should not always work in the candidate's favor.

"[W]hen we start asking, 'What is your commitment to civil rights? ... [H]ow do you prove that? Usually by membership in some crazy liberal organization or by some participation in some crazy cause ? Look, look at my resume -- I didn't have any demonstrated commitment, but I care about the issues. So, I mean, I just want to make sure we don't start confining ourselves to, you know, politburo members because they happen to be a member of some, you know, psychopathic left-wing organization designed to overthrow the government."


He sounds like you, hoos, (bottom paragraph in bold.) No wonder you held this guy up as shining, cowboy appointment.

By the way, there are two more pages on Schlozman if you care to despair over your single rebuttal of 43 examples of deck-stacking in areas of government that are supposed to reflect the people as a whole, not the ideology of a subset of the people.

I think "opinion and conjecture" describe something other than 2 ethics investigations from Schlozman's own department. And I don't think ethics investigations result in criminal charges, otherwise you'd have a "criminal" investigation.

I'm not asking you to agree with the findings hoosier, and I expect your revisionist history aka ignoring fact. Do you realize you actually try to reason with pejoritive? That only works in your snicker corner.

Your comments about bigotry and racism.....how do they actually apply?

hoosierdaddy said:
And Disco goes on to show the rest of his hate list, that he got from the hateful minds of others. Nothing but opinion and conjecture from someone else. Nothing of substance. Just like the deal with Schlozman....they try to show evidence of his blatant wrongdoing, yet the fact remains that there were no federal charges brought on this guy. And why? Because there is nothing there...just like the whole hateful blog, it is nothing but an opinion.
You don't own the other side of a debate by simply offering up opinion, especially when it is the opinion of other, and you are simply glomming onto it because you have nothing more...

You know it's boring when you mimic others comments, style and throw it back. Stick Pee Wee Herman over Maynard and you can say, "I know you are but what am I?" You didn't know the MMS dunce that retired was a cowboy appointment. Then you tried to infer culpability when you have no idea how agencies, especially dealing with appointments are governed. You might not appreciate me adding a significant list of appointment baggage but inconvenience doesn't equal fiction.

It's apparent your current catch-word is "hate." The way you toss words, it would help to get a chalk board. There you could write your words, circle respective letters, draw lines to each letter and concoct the new word o' the day. :jump:

Maybe you could follow Beck's daily slot?

He also stated that "adherents of Mao's little red book need not apply,"
Aaa...yeah, that is the way things are in in the USA. America is not about Mao. But the Obama administration is full of Maoists and communists. And I am sure many of you think that this guy is wrong for stating such a thing, but many more think he is spot on correct in saying it, and even more spot on by acting on it and keeping such trash out of our judicial system.
It is apparent that the Obama admin wants to saturate the judicial with such people.

"Spot on" :laughing:....get that up on the chalk board right now.

That leaves Rush and a couple of particularly Rush-like comments.

Saying things like "Rush admits he is an entertainer" is just more stupid shit from the less than learned types. You simply don't get it, and you never will apparently.

rush is an entertainer = stupid shit. I take that as no? You might want to read the part again in quotes. That's Rush's part, not [edit cursing pejorative]

coin flip

Yes, he entertains us by playing you leftists like fiddles.
He entertains us by simply reading some racist fuck comment from some left wing person, and gets slammed as if he were the one who said it. And when it comes to light that one of their own was the one who said it, they turn a blind eye and the subject goes away.
Simple fucking minds that get played like fiddles. That IS entertainment!

:chin: I guess that one's a yes. Let's see if I got this right...Whenever a yes or no answer is as important as a gasbag, it's always best to be confusing, even if you confuse yourself in the process.

But you WERE entertaining, hoosier. Even if asleep at the wheel

You fucks tire me....

But we're guaranteed you'll be back. Same Beck time, same Beck channel.

I close my eyes and imagine Frank Luntz trying to pass on the art of political spin to hoosierdiddle. It ends up not unlike Steve Schmidt lamenting Palin to McCain, "NOT TOO GOOD".

You're not in politics hoosier. And you're not very good at discussing the subject free of endless lines of crap, perpetual cursing and pejoratives. If I were a Republican, I'd scour the planet for Joe the Plumber and beg him to boost you to his level of expertise.


stoned agin ...
the latest radical liberal propaganda, from a pinko governor, via america's pravda :D :


AT PASS A LOUTRE, La. -- A chocolate-brown blanket of oil about as thick as latex paint has invaded reedy freshwater wetlands at Louisiana's southeastern tip for the first time, prompting Gov. Bobby Jindal to step up calls Wednesday for building emergency sand barriers.

Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser led a flotilla of media to inspect the oil encroaching on remote wetlands lining Pass a Loutre, near where the mouth of the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon offshore rig disaster had been lapping at the coast before. But this was not the light rainbow sheen or the scattered tar balls seen in previous days.

Jindal, sitting at the edge of an airboat, swept a handheld fishing net through the mess and held it up. It was coated with brown sludge, which had stained the lower shafts of the leafy green reeds sticking up to eight feet out of the water.

"This has laid down a blanket in the marsh that will destroy every living thing there," Nungesser said.

Jindal said there had been indications of such coastal contamination from aerial observations on Tuesday. Wednesday's trip confirmed the incursion.

"The day that we've been fearing is upon us today," he said later at a news conference in the coastal town of Venice, about an hour away by boat.

Nungesser said the blanket of oil has extended into marshes at Pass a Loutre, North Pass and South Pass, near the river's mouth, He said it's proof that containment booms and dispersants aren't enough to save Louisiana wildlife and the economy of commercial and recreational fishing that depend on it.

Jindal and Nungesser said they are awaiting approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for an emergency dredging permit to dredge sand from nearby areas for the construction of a line of sand berms -- in effect, a series of new barrier islands -- 40 miles on either side of the river. The berms would block the oil, they said, and the new, man-made beaches would be much easier to clean than the marshes that teem with plant life.

Neither official was certain what was holding up approval of the proposed dredging project.

A telephone call to the Corps for comment was not immediately returned.

On the forward lines of the spill Wednesday, an armada of shrimp boats and other vessels were stringing lines of absorbent boom to soak up the oil, hoping to shield the fragile marsh. But just outside South Pass, at the mouth of the Mississippi River, thousands of yards of shoreline remained exposed to a thin, intermittent sheen rolling in with each successive wave.

At the water's edge, the oil is soaked several inches deep into the tangled, marsh-grass roots that hold Louisiana's coastline together. Small crabs, spotted with crude, skittered among the roots and oil-covered garbage that washed in with the tide.

Farther in, rust-colored globs oozed from puddles and wrapped around the bottom of the plant stalks. Where it was thickest, the stalks bent to the water under the oil's weight.

So far the spill appears to have reached only the very edge of the marsh, a vibrant estuary that shelters dozens of species of fish, birds and mollusks, at South Pass. But over the last several days, it has inched inland.

"It's moving farther up and it's accumulating," said Lauren Valle, a Greenpeace volunteer who has been shuttling members of the media to affected areas aboard one of the environmental group's boats.

Valle said she had been turned away from some areas by BP contractors. "They're trying very hard for people not to see it. We're here to bear witness."


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
It boggles my mind to thin k of the trillions of dollars these oil companies have made over the last century but no one has ever given a thought to developing some type of ship that can pick up surface sea water (that's full of oil) and seperate it and return the cleaned sea water back into it.

I know they have that containment apparatus they have been using for a week or so but like it's called containment,how about a device to clean it up.

Just Curious
Really...it seems like such a simple concept relative to the massive efforts and dangers of drilling into the earth's crust.

BP's CEO said environmental impact from this would be, quote, "Very, very modest." Wtf, to who, the moon??

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
It boggles my mind to thin k of the trillions of dollars these oil companies have made over the last century but no one has ever given a thought to developing some type of ship that can pick up surface sea water (that's full of oil) and seperate it and return the cleaned sea water back into it.

I know they have that containment apparatus they have been using for a week or so but like it's called containment,how about a device to clean it up.

Just Curious

yeah, really, from the videos I've seen there are just two boats pulling a boom around in the water. What does that really do?

It seems they would need a deep boom, like around 15' deep with a connection for sucking out the oil into a barge. I'm no scientist though.
It boggles my mind to thin k of the trillions of dollars these oil companies have made over the last century but no one has ever given a thought to developing some type of ship that can pick up surface sea water (that's full of oil) and seperate it and return the cleaned sea water back into it.

I know they have that containment apparatus they have been using for a week or so but like it's called containment,how about a device to clean it up.

Just Curious

Are you intentionally forgetting the money the US made with these "off-shore" leases???


Active member
ICMag Donor
A multitude of devices and technology has existed since the 70's that reclaims oil from sea water. This one applied for in 75 was specifically designed for spills.
This technology is being used now on sight in the gulf.
At some point reality comes into play, and to realize the reality sometimes we need the aid of math.


Active member
they don't have anything that can clean the waters because these oil companies don't give a shit, its all about profits and developing things like that cuts into profits. thats why all this happened in the first place. safety for employees and the environment comes after money.


May your race always be in your favor
The news this A.M. said that BP is saying it may be until August before the flow can be stopped. They haven't a clue what to do. The Gulf coast is screwed and when the oil begins to show up in Europe then the U.S. will really be crap to the rest of the world. Drill baby drill! Don't hear that much any more.


Cannabrex Formulator
A multitude of devices and technology has existed since the 70's that reclaims oil from sea water. This one applied for in 75 was specifically designed for spills.
This technology is being used now on sight in the gulf.
At some point reality comes into play, and to realize the reality sometimes we need the aid of math.

Judging from BP's inability to contain immense amount of spillage and the insane amounts of damage this will cause for generations, it is quite evident that none of these fuckers have or are using ANY fucking technology that comes close to solving this problem......they drill in places that are too deep to safely deal with if there is a problem, the "security measures" are a fucking joke and the govt seems to not give a rat's ass as long as they are makin' taxes........

It all amounts to criminal, parasitic activity on a scale never before seen, and all those responsible should be executed as I said previously....starting with the executives of BP.....

Maybe then these evil fuckers will think a bit harder before they risk shit like this in the name of all-holy profit.

Zen Master

so whats worst case scenario saying that this doesn't get plugged till august and theres billions of crude floating around?

black beaches (rust brown I know) across the eastern seaboard?

closed or partially closed shipping lanes in the Atlantic?

whats the doomsday type end result thats gonna happen because of this spill you think? We all know this is gonna be far worse than initially expected, I'm wondering just how bad its gonna get.
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