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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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ICMag Donor
The term is properly spelled; "hear hear" for your information. Originating in English parliament basically translated to the US term of "I read you loud and clear" or "I hoid dat", both examples of hearing, not "here here" as so many uninformed tend to phrase it.
But your types tend to make things up as you go along...and not really having a true understanding of most any issue. Typical really.
For example your claims of what Sarah Palin has to say about dinosaurs, Kalicokitty. You have made post ad infinitum concerning that issue, and are not near smart enough to realize that she just didn't say what you claim she said. And why? Because you got your information from another hate site...just like your buffoon friends always reference.
Another cheerleader with little to offer.
Makes me fucking sick, Its a sad time in the U.S. i live on the waters that are fed by the Atlantic Ocean. There is no doubt, that this oil will make it up to the gulf stream that comes up off the coast of Maine, and it will effect the entire nation, for many many years to come. Its a sad event. BP has no idea how to fix this problem, other than a relief valve of sorts, that will take 3 months....or till August....We are fucking DOOMED! The Exxon Valdez, will be nothing compared to this, and only about 14% of the crude oil was ever cleaned up in Alaska, and froom what I hear, the crude that is pouring iinto the Gulf is even harder to clean up...DOOMED...This shit really pissess me off....just more bullshit everyday....They have alreadt found clumps of crude oil at the southern tip of Florida, so its already in the gulf stream that will carry it up the side of the East Coast, but ofcourse, if you believe the compant spokesman/government, the oil clumps are not from the oil spill, but are from boats. LOL...WTF!

This is going to have ever-lasting effects on the gulf coast, and possibly the entire east coast.... FUCKING SHIT!


Some Fucked up shit.

The offshore oil industry needs some Red Adair crossed with aquaman to fix this ASAP.

I don't know get a couple of submarines weld some bulldozers, move tons of crap absorbing material and do something...anything.

Can't believe some of you jackholes are still talking political party shit. 21 pages - get a fucking job


The cat that loves cannabis
The term is properly spelled; "hear hear" for your information. Originating in English parliament basically translated to the US term of "I read you loud and clear" or "I hoid dat", both examples of hearing, not "here here" as so many uninformed tend to phrase it.
But your types tend to make things up as you go along...and not really having a true understanding of most any issue. Typical really.
For example your claims of what Sarah Palin has to say about dinosaurs, Kalicokitty. You have made post ad infinitum concerning that issue, and are not near smart enough to realize that she just didn't say what you claim she said. And why? Because you got your information from another hate site...just like your buffoon friends always reference.
Another cheerleader with little to offer.
I stand corrected, thank you.

Since you brought it up, here's sarah and jesus doing something they both love
Ridin Dinos!

To bad sarah can't get jesus to just miraculously make all that oil disappear, shouldn't be that hard of a trick for a god I would think.


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The cat that loves cannabis
Some Fucked up shit.

The offshore oil industry needs some Red Adair crossed with aquaman to fix this ASAP.

I don't know get a couple of submarines weld some bulldozers, move tons of crap absorbing material and do something...anything.

Can't believe some of you jackholes are still talking political party shit. 21 pages - get a fucking job
Yeah, that's a realistic idea, submarines with bulldozers welded to the front of them driven by aquaman.
Someone call BP!
Problem solved!

At least were smart enough to get jobs if we wanted them.
Go read another comic book


Active member
ICMag Donor
See, you spouted that stupid shit for so long you actually believe it. OR...you are too far into the abyss of the lies your types tells and the rest swear to it that you try lamely to resort to comedy.
I don't find your stupid shit one bit funny. High sign of low intelligence. Probably why so many knee jerk reactionary statements in this thread.

We are fucking doomed you know! Doomed for sure from this oil spill. They have found 27 tar balls..so it's a done deal, we are fucking doomed! Now, they may not be the tarballs from this spill though, and may be just a normal occurrence since the vast majority of oil spilled into the gulf comes from natural seepage and happens all the time, but I'm telling you we are fucking doomed. And how do I know this? The media has told me so over and over again. Plus, I heard it on a message board on the internet!


The cat that loves cannabis
Hey, look who just rode in on her Dino!
It's bristol palin!
She says for 30K she will tell bp how to fix the leak.
So good deal, if jesus and sarah can't get it done, then for 30K bristol will take care of it.


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Clackamas Coot

Active member
Can Jesus see Russia from Anchorage as well? Or has Sarah received a 'special dispensation' or an edict from Goober Central?

Just curious.



The cat that loves cannabis
Can Jesus see Russia from Anchorage as well? Or has Sarah received a 'special dispensation' or an edict from Goober Central?

Just curious.

Jesus can see everything from everywhere, he just choses to do nothing about anything, pretty cool huh?

Sarah keeps a special telescope up her ass, and since that's where her head usually is, it gives her super vision.


Cannabrex Formulator
Two of my favorite guests of his was Ted Nugent and ML Kings daughter. They both have it figured out, and they both know that you folks are on a lost path.

But of course....Ted Nugent is just the chap I want to go to when it comes to philosophy and politics........

Psycho gun nuts who think pot is the devil's herb, pot smokers are all junkie scum and who get their jollies killing things* are just the kinda folks I go to for my world view........

Yer upping yer credibility with every post, laddie....keep it up! (the grammar errors help too!)

*yes he does....read his fucking book...it ain't just about the food


Active member
all the peeps on the rig were great guys RIP. its gonna take a long time to recover from this incident. its gonna take a court action to be able to blame someone. everyone involved should be sued. glad i wasnt on the rig when it went down. rest in piece guys


Active member
ICMag Donor
But of course....Ted Nugent is just the chap I want to go to when it comes to philosophy and politics........

Psycho gun nuts who think pot is the devil's herb, pot smokers are all junkie scum and who get their jollies killing things* are just the kinda folks I go to for my world view........

Yer upping yer credibility with every post, laddie....keep it up! (the grammar errors help too!)

*yes he does....read his fucking book...it ain't just about the food
Look, see that is your fucking problem. So, Ted decides he doesn't want to smoke rope, who am I to look down on him? And even if he gives his opinion on the topic, and I find it to be so far off base it's ridiculous, does that make him less of a person? Do we all have to smoke pot to be of any credibility? Do get a grip. TN has more integrity in his little finger than in your whole being. And you would do well to study up on his philosophies and political leanings. He is another that tells it straight like it is, and doesn't need the machine to tell him what and how to think about things.
And even if he advocates abstinence from pot, I guarantee you he does not advocate the current pot laws and the farce called the war on drugs. He does however advocate personal freedoms and liberty.

Now, throw some shit at the other guest I mentioned, or is that going against one of your leftist no-no's?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Ted Nugent is a pervert - he's bragged in the past about his involvement with under-aged girls. His declaration of legal guardianship over 17 year-old Pele Massa in order to consummate their relationship in 1978 was a real hoot, eh?

Out here in Oregon most people frown on grown men screwing 17-year old girls. What's it like in Hoosier Land?

Just curious - barely.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Some questions?

Why is it the only video that is being showed on the news is the ONE shot of the pipe leaking?? They have video of everything right now. How come they don't show us the entire BOP stack and riser. Why, why, why are the lying to us? What do they not want you to know. Fuck these politicians and their corporate cronies.

White House Covers Up Menacing Oil "Blob"

FEMA and Corps of Engineers employees are upset that the White House and the Pentagon remain tight-lipped and in cover-up mode about the images of the massive and fast-moving frozen coagulated oil blob that is being imaged by Navy submarines that are tracking its movement. The sources point out that BP and the White House conspired to withhold videos from BP-contracted submersibles that showed the oil geyser that was spewing oil from the chasm underneath the datum of the Deep Horizon at rates far exceeding originally reported amounts. We have learned that it was largely WMR's scoop on the existence of the BP videos that forced the company and its White House patrons to finally agree to the release of the video footage.
I encourage you to read the whole article.
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