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500 watt Scrog Grow -Blackjack-


This is my first scrog grow, I started my plants from feminized seed on 11-13-09. Ive had some recent issues with this grow so im a little behind on the grow diary. Ill try to get all the info up to date so that anyone interested will be able to follow along.
BTW everyone thats been following, and lending their knowledge in the infirmiry thanks so much...this will be a better place to keep track of this grow, as well as any information you may share. I hope that everyone continues to follow and lend a hand when needed...I do appreciate everything!
Alright Lets Grow!


This grow will be done in a RDWC system, which consists of 4-5 Gallon buckets housed in a 2*4*7 HydroHut Silver..each bucket constantly recirculates to the controller and back...each bucket also uses a micro pore air diffuser (hog) to supply dissolved oxygen into the nutes...expensive but well worth it! Im using 2 active aqua 45 LPM compressor style commercial air pumps...so thats like 22.5 Lpm per bucket. Additionally there is a 1/10th hp chiller inline with the controller which keeps the nutes at a cool 68 degrees F. EC, PH, and temp are tracked with a BlueLab constant Combo meter.
For Lighting Ive got a 400 watt Lumatek ballast and a sun systems cool sun reflector...Ill be using an Eye Hortilux Blue M/H bulb for veg, and an Eye Hortilux HPS bulb for flowering, also there are 2 48" 6500k T-5's for added side light, that puts me just over 500 watts and about 60 watts per sq foot.
Ventilation is active, currently a vortex 6" inline fan is pulling thru a can 33 and pushing thru the reflector before venting out into the attic.


Alright, Now to get everyone cought up... this grow actually began on 11/13/09 with 4 Feminized BlackJack seeds. I soaked them for about 14 hours, untill they all sank to the bottom of the water. On 11/14/09 I placed all 4 seeds into a damp paper towel, inside a humidity dome, with a heating mat under it, and in a dark area. By 11/15/09 all of the seeds had cracked open...2 of which had started to form their tap root. 11/16/09 The two seeds that I mentioned had their tap roots started really took off, it is time to move them into rockwool...the other two seeds still do not show signs of growth besides from initially cracking open. I need 4 good plants, so ive decided to put 2 more fresh seeds directly into rockwool cubes incase the other two never get going...So now the original 4 seeds plus 2 more fresh seeds have been placed in rockwool. 11/18/09 All of the rockwool cubes are now in the humidity dome under 2 6500k T-5 Fluros on 18 off 6. 2 of the seedlings are pushing their way thru!. I was hoping that the other 2 of the original 4 seeds would show signs of further germination, but nothing...However the good news...by 11/22/09 the last two seeds i planted have pushed their way thru and i have what i hope to be 4 healthy seedlings. Still no signs of growth from the first 2...eventually i threw those cubes out, I have what i need!


Now this is the part where i got sloppy and stopped keeping track of things, so my dates are messed up...what I have and what is most important is pictures and information... As my seedlings are growing under the fluros, comming along nice "beside the fact that 2 of the seedlings are 3-4 days behind the others in growth" Ive started the water circulating in the buckets and added the subcultures to give them a chance to colanize. A few more days went by and i decided to add the nutes to the water as well. all said and done I ended up with 430 ppm and a PH of 5.8. The water I use is about 190 ppm to begin with so diddent add much to it to get to 430! Now I should have known better...430 ppm is alot for a seedling so anyone want to take a guess what happened soon after i put the seedlings into their buckets? Nutrient burn...yep! Just the tips, and i cought it quick enough that everything is ok now. I lowered the PPM to 330 and flushed each rockwool cube and hydroton containing the seedling with fresh 5.5 water. soon after things started clearing up...New growth is greener not so yellow, no signs of further distruction! thank goodness.


Alright That brings us up to almost present...From this point on ill clearly mark the plants so everyone knows which one is what each time i post new pics, also Ill Post the PH, EC, and temp as well as any relevant info regarding the grow...
Currently the Nutrient solution is at 68 Degrees F, the PH is 6.1, and EC is 0.6, Or 310ppm. All of the plants seem to be doing well, Will post new pics tomorrow.:smokeit: :pie:


Active member
Yeah dude looking good,
The only thing i would do is lower the p.h to 5.5 apart from that, perfect. lovin all your kit-you got the lot n it looks very well organised. I think we can safely say you my friend are gonna WIN.
G'Luck dude, i'll be watching............Scroger'
(ps- i find you can find the perfect ph range for any paticular strain just by watching- adjust it and watch- i always see a slight droop if the plants dont like a paticular range, usually my range is 5.4-6, but hey thats me!! Peace.)


alright, thanks for the advisement, ill lower the ph a bit a little now and the rest tonight...get it back down to 5.5 or so an go from there.....thanx again scroger!


Active member
Thats the way, adjusting PH in small increments so as not to cause any shock to the plants, nice work and i know your gonna be just fine! I find the range for DWC ph is 5.2-5.8. I myself keep it 5.4 -5.8 for the whole grow when doing DWC.
G'Luck Dude............Scroger!


New member
I'm growing Black jack at the moment, 30 days 12/12 and they seem to be lovely plants, alot of crystals. Goodluck with your grow.


cool, ill try that..ill get it down to 5.5 and if it goes up a little bit ill let it swing to about 6 and then slowly bring it back down, slow changes seem to work well..... anyways ill get todays pics up soon andf btw almost at 50 posts! thanks scroger... how do yo you leave


black jackl

black jackl

lucca...good to see somone growing our same strain...lookin forward to those crystals! lol... they seem to be a beautiful plant. Whatstage arre you in?



New member
lucca...good to see somone growing our same strain...lookin forward to those crystals! lol... they seem to be a beautiful plant. Whatstage arre you in?


30 days 12/12 tomorrow, I'll get a pic when I water and upload it. Growing in coco only 2 plants vegged for a month under a 400w hps.

They clone well, got 14 out of 14 after 8 days, more than I can fit under the light, suppose I'll keep a few back and get 10 little ones budding.


Eye hortilux Blue blows out!

Eye hortilux Blue blows out!

I woke up late today and found that my Eye hortilux Blue MH bulb was blown out...Good thing for the side light! This bulb is only 3 mmonths old at that....Atleast its under warranty! well, im uploading pics as we speak...the yellow tint is due to temporarily using my hps till i get back with the mh... I will get the specs on everything this evening!


Eye Hortilux Blue MH blows out!

Eye Hortilux Blue MH blows out!

Ok everything is still going great! plants have all been growing exceptionally well considering the little mistake i had with the nute burn. I figured things would slow to a crawl untill the plants had time to recover, but since the flush it seems they have continued where they left off. Currently the nute temp is 68 Degrees F, PH 5.5, and EC is 0.6


Active member
Oh Noooo,
What was the reson for the blow out dude?- i thought these hortilux were supposed to be Mustard!! How much you payin for them too - ££?
Hope you have no more mishaps buddy!!
Peace............Scroger!!! Wheres the pic's bro':xmasnut: