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44 Inches of snow in Michigan?

Owl Mirror

Active member
Alot of good a 10-year old avg. snowfall map does for last week...

Current Snow Depth

Of course, data produced by the government weather sources are probably being manipulated, in your mind. You may be correct, I've not heard from anyone living in the UP since the snow began falling. Seriously, do you really believe a natural disaster would occur in the USA and nobody would know about it ?

Seems this thread was simply a back door method of starting yet another CLIMATE CHANGE thread and bash the former Vice-president.


A foot without a sock...
Current Snow Depth

Of course, data produced by the government weather sources are probably being manipulated, in your mind. You may be correct, I've not heard from anyone living in the UP since the snow began falling. Seriously, do you really believe a natural disaster would occur in the USA and nobody would know about it ?

Seems this thread was simply a back door method of starting yet another CLIMATE CHANGE thread and bash the former Vice-president.

Yes, of course, it's ALL conspiracy!


Relax man, the boogie-man is not out to get you :joint:

Owl Mirror

Active member
he invented the "internet"

Did Gore invent the Internet?
Oct 5, 2000 - That Al Gore once claimed to have "invented the Internet" is now part of electoral folklore -- one item in a litany of Gore "exaggerations" or "lies" that his opponents trot out to discredit him.
And the "Gore claims he invented the Net" trope is so full of holes that it makes you wish there were product recalls for bad information.
Gore never claimed to have "invented" the Internet. What he said was:
During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore and information technology
Before computers were comprehensible, let alone sexy, the poker-faced Gore struggled to explain artificial intelligence and fiber-optic networks to sleepy colleagues..
Of Gore's involvement in the then-developing Internet while in Congress, Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn have also noted that:

As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship [...] the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication. As an example, he sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.

As a Senator, Gore began to craft the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991 (commonly referred to as "The Gore Bill") after hearing the 1988 report Toward a National Research Network submitted to Congress by a group chaired by UCLA professor of computer science, Leonard Kleinrock, one of the central creators of the ARPANET (the ARPANET, first deployed by Kleinrock and others in 1969, is the predecessor of the Internet).

Indeed, Kleinrock would later credit both Gore and the Gore Bill as a critical moment in Internet history:

A second development occurred around this time, namely, then-Senator Al Gore, a strong and knowledgeable proponent of the Internet, promoted legislation that resulted in President George H.W Bush signing the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. This Act allocated $600 million for high performance computing and for the creation of the National Research and Education Network. The NREN brought together industry, academia and government in a joint effort to accelerate the development and deployment of gigabit/sec networking.

The bill was passed on Dec. 9, 1991 and led to the National Information Infrastructure (NII) which Gore referred to as the "information superhighway". President George H. W. Bush predicted that the bill would help "unlock the secrets of DNA," open up foreign markets to free trade, and a promise of cooperation between government, academia, and industry.

Prior to its passage, Gore discussed the basics of the bill in an article for the September 1991 issue of Scientific American entitled Scientific American presents the September 1991 Single Copy Issue: Communications, Computers, and Networks. His essay, "Infrastructure for the Global Village", commented on the lack of network access described above and argued: "Rather than holding back, the U.S. should lead by building the information infrastructure, essential if all Americans are to gain access to this transforming technology" [...] "high speed networks must be built that tie together millions of computers, providing capabilities that we cannot even imagine."

Owl Mirror

Active member
Relax man, the boogie-man is not out to get you :joint:

I am not the one throwing around conspiracy theories in this (or any) thread.
I was being mockingly facetious.

The main premise of this thread is an out of control government, not coming to the rescue of citizens by FEMA due to a mere 44 inches of hypothetical snowstorm.
That led to calls of mockery regarding Climate Change and the main public proponent for changes in humankind's direction.

I enjoy a good debate on various topics yet, find it boring and disappointing when confronted by false and misleading information. It just goes to show how shallow thinking our society has become, the ME ME ME generation. Never thinking beyond the next gratification.

The planets weather has changed. A moral society would put aside blame and, take corrective actions to forestall a humanitarian disaster.

Glaciers which fed the streams and rivers down below in the valleys are disappearing. The life that is dependant upon that seasonal water source will eventually disappear too. The human beings that depend upon the land in these valleys will need to move away or die.

Why not plan for these instances and reduce the suffering of fellow human beings ?

If mankind polluting the planet is the cause, that should make correcting the problem that much easier. If it is a naturally occurring event, the better we understand our surroundings and taking preemptive actions only seems prudent. Why would you deride those working towards the benefit of mankind?



A foot without a sock...
So did they get 44" of snow or not ?

You're the only one who seems to be pushing an agenda here, facetiously or otherwise.

Maybe your sense of humor is broken, along with the climate.


Owl Mirror

Active member
Maybe your sense of humor is broken, along with the climate.

Oh I like a good joke just as much as anyone.
What I don't like is people deriding my government and country, mocking it and claiming they are inept.
Perhaps maturity has brought these feelings to the top?
Maybe one day you'll grow up and appreciate what you have and those who provided those freedoms and liberties you enjoy.


A foot without a sock...
Oh I like a good joke just as much as anyone.
What I don't like is people deriding my government and country, mocking it and claiming they are inept.
Perhaps maturity has brought these feelings to the top?
Maybe one day you'll grow up and appreciate what you have and those who provided those freedoms and liberties you enjoy.

Well, if what you claim is maturity manifests itself as narrow-mindedness, no thanks.

p.s. Sometimes you have no clue as to whom exactly you're addressing, friend.

FTR - The FEMA crack was said tongue~n~cheek, coincidentally.


New member
just moved from way up in the yoop not long ago.....even if they did get a 44 in dump thats par for the course especially up toward the keewenaw peninsula, winter hasnt even started there till the snow passes your first floor windows! and fuk callin FEMA folk up there are more likely to lite a splif crack a cold one and call for a pizza :joint:

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