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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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The slick is 200 km long and 112 km wide. they say it could be 3 months or longer before they can shut the oil off. WTF this will effect us all. Even far away on the other side of the pond. Fish travel... and once those toxic genetics get mixed in who knows what'll happen... After seeing what happened in Alaska, I'm really scared of what kind of mass destruction this will cause :eek:( better get my sushi in now



Another h&s engineer or hazzop manager procured taken a bribe? thaught so!
Seriously,why aint you guys worried about this?

Look at the devastation...its nothing to be guilty about,these things happen and if it weren't that it would be something else but you can see it all in the tidings...

e2a us brits didnt even know they were drilling there..until the disaster was already out of control...
al jazeera (on sky) in english aired it while it was hyped out....
controlled bbc media or what?


weed fiend
I hear that BP spent 600 million USD on the platform and refused to spend 500,000 for a blowout valve. Now their estimated worth is ~25 billion less. The blowout valve doesn't sound so expensive now.


Active member
yeah this is pretty horrendous....a clear sign that we need to switch to cleaner energy sources, oil companies are raping our planet, I just hope people as a whole will not take this so lightly...

will make the exxon valdez look like childs play, just watch how it plays out, they still can't stop the flow and can't accurately measure how much oil is gushing directly into the gulf of mexico.

makes me sick :fsu:



So fuckin' horrible. Wife already told me if we were in a better place financially she would send me down there for clean-up. Going out with some friends tonight for the last seafood we will eat out of the Gulf for a while.

I love oysters, and they are hugely susceptible to this crap.


BP should be banned from touching any oil deposits along the US coast forever. Carelessness should be met with strict consequences.


everyone in the communities on the coast are in shock and grief mostly. there are clean up crews assembled and attention is completely focused on it, but the slick is still largely offshore. we are just waiting, so many unknowns... i have shed tears over this matter, and i am sure there will be more. the gulf is my heart. we need your prayers and more....


weed fiend
Good article MFT. The part about industry policing itself, like Wall Street, coal mines, etc is coming back to bite us. Industry needs to be regulated with fines and incarceration for the worst offenders. They need to put the needs of people and the environment first and then decide whether profit is worth extracting. Too many legal pirates these days.

bodymind, best wishes to you and yours. Words can't express the grief we all feel for gulf coast inhabitants and environment.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
NUCLEAR POWER is the answer to solve this oil problem btw. it is just that people are so scarred of it that they refuse to do the research on it, so they just keep being ignorant to the fact that the french use it flawlessly, and have even figured out how to recycle it to the point of not having much waste at all. It is a five step proccess. The waste they do have only remains radio active for 50 years until it half lifes to its next form of isotope, which is safe.
Now this WAKE UP CALL that EVERY oil derrick out there is a potential EXXON VALDEZ will most certainly be the Death Nell of off shore drilling, and rightfully so.http://www.sustainer.org/dhm_archive/index.php?display_article=vn355energyfactsed

I missed something, did oil all of a sudden become worthless?

What's that? It isn't worthless? Drilling isn't stopping.

once those toxic genetics get mixed in who knows what'll happen...

Tell me how oil is going to mutate species and create toxic genetics. It will kill many, many animals but it won't mutate their genetics lol.

Come on man, seriously.


Active member
Gulf Oil Disaster

Gulf Oil Disaster

To all my ICM buds around the world....the oil crisis has the potential to change all our eating habits and the way we all live...

Sounds a little extreme but if the flow of oil isn't stopped soon the disaster will effect everyone

the gulf area is the largest producer of seafood in the world. 70%+ of the worlds shrimp comes from there, 60% of clams, and around 30%+ of crabs... The oil might destroy ALL the shrimp! It might kill ALL the clam beds...estimated time to get them back is 20 years!

That area is the 6th largest economy in the World! We r talking potential back to ression in the USA as everything from tourism to fish will be shut down for a long time.

So...better buy what shrimp u can get now and enjoy.

The area is bigger and more valuable than the Everglades. It's also the migratory spot for a lot of birds. Once that oil starts pushing into the grassy areas it won't be able to be removed and it will kill...

The dispersants used push the oil down to the sea bed...the bacteria used to help eat the oil take a long time to actually work...

All this and they still haven't stopped the flow of oil. 200,000 gallons a day are leaking.

Most people have no idea of just how bad this might be!


Have a look at exon valdez now. That's how genetics mutate. Cancer is a mutant genetic and it ravaged the fish species in Alaska coming from that area. There was a really great documentary done about it last year I think it was on national geographic, with David Suzuki I think. It blew my mind and I actually started having nightmares about polluted fish populations after, go figure. I was horrified at what I saw That's one of the things ecological experts are worrying about now, that this oil will make many species incapable of reproducing, effectively sterilizing them. Not just killing them right off the bat. It happened in Alaska, this is already twice as much oil as Exon Valdez and growing. Twenty years later the fish species still contain contaminants, the oil still is found in dirt along the shorelines, and there are still no herring, which were a huge cash crop in that region, totally devestated the local economy. Gulf of Mexico has a huge shellfish industry, but the shellfish are what filter the water... so there won't be any eating shellfish for a while...

Beautiful BC

New member
I hear that BP spent 600 million USD on the platform and refused to spend 500,000 for a blowout valve. Now their estimated worth is ~25 billion less. The blowout valve doesn't sound so expensive now.

The well did in fact have a blowout preventer. Virtually every well drilled anywhere has one. Obviously it failed to work as designed, unfortunately. It should have automatically cut off the oil flow from the wellhead. Maybe the fact that the ROV submersibles failed to manually activate it point to the fact that the valves were damaged when the rig sank.

Really hoping the weather and winds calm down so the containment works better.. the booms can't contain the oil in rough seas and it can't be burned either, so the extent of the spill is really at the mercy of mother nature. Good luck to all the people on the ground, sea and in the air doing their best to keep this in check..


The cat that loves cannabis
I just went and read the latest on it, and it sounds anything but "in check"
They are saying that the leak rate may be as much as ten times worse then what BP is saying, and that the last leak like this took 10 weeks to seal, nice.
It's already hitting the shorelines too
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