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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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The cat that loves cannabis
See how easy it is for your types to get sidetracked into a hate fest?
And I'm sure both of you measure up in your own personal lives.
Simple minds breed simple thoughts.
You folks are perfect examples of the simpleton mentality. A sizable degree of hatred most always accompanies the outrageous type of behavior that you folks display. Including slurs that would be unacceptable if uttered by your opponent.
You fucks sicken me, to be blunt.

The sooner we get folks educated, and cull people like you from our ranks, we will win the MJ battle much sooner. IME, it is due to our culture being saturated with this same simpleton mentality that has caused us to suck hind teat for so long now.
Change...you are fucking right it is time for a change.

What? Do you have a little pager you carry that alerts you anytime someone says something about the palins here so you can rush back to your pc?

Seriously, you can almost start a 60 minute timer and you will appear before it goes off, whenever something is said about the republican party in general.
It's amazing, your vigilant 24/7, do you even sleep?

Cull yourself you narrow minded, bitter, hate filled man.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

It's part of the 'family values' paradigm perhaps.

Like Sarah referring to her son-in-law as 'My Baby's Baby's Daddy' to secure the young African-American vote in Alaska. All 10 of them.

"I can see Russia from Alaska!" while preparing a hunk of moose for the cameras. Panda Express cartons were hidden in the background for the actual meal.

Touching isn't it? I think I need a hankie!


Clackamas Coot

Active member
Damn, I've done plenty of dumb shit in my life, can I get 30k a speech to talk about what I've learned from it all?
Only if you have pigtails and a vagina if would appear judging from Bristol, Sarah, Orly and the Minnesota Wacko that would seem to be the case.

Oh yeah! And let's not forget Ann Coulter whose fame and claim of being one of only 15 women in North America with an Adam's Apple. I wonder what that's about.........................

Good luck as you consider your career options. From what I can tell the best way to get bookings at Repuba-Bubba conventions, Tea Baggers' assemblies, et al. is to get a booking on FauxNews. Like their morning show 'Fox & Friends'

A good way to insure a booking would be to get a lobotomy and begin drinking heavily for several days and do something that will draw some kind of media attention - even local media will work. Involve a young missing blond and you're good to go!

If you need an agent send me a PM and I'll get you set up.



Active member
LOL,wont be long,FOX will have her as a special reporter!!LOL
Hey Hoosier.......sure is alotta dumb retarded fuckers in the world huh,lol,must be tuff bein the smartest guy on ICMag:tiphat:


weed fiend

Disco, you dingbats are amazing....always thinking the best answer is to continue to blame Bush for anything and everything that happens. Sad that you have such a short strand of brain matter.

It's appropriate for anything that applies. To end the debate by suggesting Obama is culpable for working with the status quot ignores what happened under Bush's watch.

TOP MMS OFFICIAL SHOWN THE DOOR.... When it comes to assigning blame for the oil spill disaster in the Gulf, the list of culprits isn't exactly secret. BP, Transocean, and Halliburton failed miserably, and the consequences are severe.
But last week, when President Obama noted "there is enough responsibility to go around," he included the federal government on the list. "For too long, for a decade or more, there has been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill," he said.
Obama was referring, of course, to the Minerals Management Service, the agency within the Interior Department responsible for offshore drilling. In the Bush/Cheney era, MMS became one of the most corrupt government agencies in American history, embracing an anything-goes atmosphere that led to literally Caligula-like corruption and debauchery -- including federal officials trading cocaine and sex for lucrative oil contracts.
It became obvious that the agency is in need of a shake-up. Today, we see the first step in that direction.
Chris Oynes, the top Interior Department official who oversees offshore oil and gas drilling for the Minerals Management Service, announced Monday that he will retire on May 31, The Washington Post has learned.
Oynes, who has overseen oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico for 12 years before being promoted to MMS associate director for offshore energy and minerals management, has come under fire for being too close to the industry officials he regulated.
The announcement comes just a few days after we learned that MMS "gave permission to BP and dozens of other oil companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico without first getting required permits from another agency that assesses threats to endangered species -- and despite strong warnings from that agency about the impact the drilling was likely to have on the gulf."

Some of these decisions were made last year, but before the White House could bring in its own team to the Interior Department. A spokesperson for the cabinet agency said Obama administration officials are "working very hard to change the culture" in the relevant agencies.

That means replacing the old guard with a new one. It seems more than likely that Oynes will not be the only one who's replaced.

See hoos, that's the funny thing about government agencies. Their intent is to police the private sector which may put profit above the environment, worker safety and other conflicts of interest.

Here's an example of the "culture" Obama is talking about:

Update: After we published this list in The Progress Report, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC), Chairman of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee, contacted us to urge that OIRA head Susan Dudley be added to the list. Dudley headed the Mercatus Center at George Mason University before heading OIRA. “The Mercatus Center takes the view that regulation is never appropriate unless there has been a market failure, and the market never fails,” Miller said. “Dudley concocted elaborate explanations for how the market will eventually solve whatever the problem is. She was probably more responsible for EPA’s failings than Stephen Johnson.”
hoosier, if you hadn't been such a free-market and "freedom" champion on IC for years, you'd have an argument. But all you're doing now is being hypocritical. You're able to see the pitfalls of poor regulation but you ignore the fact that the system in place was set up in true cowboy style.

So Obama has a government full of folks working under appointment of George W. Bush that think "regulation is never appropriate. Here's another example:

Bradley Schlozman — As a recent DOJ Inspector General report demonstrates, Schlozman was a central figure in Bush’s politicization of the Justice Department. Violating civil service laws, Schlozman used political and ideological considerations to ensure that only “right-thinking Americans” received jobs. He eventually lied to Congress about his efforts.http://thinkprogress.org/2009/01/17/bush-43-worst/
You see, hoos? We're not only talking about ideological differences, we're seeing first-hand the consequences of a shake-up so vast that operation under the current conditions is hazardous yet inevitable

We'll have many changes in Bush appointees when investigations determine they acted unethically or even illegally in their official conduct. Nobody is excusing Obama for being reactive as opposed to proactive. But Washington is full of Bush appointments.

One of DOI director Ken Salazar's first official directives was to request the Justice Department to investigate MMS and other DOI concerns.

And just so you'll know I didn't unfairly single out Mr. Oynes as a single example of poor judgment, here's the "top 10" of 43 more:

The Top 43 Appointees Who Helped Make Bush The Worst President Ever

President George W. Bush wraps up his tenure as one of the worst American presidents ever. He wasn’t able to accomplish such an ignominious feat all by himself, however; he had a great deal of help along the way. The ThinkProgress team heralds the conclusion of the Bush 43 presidency by bringing you our list of the top 43 worst Bush appointees. Did we miss anyone? Who should have been ranked higher?

1. Dick Cheney — The worst Dick since Nixon. The man who shot his friend while in office. The “most powerful and controversial vice president.” Until he got the job, people used to actually think it was a bad thing that the vice presidency has historically been a do-nothing position. Asked by PBS’s Jim Lehrer about why people hate him, Cheney rejected the premise, saying, “I don’t buy that.” His top placement in our survey says otherwise.

2. Karl Rove — There wasn’t a scandal in the Bush administration that Rove didn’t have his fingerprints all over — see Plame, Iraq war deception, Gov. Don Siegelman, U.S. Attorney firings, missing e-mails, and more. As senior political adviser and later as deputy chief of staff, “The Architect” was responsible for politicizing nearly every agency of the federal government.

3. Alberto Gonzales
Fundamentally dishonest and woefully incompetent, Gonzales was involved in a series of scandals, first as White House counsel and then as Attorney General. Some of the most notable: pressuring a “feeble” and “barely articulate” Attorney General Ashcroft at his hospital bedside to sign off on Bush’s illegal wiretapping program; approving waterboarding and other torture techniques to be used against detainees; and leading the firing of U.S. Attorneys deemed not sufficiently loyal to Bush.

4. Donald Rumsfeld — After winning praise for leading the U.S. effort in ousting the Taliban from Afghanistan in 2001, the former Defense Secretary strongly advocated for the invasion of Iraq and then grossly misjudged and mishandled its aftermath. Rumsfeld is also responsible for authorizing the use of torture against terror detainees in U.S. custody; according to a bipartisan Senate report, Rumsfeld “conveyed the message that physical pressures and degradation were appropriate treatment for detainees.”

5. Michael Brown — This former commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association was appointed by Bush to head FEMA in 2003. After Katrina made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, Brownie promptly did a “heck of a jobbungling the government’s relief efforts, and was sent back to Washington a few days later. He was forced to resign shortly thereafter.

6. Paul Wolfowitz — As Deputy Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2005, Wolfowitz was one of the primary architects of the Iraq war, arguing for the invasion as early as Sept. 15, 2001. Testifying before Congress in February 2003, Wolfowitz said that it was “hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself.” Wolfowitz eventually admitted that “for bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction,” as a justification for war, “because it was the one reason everyone [in the administration] could agree on.”

7. David Addington — “Cheney’s Cheney” was the “most powerful man you’ve never heard of.” As the leader of Bush’s legal team and Cheney’s chief of staff, Addington was the biggest proponent of some of Bush’s most notorious legal abuses, such as torture and warrantless surveillance, and is a loyal follower of the so-called unitary executive theory.

8. Stephen Johnson — The “Alberto Gonzales of the environment,” EPA Administrator Johnson subverted the agency’s mission at the behest of the White House and corporate interests, suppressing staff recommendations on pesticides, mercury, lead paint, smog, and global warming.

9. Douglas Feith — Undersecretary of Defense for Policy from 2001-2005, Feith headed up the notorious Office of Special Plans, an in-house Pentagon intelligence shop devised by Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz to produce intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. A subsequent investigation by the Pentagon’s Inspector General found the OSP’s work produced “conclusions that were not fully supported by the available intelligence.”

10. John Bolton — As Undersecretary of State, Bolton offered a strong voice in favor of invading Iraq and pushed for the U.S. to disengage from the International Criminal Court and key international arms control agreements. A recess appointment landed Bolton the job of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, despite his stringent animosity toward the world body. Today, he spends his time calling for war with Iran.
hoosierdaddy said:
And you never fail to bring something like Glenn Beck into the mix. You seem to think the guy is doing nothing but putting out propaganda and lies.

If Beck, Fox and Rush perspectives are all you bring to the table, then it's appropriate to hold them up as examples of your perspective. You even referenced an article that doesn't assess the blame to Obama. To do that, you'd have to reference one of your revisionist anecdotes or ignore the facts at hand.

Let's say you woke up tomorrow as the POTUS. You could spend the next four years influencing policy or you could undo the disasters of you predecessor. But when you find even 4 years wouldn't clean up the mess, you'd realize advancing your agenda is paramount and the previous mess will have to take it's place in lines of priority.

You even think John Stewart is a formidable opponent for the right wing...when he is nothing but a comedian..an entertainer..as you claim Limbaugh and Beck are.
Stewart is a comedian. But he's not anti-right wing, unless you happen to thing "right wing" is synonymous with hypocrisy. That's what makes it so funny to see him expose hypocrisy and eviscerate folks like Beck, the man who asked "The View", "You don't take me seriously, do you?"

What is Beck if he doesn't even take himself seriously? I'd say it falls between entertainment and ratings.

Rush expounds on the ratings and entertainment aspect in an interview with "Today" reporter Jamie Gangle:

Politics or show biz?
While Limbaugh insists he is in show business and not in politics, the line became blurred in February 2008 when he announced “Operation Chaos.” On air, Limbaugh urged Republicans to cross party lines and vote in the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton, who at the time was being drubbed by Obama. His belief was it would throw the road to the Democratic presidential nomination into disarray.
It's important to note this is common knowledge and no citation is necessary

While some might consider it a serious foray into using his influence to affect a political outcome, Limbaugh dismisses such talk, telling Gangel it was little more than a lark: “It was mostly a bit to keep my audience entertained.”
Ah, there we have it. An admission of the "all seeing" Rushbo admitting he's an entertainer. But as soon as one points that out, he's a serious commentator and a force to recon with.

But he admitted he wanted to keep the heat turned on Obama in the Democratic primaries so the media would continue to question his positions. As Obama built an early lead, Limbaugh said the media was “puff-piecing” the future president.

He also denied he cost Republican nominee John McCain votes by persistently deriding him during the election, saying, “I’m too big of a realist — I couldn’t have helped McCain no matter what I did.”
In his TODAY interview, Limbaugh largely followed his radio playbook — lashing out at moderate Republicans as much as liberal Democrats. He acknowledged he preaches to the conservative choir on his broadcasts, and that theirs is a mutual love affair.

Read more: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/33244211/ns/today-today_people/#ixzz0oJm6sWGn
So I guess it depends on the day whether Rush is an entertainer or something else. Unless you consider that fact that Gangles' interview didn't eclipse the 24 hour condition of what day it happens to be.

Like Beck, Rush is not faulted for conservatism. He's faulted for being a hypocrite, saying things that fit the moment with little or no reflection on past statements. Not unlike you hoos, declaring culpability yet ignoring the fact Obama's slate is full of Bush problems.

But you won;t take up the challenge I offered up awhile back. You won't take the next show Beck does, and tear it apart for us. Take each propagandist lecture and lies he tells and lay them out for us. Debunk his lying shit for us so we will understand what you are talking about when you throw stones at Glenn Beck. Show us exactly why we should not be listening to Beck, and how John Stewart has it right.
You're right, I guess Comedy Central's knack of presenting actual footage of Beck's videotaped shows means we all have to watch Beck on the Fox network, just to make sure Comedy Central's not messing around in the cutting room, something FOX is known to do on occasions such as teabagger rallies.

Too bad Comedy Central hasn't been implicated in what is commonly referred to as "FOX tactics".

But you won't because you don't have a single hair on your little lilly ass.
Isn't it funny the poster-boy of assumptions thinks I'm white and recognizes hairy asses in some unknown aspect.

You could care less about what Beck is presenting, you only hold the party line...which btw is laid out specifically for dumb fucks such as yourself.
hoos, unlike you I happen to value facts over perception. It is my perception you're a hack and only complain when the opposition is in the majority. When you use perception that flies in the face of facts, it's your choice to include politics which is full of perception on both sides. I don't hold a line on any party, I just point out when you do the same thing while calling out others in the process. I thought I already learned you all about projection, hypocrisy and hopefully any other errors that make you less than reliable for anything other than your perception.

The left needs dumb people to continue this charade.
It was dumb people that allowed them to do what they are doing now, which is ruining our nation bit by bit.
Dumb people, led by an appointment from the Bush administration. Nobody's defending Obama for being reactive instead of proactive. But I just gave you a lesson in priority that explains the cowboy left many fuses burning. The shortest ones are gonna get us by the short hairs but hopefully this example will bolster the need for more government controls over the "freedom" to be greedy as well as dangerous.[/quote]

"We were there on day one!"
quoted by...take your pick, it was the party line buzz term given by all in the Obama admin, which btw was a fucking blatant lie.
Take your pick. If you're going to say it, get it right. All you do is pick up an opaque cup and declare it's empty. Turn the mother fucker over and prove what you say. That's the purpose and beauty of the opaqueness of your diatribe. You don't have to prove it.

I'd also like to point out the fact you chastise me for presenting facts as having to take the time to correct your perceptions. Then you initiate claims of illegitimacy by cherry-picking points you fail to identify.

I'd say it's appropriate to wave the Bush, Beck, Rush playbook every time you obfuscate.

EDIT: I thought I'd re-metion something that was probably lost when all this info glazed your eyeballs.

There wasn’t a scandal in the Bush administration that Rove didn’t have his fingerprints all over — see Plame, Iraq war deception, Gov. Don Siegelman, U.S. Attorney firings, missing e-mails, and more. As senior political adviser and later as deputy chief of staff, The Architect” was responsible for politicizing nearly every agency of the federal government.

"Politicising" government agencies is a term that means non-political agency career hirings and appointments are made political by ideology. This stacks the deck against the people as a whole and for special interests.

hoosierowned is a more appropriate member name.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I have decided that you are not worth my time and energy. I can't stand people like you, and I don't associate with your types, past just being cordial.
I suspend any and all debate with you, douchebisciut. Fuck you very much.


weed fiend
I have decided that you are not worth my time and energy.

Suit yourself. Just remember two things. Misrepresenting fact doesn't help the image of your political party. Unsubstantiated crap doesn't always get a free pass.

I can't stand people like you, and I don't associate with your types, past just being cordial.
You've yet to make a cordial comment since we had a disagreement over a measurement. You're as cordial as a cuss-laden pejorative ever since, over a joke you took personally.

I suspend any and all debate with you, douchebisciut. Fuck you very much.

Says the ash to the flame
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weed fiend


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Jindal, Nungesser: Oil spill impacts Pass a Loutre

VENICE, La. (AP) - Gov. Bobby Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser had an aerial view Tuesday of how the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was affecting the parish and, during the flyover, saw something they'd hoped they wouldn't - ribbons of oil in the Pass a Loutre area.

This is not going to be some "drop in the ocean" as BP said. This is going to tear the heart out of Louisiana. The Seafood shops are starting to close.


Active member
saw this thread and felt like giving my two cents...

i work in the oil and gas industry and feel like i have a pretty good understanding now of what went on on the Horizon. i would encourage other's to watch the recent 60 Minutes episode on the incident because they seem to give a fairly comprehensive and unbiased explanation of what occured.

when i first heard about the incident it sounded like a fluke that the bop would fail. with the nature of the work, it is somewhat within the realm of possibilities that multiple layers of safeguards could fail simultaneously & result in disaster. we now find that this was certainly no fluke.

the specific negligence that occured on the rig is inexcusable and definately DOES NOT represent the oil & gas industry as a whole. the BP reps on the rig fucked up... big time. there will almost certainly be a criminal case made. it blows my mind that this was allowed to happen. the amount of regulation in the oilfield is incredible and it is even more so offshore. there are specific regulations and policies currently set in place to prevent these types of occurances, and at least from my perspective they are followed religiously. up to this incident they have been very effective as blowouts are incredibly infrequent.

i encourage everyone to take a few minutes to educate themselves first on the incident and then on the nature of the work before resorting to speculating and finger pointing. just like with the canna industry, there is so much misinformation being put out there by the media that it is sickening.

finally, what a lot of folks need to keep in mind is that this is not only an environmental disaster. 11 men (and women?) lost their lives out there. and before you refute with anything negative keep in mind that they were just trying to make a living like anyone else and they died trying to support their families.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have decided that you are not worth my time and energy. I can't stand people like you, and I don't associate with your types, past just being cordial.
I suspend any and all debate with you, douchebisciut. Fuck you very much.

I am just going to start jumping on you every time you post so you can see how it feels......

you are such a piece of shit, hoosierfaggy! why do you trash everyone who slightly disagrees with you. what the fuck is wrong with you. why are you here troll? wtf. get over yourself shit head.

Also you got pwned bad, and you only stopped arguing because you were defeated and have nothing left to come back with but slander.... as always.

Great job DiscoBiscuit. put that uneducated ass hole in line. Also I bet Hoosier give me bad rep for this even though I never bad rep him, I just call him out, he still bad reps me every time I talk to him.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Look, you bandwagon trolls can kiss my ass. Disco didnb't own anyone at all...all he has is his assertions that he can't back up. You don't back up you ignorant slant on something by quoting the ignorant slant that some blog poster provides. See, you simpletons think that if you read it in a debunking blog, then it is spot on and undeniable.

Disco and some of you other idiots, seem to throw stones at folks who would listen to Limbaugh or Beck, always claiming they are just entertainers and nothing more.
'Limbaugh himself admits he is an entertainer."
But when confronted with a challenge, not a one of you have a hair on your little nuts. Not one of you blow holes, that think these conservatives talk show hosts are passing along lies and bad info, will take the challenge of watching just one episode and critiquing it for us. Showing us all the lies, and misrepresentations they provide so you can prove your point. You just won't do it. It may have to do with your attention span, and it may be a matter of you not being able to really stay on task for more than 30 mins....dunno, but never will any of you take the challenge up. No, all you want to do it throw your baseless charges around and continue your bigoted campaigns. And you folks truly are bigots. And if the truth be known, probably blatant racists to boot.

I find it funny how the hind tit gang always shows up when they think someone gets owned, in their words.
Not a one of you cheerleaders can put much of a coherent sentence together, but I do offer the challenge up to you retarded folks as well. Show us how you can REALLY own someone with something of substance....not just cut and paste something that someone else shit out one day...try doing it on your own.

The fact is that none of you have much of anything at all. Weak kung fu, and mini minds. That is why you are so easily led down the progressive socialist path to the cauldron of shit.
Or, show me I'm wrong...watch Glenn Beck today and highlight all the lies and untruths he is telling. Set the record straight for us all and show us exactly what you are talking about when you throw your balls of shit at Beck. Let's see it big talkers....

See, the guy above is trying to let you folks know that you don't really know. All you have right now are your preconcieved notions on how things are, and really don't know shit about the truth of things. He is asking for you to use some sense and find out facts before you jump on the bandwagon, but he apparently fails to see that you folks are not about all that. No, you are about the simpleton mentality and nothing more. Facts are immaterial to your arguments.


Cannabrex Formulator
I have decided that you are not worth my time and energy. I can't stand people like you, and I don't associate with your types, past just being cordial.
I suspend any and all debate with you, douchebisciut. Fuck you very much.

What you can't stand is intelligent people who actually call you out with facts....guess you don't like associating with those types, eh???

I wonder why??

What a transparent, immature little twit you are, hoosier.....as soon as someone calls you out for being what you are(apologist rightwing capitalist licker of Corpo-Nazi semen) you throw up your hands and say:

"Wahhh...I'm not playing anymore...!"

Typical bullshit......


Active member
ICMag Donor
OK, intelligent troll person, what facts do I not have?
apologist rightwing capitalist licker of Corpo-Nazi semen
I see that you are a big talker hiding behind your computer screen. I highly doubt you run your cocksucker like that to people in real life. I for sure know you don't run it like that in person, not without some dental assistance being needed to get your tooth worked on.


Active member
(apologist rightwing capitalist licker of Corpo-Nazi semen)
Its ALL rite here Hoosier in black and white,Disco met your stupidity with facts,countered and stopped every retarded statement and your STILL gonna stand there and try and divert with the bullshit beck line!!Are YOU really so stupid as to defend beck and baugh still!!!Keep it real Hoosier.and now its a "gang" of retarded uneducated simpletons after poor Hoosier!!And yer gonna take poor Genki's teeth out,always violence with you semen lickers!!
did Disco give you permission to talk?Cuz he OWNS you!!!!!!!:moon:


Active member
ICMag Donor
OK, you trolls saw Disco post up a bunch of cut-n-paste and feel that is enough to show he owns me and the debate. Thing is, you probably didn't even read it.
See, all he has is stuff that other hate site bloggers come up with first. Taking things out of context, using a phrase or a couple of words to try and make a point, when what they present is nothing but bullshit. You less than intelligent people probably do appreciate such hollow debating.

Bradley Schlozman — As a recent DOJ Inspector General report demonstrates, Schlozman was a central figure in Bush’s politicization of the Justice Department. Violating civil service laws, Schlozman used political and ideological considerations to ensure that only “right-thinking Americans” received jobs. He eventually lied to Congress about his efforts.http://thinkprogress.org/2009/01/17/bush-43-worst/
First off...this shit came from a hate site. A blog that spends it's time taking things out of context on a regular basis and making it up as they go along. And why do they do this? Because they are of the ilk that Disco and some of you other undereducated zealots belong to.
What they point out about Schlozman is nothing but their take on it, and their points are fashioned around conjecture and lies.
They have their panties in a wad because this guy wouldn't hire lawyers who didn't cut the muster. Lawyers that were less than favorable when compared to others, and in many cases due to their actual lack of what it takes to be the top of your game.
Some of these less than desirable folks received their schooling by taking advantage of the racially bigoted affirmative action program.
This turns into the guy being a racist, which I am sure that is the way most of you trolls see it too.
He also stated that "adherents of Mao's little red book need not apply,"
Aaa...yeah, that is the way things are in in the USA. America is not about Mao. But the Obama administration is full of Maoists and communists. And I am sure many of you think that this guy is wrong for stating such a thing, but many more think he is spot on correct in saying it, and even more spot on by acting on it and keeping such trash out of our judicial system.
It is apparent that the Obama admin wants to saturate the judicial with such people.

And Disco goes on to show the rest of his hate list, that he got from the hateful minds of others. Nothing but opinion and conjecture from someone else. Nothing of substance. Just like the deal with Schlozman....they try to show evidence of his blatant wrongdoing, yet the fact remains that there were no federal charges brought on this guy. And why? Because there is nothing there...just like the whole hateful blog, it is nothing but an opinion.
You don't own the other side of a debate by simply offering up opinion, especially when it is the opinion of other, and you are simply glomming onto it because you have nothing more...

That's what makes it so funny to see him expose hypocrisy and eviscerate folks like Beck, the man who asked "The View", "You don't take me seriously, do you?"
See, the thing is...you get played like a fiddle by folks like Beck and Limbaugh. Disco took what he said, and made it into the guy admitting he isn't to be taken seriously. Well, that only shows how simply Disco really is. Of course those sluts don't take him seriously, they are off on some cloud somewhere with Disco and others here.
No matter what you try to say, your analysis of this one is off. Beck is to be taken seriously, and he will tell you that he is dead serious with not one bit of less-than-serious in his presentations. None whatsoever. See, that is what I have been saying, you folks have no fucking idea what Beck is presenting. And if you were to watch, none of you...not a single one of you left wing nutjobs will actually take the time to debunk just ONE of his shows. It is only an hour long, and it shouldn't be too hard to show us what a joke this guy is...but none of you pussy's will take up the challenge. All you will do it continue to see things the way you see them, without even taking a look. How fucking shallow is that? Real fucking shallow.
Grow some nuts, nuts. Show us you know what you are talking about. Quote his shit, and debunk it. Show the revisionist history being portrayed. Debunk his guests. And that is another thing...his guests. Beck has some of the best literary minds and scholars as his guests on a daily basis. I would like to see any of you debunk what they have provided on Beck's shows.
Two of my favorite guests of his was Ted Nugent and ML Kings daughter. They both have it figured out, and they both know that you folks are on a lost path.

No, Disco owns nobody. He is only providing opinion, and everyone has an opinion.

Saying things like "Rush admits he is an entertainer" is just more stupid shit from the less than learned types. You simply don't get it, and you never will apparently.
Yes, he entertains us by playing you leftists like fiddles.
He entertains us by simply reading some racist fuck comment from some left wing person, and gets slammed as if he were the one who said it. And when it comes to light that one of their own was the one who said it, they turn a blind eye and the subject goes away.
Simple fucking minds that get played like fiddles. That IS entertainment!

You fucks tire me....
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