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4X4 Grow Tent ventilation questions


I'm starting a little 4x4 grow tent, im running an adjust a wing light with a 600 HPS and 400 MH for veg. and a lumatek ballast. Im going to start in soil and eventually switch to acouple lil hydro tubs. What kind of ventilation should I provide in this size room with 12 plants inside. Thank you for all the help guys peace and love.


With my 4x4 tent I use an elicent 6" (309cfm) to cool the light, and a 4" vortex(172cfm) hooked to a carbon filter to scrub the tent.


reflector isn't air-cooled, prolly gonna wish it was. hope I am wrong fer your sake. peace out


600 watter with no air cooled hood is on the fringe...you'll want a fan on that bulb.
If you get a 460 cfm 6" inline vortex fan ( under $200 ) you'll be set for when you do get a air cooled hood and a carbon unit for securtiy. Hook'em up in series and you'll be all pimped out and ready if you want to move to a 1K setup.
PS.....Don't forget your carbon filter unless you live way out in the woods as 12 plants will stink up nicely.


Active member
glass hood period ,,no way you can run a 600 in that tent without one..unless you have a dedicated ac unit..my 2 cents


Vegan is right I've tried in such a small space you need the heat from the bulb removed constantly and efficiently. Even with the ac it was a prob. you could make/ buy cooltube or reg cooled hood but without it temps will more than likely be an issue. Now Donesnt mean it can't be done jmo. Vertical room is valuable esp with lumen penetration, distance from bulb due to heat. Stay cool


Thanks guys

Thanks guys

Thank you guys for the info, im hopin my situation allows me to use this reflector for now. Ive heard that the adjust a wing with the super spreader attachment runs cool. Oh well ill give it a shot i apprecaite all the info thank you friends.


For now mayyybe but these situations are going to need more than hope to bring a decent crop in with a sealed environment you will need direct heat exhaustion or they will suffer. Think of it like a 600w heater in the tent with air just blowing it around and sucking what it can from the top but a direct line out. That stays cool ESP with a nice cool intake. Hot temps will kill plants I promise :)


thank you

thank you

Thanks again appreciate the help. I will do what I can and head your warnings as they make alot of sense. Peace
Thank you guys for the info, im hopin my situation allows me to use this reflector for now. Ive heard that the adjust a wing with the super spreader attachment runs cool. Oh well ill give it a shot i apprecaite all the info thank you friends.
It's the bulb itself that throws off the heat. It's a simple question of physics. Spreading the light reduces hotspots, but if you heat up the air and have no way to remove it, you're going to have issues. The only way I would be able to use an adjust-a-wing would be in a huge space or with a dedicated AC, or maybe in a cool tube with the standard reflector removed.

My local shop has an adjust-a-wing set up in a tent, and I can feel the heat radiating off the bulb from over a foot away. The bulb is a 400Wer...

I hope you figure out a way to get it to work, but it's going to be a steep climb IMO.
Oh, you mentioned hydro, the adjust-a-wing will likely cause issues with the water temps too, if you can't get the heat under control, gotta watch it!


good point about the hydro i might roll a different reflector set up and use the wing on the mother plants. Thank you