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4oz mids vs. 1oz headies


natural medicator
Here's the situation...

I'm most likely going to be stuck out of town during 4/20 and its a holiday I actually enjoy. I'd like to have a nice stash on me, but as I may or may not be traveling through different states with different penalties, I'd like to keep the amount of material as low as possible and odorless as possible.

This led me to the conclusion that I pretty much need to make hash or BHO.

As a bonus, hash is easily rolled into tobac and BHO can be absorbed into tobac for discreet carrying and smoking.

this leads me to my question..............

If 4oz of mids and 1 oz of really good herb cost the same amount (and, like me at the moment, you're stuck buying)......

would you make BHO out of the 4oz of mids or the 1oz of headies?

Things to consider:
1) both units cost about the same
2) mids=bricked herb, headies/really good herb =some non-compressed, crystally love

Bring up whatever points you want, but I only have a week or less to figure it out

any input is greatly appreciated

thanks friends :wave:


I would go for headies unless you choose to go the edible route.

To me I feel that mids are too handled to extract a good hash or bho concentrate from. This may be incorrect, but I feel when you get those bricked up mids, they look beat to hell and all bricked up. So assuming the mids have already been kif'd, pissed on and bricked, I pick headies.

Mids can also trigger awful headaches.


I like to smoke the good stuff, hash the meh stuff... 4x the meh stuff as has might be nice if its not going to get you into more trouble if caught.

I say a few grams of the good stuff and a load of hashed mid


Overkill is under-rated.
Short answer, the cheap weed.

The long answer: As someone who makes over a pound of alcohol honey oil a month, I can tell you the cheap weed for sure. The yield by weight between buds and frosty sugar trim ranges from 12-15% return by weight (that is, I use trim or popcorn, even slightly moldy buds that are baked til powdery dry, then crushed or ground in a food processor.) In other words, dry good trim and dried buds have only a few percent between them, so even if your cheap weed is no better than my good trim, you will get lots more yield.

The nice thing about extracts is looks don't matter with the starting material. If it has THC in it, you're washing it out. So good trim, bad bud, or anything in between, will make excellent quality extracts. The yield is really the only thing that varies once you have your method down pat. Get it right and you can turn garbage into pharmaceutical grade honey oil.


I came across some bubble hash once, it was the best high I ever had that year. Went back for more, and the guy went dry. try it, its good for you.



While I respect your work and am very grateful for all of the information/threads you have shared, I could not disagree more with this statement, long or short.

Short answer, the cheap weed.

The long answer: As someone who makes over a pound of alcohol honey oil a month, I can tell you the cheap weed for sure. The yield by weight between buds and frosty sugar trim ranges from 12-15% return by weight (that is, I use trim or popcorn, even slightly moldy buds that are baked til powdery dry, then crushed or ground in a food processor.) In other words, dry good trim and dried buds have only a few percent between them, so even if your cheap weed is no better than my good trim, you will get lots more yield.

The nice thing about extracts is looks don't matter with the starting material. If it has THC in it, you're washing it out. So good trim, bad bud, or anything in between, will make excellent quality extracts. The yield is really the only thing that varies once you have your method down pat. Get it right and you can turn garbage into pharmaceutical grade honey oil.

First Tracks-

The reason I was attracted to oil in the first place is because I was on the quest for the meltiest tastiest headiest product I could find. I made dry sift quite a bit and bubble here and there, but was never quite satisfied with the results. I made a few (EtOH) alcohol extracts from some mediocre bubble, and it was great! I continued to make alcohol extracts from trim and nugs when I ran out of hash, and that seemed to appease me as well.

One day a friend of mine convinced me to run BHO, saying that I didn't know what I was missing, yada yada yada. Needless to say, I took his advice. At the time I had just harvested some Enigma, a 90+ day Sativa, reminds me a bit of a lemon haze. I grabbed a baster, loaded up a quarter, and went to work.

I have since then run all kinds of stuff. Other strains that I grew, friends' trim, cali herb, dry sift, and my own trim. If trim is fresh, it will make good oil, and you can yield really well with good stuff.
Bad starting material = bad oil. (When I say bad I am no referring to aesthetics necessarily, mostly smell and visible resin content.)

When one makes oil with butane, it retains the smell of the starting material. When running whole flowers of primo ganja, this is a good thing. If your trim sits around for a while in poor conditions, then the extract will most definitely suffer as a result.

In conclusion, I vote that you should buy the single zone of headies over the brick weed. Your yield will probably be comparable, and it will taste incredible (assuming the weed is as awesome as you described.)

What oil is -
A combination of psychoactive and flavor producing compounds that have incredibly euphoric and synergistic results with Homo Sapiens.

What oil is not -
A shortcut for turning a bad product into a good one. You still gotta grow top notch herb!:tiphat:


Active member
I can understand the concept of Garbage in/Garbage Out but putting this guys entire trip into context might be necessary.

If I was at HOME with a ti curve (or some other oil consumption device) I would agree with you 100% that the top shelf would be the way to go. This guy plans to be on the road and taking hits when its convenient. (He even mentioned mixing some with his ciggies/tobacco) Which would mean you do it when you have an opportunity, and you dont have the luxury of sitting and 'enjoying' the entire experience.

This sounds like a road trip, and in my experience - road trip(s) are about making your shit last for the duration primarily. I wouldnt bring the smuggled Habanas (if I smoked cigars) on a trip that I couldnt thoroughly enjoy them. In most cases I would agree with you completely. In this case, I think quantity takes the drivers seat over (total) quality. :)


3rd-Eye Jedi
if you were using another oil method (look into grey wolfs threads) hashing the mids will give you a better yield and the way you processes it can improve the purity (applying heat as an example)

bho will not its just pulling out the oil present

your mixing the oil with tobacco to avoid the risk so other than potency and character of the buzz most the other characters will be diluted by the tobacco so starting material has less bearing int hat regard


If remaining clandestine is your concern, looking into Gray Wolf's THC Acetate thread. He reported the ability to use the acetate in an E-cig.

If you have a little bit of chemistry knowledge, an ability to acquire the necessary solvents, and a safe place to do it-- this seems like the answer to stealth medicating.

I have yet do it myself, as I do not have access to all the materials presently. However, I did pick up a vaperx (Basically just an e-cig but they sell it at dispensaries in CO), along with some 'Delta 9 THO.'
The THO is a CO2 extract, and while it tastes horrible on a Ti pad, it does indeed work with the e-cig. I'm sure the acetate would be a better option, and I intend to start making it when the conditions are right.


natural medicator
Thanks for all the responses!

AGbeer hit the nail on the head. This isn't gonna be a cannabis cup type thing. This is 'I'm driving through some unfriendly states and don't want any readily identifiable or bulky material on me, so I need to make hash or hash oil.

This is in fact (as nasty as it seems to many) just gonna be mixed with rolly tobacco when I smoke it, so taste is secondary to effect. I know the high will mimic the herb from which it was derived, so that's one factor pushing me towards using nicer herb.

as soon as i can safely grow my own again without putting others around me at risk, I plan to. i used to grow some stuff i consider reasonably nice :toke: check my gallery if you need.

the nicer stuff is just awesome compared to the normal batches of mids. usually the stone/high is 1.5-2x nicer, but its mainly in the way better taste. (there are some nice mids once in a while though that break this rule in half, though I expect 99/100 not to believe me on that one)

LoneWolf: its important to have standards for sure

really appreciate the thought out response man! you're absolutely right on the same track as my thinking there, except I lack your experience making oil from good stuff. thanks for taking the time to come in and post.

bebopp:everything i take with me is gonna be hashed/oil man. no green material, just nice compact stuff to get me ripped in a few hits. The amount is definitely a swaying factor though. A short O gets me in less trouble than a quap any day. (how to get a short O and be happy? smoke out whoever helped ya out, he/she's happier, and you're safer win/win)

dankside: mids only trigger headaches if the smoker thinks he/she's too good for them. We call middies 'work weed' around here. I actually agree with ya, but gotta bust on ya anyway.

TIMMY!!! (sorry bout that) I already went dry all this week because I didn't feel like dealing with procuring any, and don't have a grow running or any harvested right now. Don't feel like going dry a whole week where the whole point is to relax.

While I like the idea of just making water hash with it, as its easy, and i can do it with just coffee filters, my yield per ounce with bricked mids is usually just around 1.5g per oz. iso oil, i usually do a little better, and I'm hoping a BHO run could yield me just a little more.

thanks everybody for responses! keep those opinions comin


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Don't waste your time with the mids, just get the dank and make BHO. You'll be glad you did.


New member
I have found a good mids connect. Is it possible to make good oil out of it and how much do I need? I want to try the methods of doing this before I attempt on high grade.

so I ask, whats the LEAST ammount of MIDS I can start with to yeild a good THC oil made from say coconut oil.

I tried with 2 grams of weed but I dont think thats enough, is there a good ratio to coconut oil I could use? can I try with 3.5 grams? 7 grams?

Im sure ill mess up trying, I know me, so I want a set amount I can start with to make some oil


Active member
hes asking.. to blow either good or bad weed into hashoil lol..

GO WITH GOOD WEED. as it will taste an get you higher.. and then you have a less likely chance to be concentrating the pesticides that are sprayed on the Mexican Crops.


I think it probably comes down to how good the quality of the "mids" actually is. I'm not sure what qualifies as "mids" nowadays but 10 years ago or so I actually preferred some of the really quite good mexican weed that was called "mids" to the west coast vac pac or beasters from up north. The quality was such that there were still a majority of the glandular heads still present on the trichs and they were well grown outdoors and actually taken to completion. Very few seeds, not compressed, and with some of the great classic minty/piney/fruity flavors that the good Mexican herb provided. So if this is the type of "mids" you're talking about, I would say there's probably not much question that while the overall effects might not be identical, you will likely get more for your money with 4 of these versus 1 of the higher quality. With that said, the difference is probably not going to be an enormous amount in terms of the yield, so if it were me and I had an ounce of something well-grown with effects that I enjoy relative to the type of high it provides, I would probably go for that. IME you can expect 10% as a bare minimum using quality herb, even if you do runs with the whole flowers in pursuit of the best possible quality oil, but you might not even hit that number on the high end with the "mids."

If we're talking about bricked up, seedy herb that isn't very potent, I would say definitely without a doubt go for the reverse scenario. In my experience with blasting everything from really awful, stepped on brick weed to the best of the best, the former really isn't worth the time or energy at all no matter what you do. Quality in = quality out has varying degrees of truth to it but the overall message is on point, and if you're starting with something that has less potency than even bad trim does, you're not going to get anything worth the time or effort in my experience.

Either way, could you get a small sample of each and do a trial run? Maybe that would give you an idea both of the expected yield as well as the overall quality you can expect from each to allow you to make a more measured decision...


New member
I think it probably comes down to how good the quality of the "mids" actually is. I'm not sure what qualifies as "mids" nowadays but 10 years ago or so I actually preferred some of the really quite good mexican weed that was called "mids" to the west coast vac pac or beasters from up north. The quality was such that there were still a majority of the glandular heads still present on the trichs and they were well grown outdoors and actually taken to completion. Very few seeds, not compressed, and with some of the great classic minty/piney/fruity flavors that the good Mexican herb provided. So if this is the type of "mids" you're talking about, I would say there's probably not much question that while the overall effects might not be identical, you will likely get more for your money with 4 of these versus 1 of the higher quality. With that said, the difference is probably not going to be an enormous amount in terms of the yield, so if it were me and I had an ounce of something well-grown with effects that I enjoy relative to the type of high it provides, I would probably go for that. IME you can expect 10% as a bare minimum using quality herb, even if you do runs with the whole flowers in pursuit of the best possible quality oil, but you might not even hit that number on the high end with the "mids."

If we're talking about bricked up, seedy herb that isn't very potent, I would say definitely without a doubt go for the reverse scenario. In my experience with blasting everything from really awful, stepped on brick weed to the best of the best, the former really isn't worth the time or energy at all no matter what you do. Quality in = quality out has varying degrees of truth to it but the overall message is on point, and if you're starting with something that has less potency than even bad trim does, you're not going to get anything worth the time or effort in my experience.

Either way, could you get a small sample of each and do a trial run? Maybe that would give you an idea both of the expected yield as well as the overall quality you can expect from each to allow you to make a more measured decision...

yes i want to do a trail run but i dont know the science behind it...

anyways, here is the batch of "mid grades" honestly this to me is high grade. I was expecting stick and stem mexico weed but nope. so now how much of this weed could I use to make potent THC oil. I once ate brownies using mexico weed and it hit us all hard with a crazy body high, so I know mexico weed can get you nice... but either way I have this to work with....can I use a 3.5 grams of this to make something very very strong? even if I got like 3 strong thc pills or what ever it would be nice



Gotta say that what you posted looks a lot like the "mids" I was describing in my post, and judging by the photo alone I would say that if it's the same price for 4 of those versus 1, I would probably run the mexican just to see what it can do. I can't find good mexican herb anymore if I try, so I'm actually kind of jealous.


Active member
ya the sample run is your best bet.. go on ebay . get a little 5 gram tube lol.. and run like a few sprays through it lol. or make a tiny ass tube yourself..


New member
ya the sample run is your best bet.. go on ebay . get a little 5 gram tube lol.. and run like a few sprays through it lol. or make a tiny ass tube yourself..

I was going to decarb the weed for 20 min at 220 c

then put it in a crockerpot for 18 hours at 100c in a mason jar


bake it at 220 for 20 min

if I use 3.5 grams of this weed, can I make at least 1 potent THC piLL??

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