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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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First they told us everything was ok, and that there are safety features to control oil gushing from the well

Then it was 1000 barrels a day estimated (42,000 gal a day into the ocean)
Now the estimate is 5000 barrels a day or 210,000 gal
In 2 months this could be as bad as the Exxon Valdez incident

This started 7 days ago give or take

7 days x 5000 barrels x 42 gal a barrel =
1.47 MILLION gallons of oil into the ocean (which is now headed towards pristine Louisiana wildlife refuges)

If it takes half month to fix, which is likely, that's 1.47x2 = almost 3 million
If it takes a month, that's 1.47 x 4 = almost 6 million (Half the amount of Exxon Valdez)



Just thought you all may want to know

In other words, the ocean is having appx 200 barrels of oil dumped into it per HOUR!

Maps and Graphics

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
A Little Oil With Your Beach?

A Little Oil With Your Beach?

In the early 70's, and after a couple of disasterous cali oil spills, the U.S. decided to limit offshore drilling because even one mistake can be disasterous. Well, along comes the Drill baby Drill gang and there motto is "to hell with the enviroment and future generations, we deserve it now, drill baby drill."

Inching toward the beaches of the gulf coast is a 2x4 to the head to the drill baby drill gang. A new understanding of offshore drilling will develop over the next 60 days. Since the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have led the way to open the gulf to drilling we can only hope the brunt of the spill will be on their beaches


A foot without a sock...
In the early 70's, and after a couple of disasterous cali oil spills, the U.S. decided to limit offshore drilling because even one mistake can be disasterous. Well, along comes the Drill baby Drill gang and there motto is "to hell with the enviroment and future generations, we deserve it now, drill baby drill."

Inching toward the beaches of the gulf coast is a 2x4 to the head to the drill baby drill gang. A new understanding of offshore drilling will develop over the next 60 days. Since the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have led the way to open the gulf to drilling we can only hope the brunt of the spill will be on their beaches

Obama has just commissioned a study for drilling off of the Virginia coast.

How's that for a broken campaign promise ?


Here's the LINK
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Hey drilling is better than the alternative which is having a guy wearing a sheet that has you by the balls.Every once in a great while Obama does something smart even if it is just another broken promise.I live on the Fla gulf coast and I'm all for drilling


Yea I've heard that one but I prefer the'it's too late now to help"scenario.


Andinismo Hierbatero
that's what happens when you trust a bunch of money hungry dipshits who assure you that they have "the science" locked down...

so who is going to sue the responsible parties?
LIKE obamalamaDingDong, who i think is the best president we've had in a long long time. i was ready to say drill baby drill too. i was under the mistake IMPRESSION, like i'm sure Obammy WAS (im sure) that drilling technology had progressed to a level where it was mistake proof and Oil Disaster proof.

Now this WAKE UP CALL that EVERY oil derrick out there is a potential EXXON VALDEZ will most certainly be the Death Nell of off shore drilling, and rightfully so. if anybody can remember the exxon valdez, it was and will be a nightmare, especially for where it is heading to that game preserve, which is New Orleans first line of defense against sea swells. Not exactly green power, any more than Coal is, despite all the Clean Energy the coal industry is bombarding the tv with.

i have done my part for the world, i bought a 36 mpg toyota matrix in 07 (one that did NOT get recalled, although my wife drives it like the throttle is stuck). but just so i don't feel too good, i go thru 4 cords of firewood a year for heat.

oh yeah, just want to remind everybody that Exxon has still to this day, not paid TEN CENTS OF THEIR FINE

ALSO, the us only imports 12% of it's oil from the Middle East http://www.sustainer.org/dhm_archive/index.php?display_article=vn355energyfactsed
Wow, where Exxon Valdez crashed there is still appx 21,000 gallons of oil under the surface in pockets according to an NOAA study recently done. That's crazy. 2 species never came back to that either, one of them being herring. That's according to the news at least.


Active member
LIKE obamalamaDingDong, who i think is the best president we've had in a long long time. i was ready to say drill baby drill too. i was under the mistake IMPRESSION, like i'm sure Obammy WAS (im sure) that drilling technology had progressed to a level where it was mistake proof and Oil Disaster proof.

Now this WAKE UP CALL that EVERY oil derrick out there is a potential EXXON VALDEZ will most certainly be the Death Nell of off shore drilling, and rightfully so. if anybody can remember the exxon valdez, it was and will be a nightmare, especially for where it is heading to that game preserve, which is New Orleans first line of defense against sea swells. Not exactly green power, any more than Coal is, despite all the Clean Energy the coal industry is bombarding the tv with.

i have done my part for the world, i bought a 36 mpg toyota matrix in 07 (one that did NOT get recalled, although my wife drives it like the throttle is stuck). but just so i don't feel too good, i go thru 4 cords of firewood a year for heat.

oh yeah, just want to remind everybody that Exxon has still to this day, not paid TEN CENTS OF THEIR FINE

ALSO, the us only imports 12% of it's oil from the Middle East http://www.sustainer.org/dhm_archive/index.php?display_article=vn355energyfactsed

im usually not a big enviromental hippy but i would really love to convert my power to Solar energy so i can run all my HPS lights off solar instead of PGE. my house is at the top of a hill and gets really good sunlight..
Looks like this spill is going to turn the local commercial industries to toast according to experts, at least for a year, probably more. Shrimp, oyster, fish. So unfortunate. If this isn't symbolic of the fact that we need to reduce energy use and switch to more sustainable energy, dunno what is...So much industry in that area is now going to be affected, but it pales in comparison to the immense ecological ripple effects this will have across the globe, especially considering this location is a big part of the ocean's conveyor belt of currents.
If we could drill in Anwar, this wouldn't happen. If we didn't have to go so far off coast, and drill so deep (both federal mandates), this wouldnt happen.

Obama's great response to this disaster: Holder send a team of lawyers to setup criminal charges.

Laughable...Obama is such a joke.

The idea that we can cut oil out is ridiculous, and foolish. 10 dollar gasoline here we come!


Active member
yeah we do have to get rid of this shit theres so many ways, too,and no one sees it as the responsable thing to do, its just leading the horse to a new poisoned water hole,witch is killin the enviorment that provides for the leader and the horse. yes i know im not living in imagination land its the MONEY but just tell your decendents that ,it was the money thats why you have no safe drinking water or places to fish ect.. BP will take care of you ,witch is not even in imagination land going to happen remember MONEY first. and in case you dont beleive me i predict BP will do everything in its power to divert the oil into barrels and nothing for the enviorment afterwards. watch.


its been 21 years since exon valdez- There was a really good documentary on the effects of it now, and it is incredible the amount of damage. The fish are full of cancer, they killed off species, there is little fishing... and I don't think you should eat what they do catch. It wiped out an entire ecosystem. They don't know how much oil will be dumped out of this pipeline, they don't know how to stop it or to clean it up. This could go on for months. They're talking of using "dispersents" - things to break it up. Scary. This will be huge damage. Greed doesn't pay off I guess.




If you mix rampant Capitalism with zero personal responsibility, environmental catastrophies are unavoidable. In my country deep sea drilling is routine. But our technology is state-of-the-art, not fucking stoe-age as in your Gulf. It's the same shitty oil companies doing shit here, but they have to comply to rules that don't change with every new idiot we vote to power.

We have some politicians that is more or less ideologically equal to your Republicans. Here these peeps are considered extreme right winged. They wanted to sell off our petroleum resources with the rationalisation that states should not be doing business. Thankfully they failed, and now we're so rich you wouldn't fucking believe it. As far as I recall, there has been no major oil spill in these 40-something years. Of course those motherfucking tankers the Russians send down our windy coast crashes sometimes, but we ain't got no nukes...

Unless you are willing to let resource management and security be a public job, you'll never be able to control the forces of greed. Our waters are still reasonably full of life, while your waters are practically empty. Greed carries its own agenda and priorities, and I am willing to bet it caused this accident to. Prolly to save just a few bucks.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
5000 feet down, and nobody is gonna turn that valve off! ...Better, eat shrimp today
....it might be awhile, before it's available, again.

Thanks, BP
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