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4th 70w hps Computer SCROG



This is my 4th grow and many revisions have been made since my first. I'll be using the fox farm line again like my last grow, but this time my tiger bloom hasn't precipitated out (last grow the ferts were bad and ruined the crop).

I have a lasko fan muffled with a custom made box with foam padding. The fan pulls air through the top back of the case through the box and then exhausted into a 18" long scrubber I made. I also have a fan blowing on the light along with a plexi-glass heat sheild to keep the temps down so I can have the bulb 6"-8" away from the plants (the max usable distance away from a 70w). I didn't have this for my 1st and 2nd grow and the buds came out stretched and airy due to the heat.

Here's a pix of my carbon filter and my old setup (to give you an idea of the setup) along with my new fan box with the lasko fan sitting at the bottom.

My main changes from my last grow is I'm using a screen this time. It took way too many tie downs and time to train it the way I wanted. Hopefully this screen will make it easier (I'm going to install it in the next day or two). I also am using less dirt. My last few grows would take about a week to dry out and I want to water twice a week (water, fert, water, fert). I think thats better for the plants.

From my 3rd grow...tie down mess:

Started with:

What it looks like now (from 3rd grow):

Back showing light trap and exhaust duct

All tucked away:

Here is a pic from when I planted my clones on Wednesday:

This was taken last night (Pot of Gold is on left and Lavender is on the right)
About 9 more days of vegging and then I'll flower.



Active member
ur lamp is rad i love the reflector looks so tight
and the flower pot fits nice in there and ur lst strings
damn u know what ur doing


I wish it was DWC. Looks very nice with a lot more control (and product) but its just too sensitive and requires too much maintenance. I leave for the weekends a couple times a month so I need to use soil and water it ~twice a week.

I installed the screen today. I made it out of coat hangers, wire plant ties and hot glue. Also both clones are now taking off with new growth (all coming out nice and green) so I watered and upped the fert to 1.5tsp grow big. My 3rd grow 1 clone didn't like 2tsp, but I gave them that at the beginning and I'm not doing that again.

Can't wait to get to 12/12! Even this little 70w light heats my room up enough I love it when the light isn't on during the day. It's 1:53am right now and its 84F outside...



Watered tonight so I figured I'd take a few pics. I'm guessing another 5-6 days till flower!



Switched to 12/12 tonight. Last grow I had more 3rd'ary growth when I switched to flower, but the screen has filled out very nicely (hopefully not too nicely). I've got 14 branches on the Pot of Gold and 11 branches on the Lavender (including the cola). Hoping for a good yield :)

And I _try_ to only check once a day so I can see changes. Kinda on the same lines of the saying of watching water boil...but I do love looking at my plants :jump:

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Nice.. I'll be pullin up a chair to watch the progress... They look beautiful :)

How big is ur case and what are your average temps inside?


Week 1 Flower:

I keep having this repeat problem when I grow...so far all of my grows have had ca/mg def. I've been using RO water since my last grow, and its VERY important to add ca/mg. I have cal-mag plus, but was using it lightly (1/2 of what it said) but the Lavender stopped growing and showed slight signs of a def. Watered with 1tsp/gal cal mag in RO water and the next night I saw more growth. Lesson to be learned: use 1tsp/gal when feeding as directed on the bottle.

Not a big deal because the Pot of Gold was a little on the large side and has filled in very nicely. The lavender was a smaller clone to start with and thus wasn't as far along as the POG, and now I'm guessing it lost about 3 days of growth. The POG has lots of 3rd-ary growth/branches and the Lav has a few sites with larger leafs on the 3rd-ary, but not much branching at the nodes.

Before the training tonight:

Top view (this doesn't show about 1/3 of the tops)

After the train (the screen is a much needed improvement over my last grow and I'll continue to use it)

Forgot to add, the dimensions are 27x18.5x8.5. The other night I checked the temp using a thermometer suspended just above the canopy in direct light. It read 92 when I pulled it out of the closet after it was tucked away for several hours. The room read 83 with the same thermometer shortly after. It didn't feel 83 and I think its always been high and I'd estimate it to be 3-5F too high.
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Week 2 flower with video

Week 2 flower with video

Week 2 Flower update (pics/vid are from sunday night). I stopped training on last thursday, or day 11 flower. The other night I was moving some budsites around the screen to space them better and one snapped. Thats the only problem I've found with the screen. After the flower sets in the plant gets much more rigid and its hard to move a bud site with a lot of growth through the screen. I'm about 2" above the screen and it looks like the stretch is over.

I tried to tape the broke stem, but last night when I checked on it, it was very wilted. I hope it makes it through, but it was only small 3rdary growth so at least it wasn't a main stem.

Some others:

And here, have a movie
Very nice dude! They're coming along great!

What did you make your screen out of... It looks like Hangers and possible fishing wire? How is it held in place?