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400w vert, 600hps+250mh vert, 400w vert


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Everything below I must have typed stoned out of my gord because it's difficult to understand. The secret jardin dr120 (4x4) now houses a 600 hps and 250 mh within a single dual socket 30" cool tube. The six master kush have been chopped and my four young huge girls, a sour diesel, a sour diesel (or blue moonshine), a la con cross, and one master kush. With the other six out of the way the big four have been trained to span almost 4 feet wide so it's essentially 1 plant per wall.

Yes, vert is how I roll. Currently, I have a 400w vert tent, a 4x4 dr120 by Secret Jardin. This tent houses 6 master kush ready to chop any day now, and 4 new huge babies that are about to take center stage (currently sitting behind the inner circle of finishing MKs) - an LA con x hog x jah kush, a mk, a sour diesel, and what could be a sd or a blue moonshine (mislabling for the lose).

This 400w tent is again on day 55ish for the MKs and will soon (in days) be upgraded to 600hps + 250 metal halide. I knew a 4x4 tent needed more light, but it wasn't until recently that I finally brought the grow out of the closet and went tent style.

My room mate and I just completed his new 400w 32x32" (roughly) pvc cab, skinned with panda film. Both of us are using stanley blowers, T duct- some air pulling thru cool tube, some air pulling through scrubber. We both run Can 9000 (is that the 24" one?) filters. Works wonderfully.

Fully legal short of perpetual transition :p

IDK how to insert pics and then comment on them, and I have no idea what order pix will appear in as thumbnails below my post..so use your imagination :) Ones nearing done are Mks, anything bushy and budless is either a la con mix, sd, or bms - pics of tent with light is the 400w 4x4 I run soon to be 600+250 in dual socket 30"cool tube from hydrowholesale. Glad it arrived unbroken. Unlit cab is roomie's new deal.

Q's? Don't expect much response since vert thread doesn't get much play - elites :smokey: but I need to use this to keep track of my dates and progress mainly, and a pic dump for creating my chronicles.


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Nice! I'm setting up a dr120 for af soon, with a cooltubed 600. He wants to try it horizontal first to have something to compare the vert too. I'll have to survive on your pics until then. :)


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got the 600w ballast and bulb in today, so I took the old setup apart. Out with the old, time for real cool tube :dance013:

I use computer cases for ballast boxes, and at 20 shipped for some entry-level case on newegg, from time to time, they can't be beat for price. Can easily fit two 1000w magnetics within the average mid tower, and you have perfect places to mount a computer fan too if you want to pull a little air over the components.

So, my computer case now houses a 600w HPS and 250w MH- wires run out to the sockets on the cool tube. Nice that the cool tube included these plugs, and what I'd estimate to be maybe 10-12 feet of cord per socket.

MH on bottom, hps on top. I'm fine with the near-done MK's just being on the floor closest to the metal halide. The HPS is a ways above the canopy but the big four are only a week in to flower and are stretching crazily. can also boost em up at any time - the near done mk's are sitting about 8" off of the ground thanks to some boxes.

Temps jumped a bit, was about 72 all day with just a 400 and my rigged set up, small diameter cool tube, etc. Now 77* steady with 850 watts total.

Thanks for viewing.


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Beautiful! You mentioned once that if the 250 seems lacking you might throw a 400 hps in there. If it comes to that, consider a cmh bulb to run in the 400 hps ballast and have an even better mixed spectrum effect. :)


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Thanks bud, my room mate just took my 400 for his setup.. I think I may have another ballast laying around but I'll certainly consider that if it's lacking. Well, i'm sure it is lacking..but whatever. Hopefully it'll do something and not just be a waste of electricity since the plants are pretty far away from the bulb now (bottoms haven't grown in towards bottom bulb).

Also i love spending $10 on bulbs so a CMH @ $100 would hurt, but I'll keep it in mind. Master kush (all from clone) were chopped yesterday, 2/6. Day 58. Woke up and dragged em out just before lights on and did one girl at a time keeping the rest in a pitch black closet. If sugars rise from the root zone or whatever, I wanted to keep anything icky tasting down there.

Six girls took me like.. 8 hours to trim :\ No clue how much it'll be.


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Round 2, Day 30 - 4 big (former mother) Plants
250w MH + 600w HPS dual cool tube
Temps are usually about 5-8 over ambient, 80 at most. Night temps fall to about 65-66 though I've tried to correct this recently. Wondering if that caused Mk lockout, she stopped drinking a lot a while ago.
These plants are all between 3 and four feet from lower stem area where leaves begin and their peak cola. Training has been kind of iffy, because I've been able to spread them flat (to make walls more or less) but there's still a lot of little ruffage shoots that build this wall, especially toward the bottom.

Vert ain' easy with such few plants, even with a long veg like these mothers had, my veg space can't easily hold huge plants, especially if they've been up potted prior to flower.

Anyway, in the front closest to the tent door is Master Kush, the same one that I did last round. Just like last round, it seems like it has a tendency to yellow quick, starting as early as day 25. Everyone else is happy, but I had been using Cal/mag (5ml/gal)+6/9 Rez recipe this entire grow even prior to flower to combat that. The leaves turn almost white.

Now I figure this is a lockout, so I've flushed and resumed ferting but she's still being finnicky. Because of that, despite good smoke, I'll probably just keep a momma of her for the time and get rid of all my little MK cutlets to buddies. A friend now didn't exp same problem in soil.

Blue moonshine / diesel mixup: my girls on left and back wall were sposed to be bms and sd. I brought them with me, as I did the MK, from a zillion miles away "home". Seems like something got mixed up, they're both nearly identical and stink like diesel. Sigh, I'll miss you BMS (if this is truly the case).

My prized pig now is this LA con that I've included extra shots of. It's actually (LA CON x Hog) that was pollinated by a jah kush male. Some local dispensary had a few beans and this is what I've got. Liking her a lot, great look, vigor, stank- even in veg.

Sorry for so much text, I'll update more frequently :)

Last pic is of dry MK from last round, been in the jar for like 2 weeks?


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2/28 Day 33 Flower - Update on the crew

Right now, my LA cross is the biggest plant of the crew, but very leafy and shades itself pretty good in vert- should have found a better way to train her. Enormous leaves, very resinous and sticky already and JUST (past two days) developed a strong lemon pledge essence. I'm hoping to do a run of strictly these soon though they're hard to veg for vert - they prefer to just do totem poles, but I don't want to require 50 plants to circle my light.

Master Kush has recovered nicely from its yellowing. Still a bit lighter green than the others but whatever, I figured it'd be finishing before the diesels so today was their first watering of strictly GH bloom, no more micro. Did 3ml micro/10ml bloom yesterday following a kool bloom slam for good measure.

Two diesels in the back, def no blue moonshine cut here - lost a coast away forever. That's sad, but this diesel is good if it'd start packing on the weight a little more. Most crystal covered of the bunch and a lovely sour diesel smell. The two diesel pics below represent both of the girls.

On with the pics,


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And here's the group shot of day 33 with labels of where they're seated. As you can see, i'm losing out on a lot of my 250w mh light at the bottom. The double cool tube is 30" tall so i'd need about 3 feet tall of plant to really utilize all the light in here.


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this is pretty similar to what im gonna start doing in june. im just gonna use 1 600 in a cool tube though in a dr120. that way i can raise and lower the cool tube. im gonna veg in there too. just gonna by a mh bulb and use that until i switch to flower.

i cant wait :) your looks really great.


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Day 45

Day 45

Day 45 updates,

the plant on the left side and plant in the back (both sour diesels) have just barely started to bulk up. I probably should have chopped some more popcorn.

the la cross is still stinking it up, HPS lights ruin it's appearance but I hope to get some lights off shots soon. actually - they're all stinking it up. I'm glad the LA and MK will be done soon, wishing the sour diesel could come down by day 60 too so I can clean up and get a new can filter.

probably going to retire the sour diesel- have a couple enormous 3+ footers in veg waiting to go in to the cab soon of SD.. but I'm not sure they'll do any better than currents in terms of yield/spindlyness. will flower out the remaining monsters and keep her as a tiny mom to maybe hit with pollen and put in to storage.

MK still getting rocked by deficiencies, extreme yellowing/whitening, spotting too, crumpling leaves, yadaya. Have ph pen and tds meter on the way so I can avoid this potentially in the next run, as the MK might be a nice yielder alongside this la con cross.

Til next time, :dance013:


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Okay, so lights out pictures didn't work so well because the tent is so dark inside even with the ceiling lights in bedroom on.

I do have a question, what does anyone think of this alleged sour diesel? It's the stickiest plant I've ever experienced, just brushing it will grease up for fingers, no agitating the buds to get the stickyness on fingers required.

I've seen the leaf structure of people's sour diesel's (what variety I do not know, rez's gear, ecsd, ?).. look similar to mine.. a fat middle finger of the leaf..

Any input?

LA picture with lights out is worst pic i've taken quite possibly, what actually was captured in macro mode was a bud behind the bud I was trying to capture (ended up all blur) so I chopped the background bud to show some shine. :artist:



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this is pretty similar to what im gonna start doing in june. im just gonna use 1 600 in a cool tube though in a dr120. that way i can raise and lower the cool tube. im gonna veg in there too. just gonna by a mh bulb and use that until i switch to flower.

i cant wait :) your looks really great.

Thanks bud, I kind of wish I had just gone with a single bulb, but the dual cool tube was like $130 online - not much more than a 19" cool tube single in a local hydro store. i veg horizontally cause I just can't seem to get a good structure out of vegging vert, and my vert box is flower only these days.

gluck with your grow man


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Day 47

Day 47

Day 47 here, took everyone out of the tent (really a pita with my bad back) because I had started to accumulate yellow leaves on everyone and I figured i needed to snip off some of the soon to be goners.

If my diesel is going to run until day 70+ then I really hope it slows down on the yellowing. I even fed it a lighter dose of nitrogen for a few waterings following my last kool bloom dump. It's beyond me how rez keeps his plants from yellowing too soon to do his longer strains.

Also, based on hundreds of picture examples, growth descriptions, scent descriptions, etc.. I have to say that my sour diesel is ECSD or an ECSD leaning pheno of some seed release. For all I know it could be a clone only ECSD cut, since I was gifted it from an older, wiser, and well traveled person.

In other news, I got my ph pen and tds meter in today. I would be willing to bet my plants were getting hit with feedings in the low to mid 6's in pH wise. Bad bad bad for coco, probably explains my problems - and the master kush having yellowed twice around day 35 and pulling its spotting bull-shit must just be more sensitive. Oh well, time for good monitored and healthy feedings, and oh yea- my tap water is like 40 ppm so NO MORE RO RUNS! :blowbubbles:


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Thanks redspaghetti, much appreciated.

Shots in from day 55, winding down here. Been flushing the MK and LA over the past 3 days - I think the LA will need to go an extra few days after the MK is down. Hoping to do that this upcoming weekend - day 60-63.

Sour diesel's still have 90% clear trichs so I'll let them go until they say they're done. I'm actually going to give them more kool bloom today. Thinking next round I'll follow rez's recipe, modify it for the diesels of course since they take longer..and for all the plants I plan to maybe even use the regular dose of kool bloom periodically in between the teaspoon slams that rez does.

(up close shots ctd to next post)


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I'm going to have to get another camera or see if I've gotten resin on the lense. It just blows for pics like the above. Up close it isn't even all too great without washing everything out :p


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Small sample

Small sample

To help me get through the next rough couple of days without funds.



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