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400W MH C-Scrog


Here she is, inspired by stck_fingas. A wash tub I picked up at the hardware store

Cut an 8" hole in the bottom and mount a 400W MH

The base is a piece of plywood notched for the plants to go through (day 4 of 12/12 here)


and a 10" 1050cfm automotive fan mounted in the center

Day39 of 12/12 - I installed an 8" scorch screen

I blew some feminized pollen through here a couple days ago. I'm wanting to make a shitload of seed for this springs greenhouse grow. Looks like she's preggers.


Active member
Holy crap, that's phenomenal! I have been wanting to do a vertical grow myself. I might just have to do it now. K+


Wow, can't wait to see the final product of this, If you decide to give this cab another run you should try a CMH


brilliant post, love the no reflector required system and the scorch screen! nice idea. Its got me thinking if you increased the radius you dont actually lose significant light over the total surface area, only above and below which u can reflect anyway - that way there is less heat and wind on the exposed bit of the plants and therefore less transpiration loss.
I am gonna try making feminised seeds too. congatulations looks like a success. Making fem seeds surely has to be advantageous to the micro grower who cant/ doesnt want to start from a cloning mother in a seperate cabinet. Making seeds is something thats sets you up longterm. Awesome, got some silver wire and will make that electrolysis thing. is that how you did it?
very nice! it looks like you fed through the netting during veg? i like to wait till the stretch is almost over before letting them through. that guy stke_fingas must be a cool cat. lol


Thanks guys. I'm anxious to see how these finish as well.

I would have preferred to use a CMH bulb, but I already had some 400W MH ballasts laying around. I've never flowered with just an MH before. I'm sure the buds will be smaller than they would with HPS or CMH but that might be an advantage with the limited space in this system.

The light intensity inside the tub is just amazing. I forgot to mention that the inside of the tub was painted flat white. It's like looking into the sun when you peer in there.

I wove the growing tips in and out of the screen during veg(10days) and the initial stretch, keeping the bulk of the growth on the outside of the screen during this period. The tub fits pretty snug over this. It doesn't have as much room as you do in your cabinet Stke_Fingas. Maybe an inch from screen to tub at the top and 2 inches at the bottom.

D.I.trY, i agree that increasing the radius would improve yeild. I built this to fit the tub I found. I think it's smaller than optimal. Yes, I too made a colloidal silver generator and created my own fem pollen. The pollen was collected from the same clones as these plants, so the resulting seeds should give me a clone like consistancy (I hope). This is my first attempt at doing this. I would much rather grow from seeds and eliminate cloning and mothers altogether.


wouldnt you see many benefits from trimmiong alot of those fan leaves off to allow more light to the bud sites? looks hella cool +rep


Matter that Appreciates Matter
This is crazy!!! DIY fem seeds? Tub-o-joy? Nice and nice! I love making crosses in my micro-setup, I am not into fems, but I tip my hat to your quest! How do you water them?


Prop215, I took your suggestion and trimmed out some of the fan leaves about 5 days ago. I think this made a noticeable improvement.

46 days into flowering now. The leaves and buds are really frosting up. The buds are very small and tight. I don't think the yeild is going to be anything to brag about, but this grow was all about the seeds anyway. I see a few of them developing, but not as many as I had hoped. Figures, if I didn't want the seeds, it would be nothing but.:yoinks: What really surprises me, is how nice these are looking, especially this early.

I grew the mother plant for these in a greenhouse grow last year from seed. Liked the way she looked and revegged her to get these clones. When grown in the GH I took her to 70 days. I suspect this might finish earlier due to the light intensity.

The buds were very large and unusual looking (sorry, no pics) with a very low leaf to flower ratio. Strangely, I wouldn't even recognize this as the same plant. Nutes and soil were the same, so the only difference was this one was grown under super intense MH and the other was sunlight (diminished by filon gh roof). I have this same plant growing here in this thread as well: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=139361 It will be interesting to see how those plants compare to these.



51 days flower, 19 or so to go. Some of the interior leaves are a little windburned but otherwise doesn't seem worse for the abuse.



Wow... I'm stoked. That's a pretty wicked cool setup and definitely one for the micro-grow forum. Here's to your innovation, Poor Boy!


Originally I mounted an 8" desktop type fan in this. It wasn't providing enough airflow and the temps were in the high 90's inside the tub. I replaced it with the fan you see in the pic and it has worked perfectly. This fan is a 10" 12Volt aftermarket automotive fan rated at 1050cfm. I paid less than $20 including shipping on ebay. I have it powered by an old computer power supply. The fan has four brackets and was an easy mount to the plywood base.


Here are the plants at 61 days flower. It's day 68 now and I just gave them the chop. Quality is excellent. Bud size and quantity, not so great.


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Sorry for the pics added as attachments instead of inline, but I've used all the storage capacity I was allowed already.

I'm working on V2.0 of this thing. The first version above has a screen 14" dia by 16" height for 703sq". The new version is in a water tank with a 28" inside diameter. The screen is 24"dia by 23 high for 1734 sq". 2 1/2 times the screen space with the same lighting. This version fits 8 plants instead of 4. Here are some under construction pics. Just have to put the fan and plants in tommorow and it will be good to go.


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