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4k stadium. first real grow.


Active member
whats good.. i've never had a successful crop outdoors due to bugs and mold, went from a 400 watter vegging a few seedlings to 4000 watts, 48 plants in canna coco 2 gallon pots hand water every day it's a bitch, considering a drip but i'm only doing this stadium once due to plant count. fed floranova bloom going to switch to gh bloom after 3 weeks flower, cal mag and drip clean, i bought a small bottle of rhizotonic that shit made the roots explode..running 1000 watt quantum ballasts and sunpulse 3000kelvin bulbs, i read reviews on the bulbs heard they're good but then after i bought them i read all the negatives, hopefully i won't lose too much weight. if you check my album you can see what the garage looked like before i hung up everything, i just stapled and taped walls of panda together from the ceiling down to 2x4's on the concrete. the room is 14x9x7, stadium dimensions are 11'x7', i cool the room with a s&p 8" fan and a 8" vortex, 1300 cfm together give or take, one on the ceiling one on the ground. there is a trap door that leads underneath my house where tons of fresh cold air just blows in, pretty much a big wind tunnel in the room thus some minor wind burn on my girls.i vegged them about 3 weeks, they were stunted the first week and a half and im currently on day 5 of flower. the canopy is really uneven mostly because my sisters bf gave me 10 og kush clones around 10" tall when the rest were babies, besides running multiple strains.
my strains are mosca c99 bx, williams wonder ix, the white x sour diesel, green crack, and 10 og kush. everything except the og and green crack i grew from beans but never flowered them out, took cuts and trashed them because they were way too big for my little 400 at the time, i had moms over 3 feet tall in 1 gallon pots.. im looking for that pineapple c99, i have 8 different c99 females to choose from should be no problem.the williams wonder im growing reeked sooo bad in veg im worried about flower can't wait though! my white diesel girl i chose of the 4 due to plant count, is very sour diesel leaning just rubbing the stems smells like straight sour d, and was the only different girl from the other three the white dominant phenos, i still have 6 seeds left any way but hopefully this is just some sour diesel dipped in frost. if your wondering why the lights are so high up it's because im letting them stretch upwards then once i see some hairs ill drop the lights right down. ill keep you guys posted down the road, peace.




my insurance :p

one og kush plant.. big ass girl in the rockwool

anyone know what cut the og might be? 3 finger leaves


Active member
no a/c running, no co2. trying to K.I.S.S. the room is cooled by two 8" fans, 8" vortex and a s&p 8" fan. not sure why people say those s&p's are stealth, the vortex is practically silent, s&p is so loud with fan motor.
my intake is this, leads under my house where lots of fresh air flows in. i love to smoke in the room and watch the smoke all get exhausted in seconds :jump:

temps are fine even on hot days, speaking of which it was 96 yesterday a record setter for SF. the room is around 82-83 max, 76-77 at night when i was vegging. if im leaving anything out let me know . :wave: i probably should have waited a month so it's not just boring veg pics, damn.. my bad.

also if anyone is wondering, the set up cost me around $2600 from the quantums to bulbs, (bulbs $100 a piece) mogul sockets, filters, 1 fan(had the s&p already), nutes, mlc-4xt, coco, 100' panda roll, flame defender fire extinguisher, and lumber. i can't believe i got the quantums so cheap, $250 a piece, around $350+ anywhere else i went thanks to you krunch hope all is getting better bro! also i burned my arm the other day, which i could have avoided by not going in the room drunk, fuckin sizzled my skin right off easily a 2nd degree burn i now have a 3 inch scar that everyone notices. bare bulb is pretty scary it could have been worse thank god it didn't burn my face instead now that would have ruined my life. i now water with 2 layers of sunglasses on, and a hoody and i now turn off 3 of the 4 lights while doing so.


Active member
thanks for the kind words fellas, this is a trial and error run due to multiple phenos, different plant sizes etc, i don't have any expectations for yield but im hoping maybe 4 lbs or close if im lucky, we'll see, i just want some bud to smoke haha im tired of blowing all my cash at clubs.


Definitely the way to go with the trial and error run. On my room it has been lots of errors, but the room keeps improving. I am sure yours will improve quite a bit as well. Seems like I am always finding something that needs to be fixed or a revision of an earlier plan. Nothing beats having walls of bud though. :joint:


nice setup pal will be watching thinking about doing a stadium myself


Active member
I'm a hood-less Vert Hanging grower myself. Also, I rock 4 1000's, so we are def. on the same page. Once the OD is over I'll start documenting INDoor, but I've got your thread subscribed to satisfy my yearnings.

GL, and I'm positive you will find a keeper in the range of plants you have going.



Active member
day 40 flower...

day 40 flower...

yo guys, heres a little update of a few shots of the plants.. i have multiple c99 phenos but unfortunately my camera battery died while i was in the room, i'll have full harvest shots of the room and bud macros soon for ya.
MOSCA c99 pineapple pheno

c99 pineapple pheno again..

c99 pineapple pheno once again...
shes not the best looking of the c99's, the grapefruit pheno smells the best and most pungent of them all and the fruit punch has most frost, and i have a really "crown" shaped pheno straight fox tails looks the coolest, i'll post pics later. but of course pineapple is my favorite fruit and i almost get a boner ever time i smell her so i'm keeping her :yay:

WILLIAMS WONDER IX.. i under vegged by about a week or two but the williams might make up for the lost weight, FAT, STINKY buds. a little leafy though..thin tan pistils

OG KUSH (no idea on which cut)

GREEN CRACK AKA GREEN CUSH.. green crack smells so damn unique i'm sniffing a popcorn branch right now it's like a seductive citrus orange fruit tang, no idea where i'm going with that description. it hurts my nose it smells so strong

heres a white diesel pic (white x sour diesel rez seed) day 33,nice and frosty, barely smells at all, yields look nice, keeps getting fatter by the day.. a hint of diesel when u pinch a nug, i guess i need to make f2's and pheno hunt for a sour diesel leaning extra frosty beezy.
heres a dried popcorn pic of a c99 pheno i didn't post up, the fruit punch pheno.

i'm going to start flushing the green crack and c99 in a few days. stay tuned for all c99 pheno pics and full plant shots in a week or two after i chop all of it. i just popped some deep chunk seeds going to find a male to cross with the williams wonder to spike up the bag appeal a notch, has everything else smells great yields fucking amazing. peace :wave:
P.S i've also been battling mites for the past week and i'm limited on options but i threw up some pest strips they are keeping them in check for now.
going RDWC in 20 gallon trash cans next round to cut down on numbers, 5k bare bulb, 4 plants.. probably running all c99 pineapple shit i'm sure i won't have a problem getting that stuff off my hands the smell is captivating IT"S DANK! thanks mosca


Active member
These pics are phen.! Those day 40 buds are amazing, and your plants look so healthy.

Congrats on a grow to be proud. I want to smoke every bud you posted. Seriously, every

single bud.



Active member
thanks bro!! i'll rep you as soon as i can spread some around. they look alright the pics don't do justice but it's the best i could do for now. i know lost a lot in the yield department due to under veg by a week or two. last week i had a real bad heat wave had the room in mid/high 80's, back down to 79 now. quite a few plants on the edge have wind burn on the fans and those damn mites are only on maybe 8-10 plants. i honestly hate this grow, thank god for this site and reading for a few years i have high expectations and this grow didn't cut it for me. but it feels damn good to have a first successful harvest and not dish out $54 for a measly 3.5 grams!! thanks again for the kind words