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5 year old found my garden...



Now days we call them a Richard...cause the nickname for Richard is Dick....


Hi, i know of a commerch grower Whos kid let it slip at school about dads plants to teacher Next minute hes nicked,many a girl has gave me its the plants or me.crazy you can make rocket fuel wine with kids present ,educate them by letting them know theyre herbs Not dangerous like society says,peace.


Active member
GetUp, if you went through all of that as a kid, I think that Ronbo's point went past you without even slowing down. If there are any alternatives in making a living or simply providing your own mj, why on earth would you take the chance of putting your kid through that same grind?
Dude, who here even read my post, dont break my shit up and bash me, who the fuck said I was in this situation? who the fuck said I support growing in front of my kid? I said if your growing, and you have kid/s you better be correct in all you do, like being a parent, if two parents dont see eye to eye it is that fact that is retarded to ignore, not the kid, if both parents do it, and its part of both parents lives, as medicine, then by all means teach your kids the truth about MJ, and its healing properties, how gardening works, and why, and how and yadda yadda.

I said you teach your kids, instead of the teacher at school, cuz teacher at school is telling kids DRUGS ARE BAD MMMMKay! They teach MJ is a drug, our govt has it as stage 1 with LSD, is this correct? Fuck no, so why let my kid believe in lies, to go out in real world and fail? Just like MLK jr, they say one gun man, when 1999 Coretta King civil suit was won, and she got disclosure of what happened, and who really killed King, guess what The Army, FBI, Memphis police, a group called the boule(Jessie jackson) and many more were involved, all this public information, but not in school books!

Dude, yes I went though all those things, and more, I am a fuckin survivor, and to get pinged on by people who have no clue of reality of our dead society, and our evil govts Dude again, I pay no bills to no man, I got solar, I got a well, I grow my own foods, I live off the grid, fool I live what I talk, you guys say shit to sound cool, but truthof the matter whos the fool here me for telling it how it is, or someone pickin my post apart to proove what stupid point, the fuckin cops can take your kid for way less than just growing, I hate people who think kids are to young for certain things, but its ok when they get molested, they can deal with that and still consider them kids after the fact how is this acceptable

A child can go out learn piano, play pee wee sport, go to school, speak 2 different lauguages, but cant understand what plants are, and what it means in society? Your a great parent then, so again why you on a weed site, if your having kids? Same shit, just as bad to some people who look for people who get on kiddy porn sites. Its all in who thinks your breaking the law, so you dont grow but you surf grow sites, hummm...if you have no kids, and do it, then what the hell I said good for you, I posted on this mans situation,not mine, and quite frankly that should of been read much better, and even if you dont agree, thats cool, but dont call names and then get all OMG dude your out of control, thats a bitch move, starting drama, and crying help when your ass is getting pounded by real people.


Active member
And before you comment on me, and my life know all I do, dont assume shit, I highly doubt you know who the hell I am, and if you read any of my post in other threads, you get a good idea, I am no fool, matter of fact, my life vs anyones here speaking on me, lets weigh it out here, do you pay morgage, car note, electric, water, and anyone with a hand out? I pay none of those things, now who is the happier person here? I have less involvement with the govt in all areas in life, and dont have your guys issues, matter of fact, all my money made, goes where I chose it to, and its my kids.

My home, and land are paid for, and owe only taxes, 30 bucks a year, my kid has his own home when I die, you cant say that with certanty, and oh I am only 35yrs old, I work for myself, and I spend more time with my kids in their growth stage, not like the world who sends their kids out to gain truth, most parents today spend 20% with your kids, wether you good or not, very short time to instill your beliefs, and cry when they show signs of our crazy world, and wonder where they learned that? Its crazy, and ignorant, yet I am an idiot for teaching how to avoid it all, by instilling truths in your child early, and never lie to them on anything they ask, if they ask then they want to learn period!


New member
GUSU i like the screenname but you're out of touch with reality. even if you explain to the kid at age 5 its ok to grow, giving him all that info then saying " but you can't tell anybody" is NOT going to work. it's like giving a kid a Christmas present to take to his room a week before Christmas and telling him not to open it. (not the greatest analogy but you get what i'm saying i hope).


New member
best case scenario is tell him its some kind of veggie and show him a completely empty grow room after harvest, then go back to growing and keep the room locked this time <shrugs>


Active member
GUSU i like the screenname but you're out of touch with reality. even if you explain to the kid at age 5 its ok to grow, giving him all that info then saying " but you can't tell anybody" is NOT going to work. it's like giving a kid a Christmas present to take to his room a week before Christmas and telling him not to open it. (not the greatest analogy but you get what i'm saying i hope).
No I am out of touch with the societys reality, see you guys didnt read what I said, I was a foster child, 87% of us are felons before 18yrs old, 1% goes to graduate college, 99% have issues steming from emotional, physical, and PTSD, that means when one of us tries to live life like society wants us to, its not going to work, it never has, I havent worked for someone for ove 6 years just because of my record.

Do I get anywhere with trying to be in the system? NO! Far as my child, and how I raise mine, they dont believe in santa, because I told them the truth, theres not one, and the holiday is from pagan traditions. They dont care cause they dont follow other kids who see it that way.Funny thing is I dont tell my kid to not tell, or anything like that, we work in the garden together, veggies and all we grow is food, and a link to our survival, the medicine is known in my house as just that, do they sit and smoke a joint with me? No, does he know what or why, NO.

Seems like people here think everyone is just like them, like everyone must follow prodical, or status quo, but in true reality I am not a follower, I pave my own path, the narrow road, none will follow, and thats fine, I only am in charge of my own, but to tell people how the real world works is quite funny, it is I who has no bondage to what you say, like I said I dont put my kids in other hands, you do and all you worry about is jail!!! Jail? have you ever been? Its a sham for money like everything in society!

Jail dont scare me, and neither does the principals of this earth, I follow Jesus and his principalsnot anything here thats contrary. See, its like haters, seeing a man doing something you cant, everyone says you cant do that, ooh your gonna get in trouble. Man miss me with that, when the day comes it will come, but you got to find me, and when you find me what you going to do? Draw up a warrant for someone they have no clue about, or where I am? All because of what, growing weed? I dont grow like most here, I grow personal, very small for that matter, and if they come, make it past my dogs, and into my compound.

I come to town twice a month, and hate it, get supplies and jam out to my world, thats right my world, which has no room for idiotic shit like worring bout going to jail. Please go push your fears on someone who will listen, this man stands alone, something you telling me can not say, so bow down to your master and quit telling people how to that you have no clue of, or even a grip of your own situation first, In everything I said, seems I live better than you, and no santa, and all that crap is nothing to worry about, never has. Try something else that will make me leave my reality to come back to yours, and santa and jail anit going to do that.

Matter fact, have you taught your kids about Botanical cells? How bout building with trash, to cut down on carbon footprint, teaching them to love our earth, how about humanure, and worm composting sepitic systems, my kids love that stuff, how about the Giant gold fish, and talapia we are building a fish farm on our property, going to use grey water, going to start a banana tree next spring, tending to chickens, our goat I call him the lawn mower, dude get with it, I do my part, not just for my kids, but the world, and society, I give you true freedom, but people rather say no I am stuck, which is ok, I had no choice, I was forced to live the way I do, and glad for it, but ppl want me back, hell no, aint no fool!


Active member
Oh, and TV is your kids worst enemy, we have only internet, and never watch shows, so maybe that has alot to do with what comes into your home? When my kids are adult, they can make their own choice, when me and my kids work, they are sad to stop, got to grab my little dude to come inside, and the next morning he wants to go work, its our life.


New member
whether its right or not its reality you can babble a whole page it still doesn't change the kid will let it slip


New member
you've forgotten the subject matter GUSU and now its your personal crusade, i hear the "fight the man " motto but its not realistic, and defininitely not what he wants to do i'm sure. bad advice on your part... and yea i've been to jail (most have) but its not the place to be and if you think you're being oppressed by society now go to the clink so they can tell you when to eat, sleep and wash you'd just love that hippieboy.


The Dude
you've forgotten the subject matter GUSU and now its your personal crusade, i hear the "fight the man " motto but its not realistic, and defininitely not what he wants to do i'm sure. bad advice on your part... and yea i've been to jail (most have) but its not the place to be and if you think you're being oppressed by society now go to the clink so they can tell you when to eat, sleep and wash you'd just love that hippieboy.

some of us are smart enough to not get caught, so speak for urself.


New member
seems a few of you are slow, the point of ALL my post are .... its too much for a 5 yr old to ingest then keep quiet about .... (i'm done)


Active member
Like I said you are the one bringing up Jail, and the scare tactics, I read your post and you sound like someone who should not be growing, and If you feel so personally about someones post to call them a fool, then check yourself, and if I am to ghetto for you please go remind yourself when the next time you are being this way in society my friend, I highly doubt you go around calling people names on the streets, and thats the failure in your character, it was fine to disagree, but the moment you used judgement, it opened it up on you. You are on Marijuana grow site you know that right?

Far as the 5 year old goes, read my first post, if you cannot dothat with out calling me a stupid fool, then sign out, and take your meaningless facts that dont pertain to growers, and their personal life, many a grower been growing, are growing, and will always be growing with kids in their lives, and in the same house, this thread was started by someone who failed to cover the proper ways to do so before hand, and that is making sure your wife, woman, girl is on the level, and even that is the weak spot in the whole idea dealing with a woman scorn, but yes please be done, I dont know how many ways you should be told some sense.

My personal agenda? You keep calling people names newbie, you cant come into a site and do that, your a rookie and need to at least take that advice, and if your not a rookie, and come back under a different name, then you must not learned your lesson the last time. I dont care to go round and round with you, but what I will do is make sure your real enough to continue to grow, if you chose to not use logic then fine, your welcomed, and everthing is ok, even if you THINK I am an ass, just dont say it. And like I said in the very first post, this will be a great thread for young people, I am assuming like yourself to learn some truths on. Even if you disagree now, maybe you will encounter these things said, by me, or others, and make some good choices.
one thing that is crucial when you have a kid is telling the truth. If your kids find out you lied to them they will lie to you. Letting your kids know you grow your own medicine, but for security you need to keep it a secret is a better answer to a found plot compared to a stumbling half answer.

Your kids are the future, why not inform them at a proper age, or when they find it? When I broke my arm as a child my parents told me all about these drugs I was taking, they also informed me of all the foods I was ingesting.

We need to remove the stigma that marijuana is a drug. Drug is a fucking awful word. Aspirin is a drug, as is Heroin, as is Xanax, and tons of others that "alter" the mind, body, and soul. Drug is as general a term as animal. Is a human the same as a whale, or a pelican, or a duckbill platypus?

This whole fucking thing is the result of some rich white men playing a game with the world. They have come up with a drug that is stronger than Oxycontin, like the original was weak or something. Labs continue to make chemicals to feed the people while a plant is persecuted. The only reason it is worth so much in the first place is you fuckers made it illegal.

Well fucking said.

I grew one grow in my house with my 3 yr old and 5 yr old. Closet was always lit so they knew what was in there. Tomatoes is what we called it. I do plan on explain things like this in life to them but 5 is a little young. They are starting DARE here in 1st grade! I mean seriously why the fuck does a 6 yr old need to kno what crack looks like. When the time comes she will know as my father explained to me, all things in MODERATION. Anyways I found new location and partnered up so after my first harvest it another been an issue, I do still try and not let them see me hitting a bowl or bong.
I think rule #2 "no kids in the grow house" is best put. I had my run with heroin few years ago and i got busted one time, by myself, and DSS was so all over my ass. I had to do multiple hours of "classes" whih didn't help for shit . Had weekly in home piss tests and meetings wit case worker it sucked. DSS will make ur life shit man, and my kids are just way too important to me. They did hit me up with some outpatient rehab though and I've been clean for 3 yrs (still taking suboxone). Off topic but just my experience.

Family is way too important.

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The Dude
reading comprehension is seriously lackin for some .. moderation fellas lol

i never said anything about growin, i was talkin in general about gettin sloppy an being caught for whatever reason. i comprehend what u were sayin bout peeps thinkin they have freedom untill they get licked up an have someone tell them when to fart, eat an sleep.....i get it ...you dont know what ya got till ya get caught.....some of us were schooled better than others is all im sayin.......always have a couple buffer zones inbetween u an leo.....some peeps are higher up the chain then others an some are the buffer zone.

moderation lol funny....your not talkin about the genius drug ganja are you.......there is a reason we say its not for everyone....some become total idiots an give the excuse "because i was high." most of my best ideas were sittin around the round table with the boys an a few blunts.

nothin against ya it just ticks me off when people throw stereotypical B.S. .....hope i :artist:


Active member
man i've gotten more love from my 2 posts in this thread that any other 2 posts i've ever made lol.... truth rings true :joint: