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400w HPS SOG, SSH, DP,NL 4x2.5x3 stealth. 1st grow.


New member
First Off, Thank You for having this wonderfully vast assortment of information on this site. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for the hours I've spent on this site doing research. I wanted to document our experience so I can help out anyone who is considering a stealth grow like this and so members can help me out along the way. Sharing results is the most important step in the scientific method.

Props to this guy http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=112662&highlight=flower+cycle
..And props to this. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919&highlight=bonzai+mums

Background: We built a 4 x 2.5 x 3 ft box out of 1/2 inch plywood and 1 in. pine bracing. We inserted a divider to separate the Harem from the Flower, We siliconed all the edges of the bracing and applied weather stripping to the doors, which are fastened on hinges and magnetized. We experiment with vents until we found what worked. If anyone knows a good guide to the science of ventilation please insert it here. We had extreme heat problems with the 400 HPS, 105 degrees. Then we heard about the Stanley Blower MOD.
Stanley Blower Fan MOD.
Now with the onset of Winter we have temps at 73 in the Flower Cab and about 79-80 in the Harem. We order Rhino liner and put it in and noticed 100% more efficiency, But now we have a ton left ova.
We started germinating seeds whilst building the box. We had 19 Peruvian Skunks from the Tingo Maria region but all but 2 died, then they turned Hermie.
We ended up with a stout phenotype of SSH and a more stretchy pheno, 1 Durban Poison and 1 Northern Lights. We cloned these original Females in order to make mothers and to shipp some to the Flower box.

The Harem( Mothers): 1.5 x 2.5 x 3
92 watts florescent
3 Super Silver Haze
2 Northern Lights
2 Durban Poison

Flowering Cab: 2.5 x 2.5 x 3
400 Watts HPS Cooltubed
Stanley Blower fan MOD for circulation
Super Silver Haze 11/2
Northern Lights 11/14-21
Durban Poison 12/5

Fox Farm Ocean Forest
FF Grow Big
FF Big Bloom
FF Tiger Bloom
Fish emulsion

We have planned our garden in the SOG fashion while using a space of 4 x 2.5 x 3. Currently we are out of space and unable to add any more to flower, but once the NL gets close to being finished( It'll probably finish before the SSH) we will start rooting some clones from the mothers in order to perpetuate our yield.
We made our current mothers from clones we took off our original four plants. 2SSH,NL,DP. We then flowered the rest of the clones.
Our cloning method has been soft tip clones, less than 4 inches, dipped into Clonex and buried in equal parts perlite/vermiculite. Root development took anywhere from 1.5 weeks to 2.5 weeks.
SSH was vegged for 2 weeks before a 12/12 regiment was imposed.
NL and DP were 12/12 from clone.

SSH Stout mother.

NL mother starting to spread her branches.

DP mother 10 days.

The flowers are vampires so I will have to post them later.
Bout to go make a Sandwich.


New member
Our Super Silver Haze is a little more than 6 weeks into flower. They had a weird stretch period last week where the tips stretched out revealing more stem, hopefully this will fill in
We had some deficiencies in the ssh, the leaves were yellowing like a Nitrogen Def. but further up, only the edges were turning yellow while maintaining green around the inside veins.
here it is, the color is kinda off.
The Northern Lights is a beauty to cultivate, It just stacks nicely with its tight internodes and the crystals make it glisten like a christmas tree
3 of the NL clones.

But we also have a deficiency here with splotches of yellow and rust popping up on the leaves. I Have a feeling this is P.
The DP seems to be doing great almost 2 weeks in and already showing sex.


New member
Heres some more SSH.

SSH stout pheno, topped.


the Layout:

If someone could comment about the deficiencies, please do. I remember seeing a thread on def. that had magazine articles with illustrations that really helped, but i can't seem to find it anymore.


Active member
yea i fuggin hate stretch, unfortunately it doesnt fill in, but when it dries up and cures the foxtails actually turn into nice looking little nugs to throw in the bong bowl. but yeah definately ugly, i think its something to do with heat or a light leak...not sure.


New member
To speak of light leaks, I noticed a light leaking out of the flower cab so I'm adding another magnet right now to close it off. Hopefully The light that could get in wasn't enough to change my plants to hermies, It was only about half a millimeter in between weather stripping, plus a blanket is draped over the box. Heat shouldn't be a problem because it's about 74 in there right now with the light on. They seem to be responding well to the feeding i gave them the other day, which was about 15ml of tiger bloom per gallon and I fed all the flowering plants with two gallons on water total.


New member
Here are some pictures we took right before a healthy watering of two gallons with about 35mL of Tiger Bloom and 5 tablespoons of molasses. Most of our deficiencies have been cleared up by now due to our dramatic increase in feeding and all of the plants seem to be fully utilizing everything we throw at them. We've realized that when using 2 liter pots with Oceanforest, most strains(SSH) will begin to show deficiencies after 4-6 weeks because the stretch phase uses up much of the N. For our next batches of clones we want to experiment with square gallon containers and organically rich compost to support growth in early flowering and then supplement with teas starting at week 2-3
pic 1: NL x skunk #1, 6 weeks in
pic 2: Durban Poison, 3 weeks in (very impressive resin production for its age)
pic 3: two classy SSH girls going on 8 weeks(probably gonna keep these going for 3-4 more weeks)




New member
Three days after feeding. Everything is looking healthy and smellin like citrus almost grapfruity, it smells different everyday though. I guess I'll start with the youngest first. Dp has awesome bud/crystal production for only 3.5 weeks. Does anyone know the genetics of the G13 labs Durban Poison? Maybe a skunk cross? Anyway it grows great for a freebie.





If anyone could inform me of the history and genetics of the G13 labs Durban Poison ???


looks good man. some of the yellowing in your fan leaves is ok especially in flowering. The plant is just pulling food from the leaves and using it to produce more resin for your buds. Nitogen is used to grow leaves, not so much buds so be careful no to be giving a flowering plant to much N. Hopefully you have planned a good flush 10-14 days in your grow schedule. Do you have anything with a 30x or more. You should check your trichs now. Nice work.


New member
We have your NL family shots here for you.

This clone looked pretty much dead after acouple days of 12/12. now it looks like a Dr. Seuss tree.

This NL will be our first plant to finish. She was the Top of a plant that we cloned and will be our first treat.

Nice frosty bud porn:Northern Lights 5.5 weeks.


3 top buds growing together.

You'll hab to turn your head.



New member
Our oldest, SSH about 8.5 is still showing what kinda looks like an N deficiency. I haven't been focusing on N this late because I've been supplementing P and K. I notice new growth everyday, but still the yellow leaves worries me. I know they are root bound but thats as big of a pot we can fit at the moment. This is our stout pheno, it stayed shorter in veg and retained a tighter internode growth than the taller pheno we have.

This our Tall pheno really showing us great results, One bud is super tight, and the other two are spread like this.

Does this look like it should for 8.5 weeks, it looks like it still has some filling in to do but should beef out now.
Would salt buildup block out any micro-nutrients that would cause deficiencies like this? Or is this natural for this late in flowering?


New member
Our cab is basically a cube with the HPS hanging in the middle about 10 inches from the ceiling. We have our plants set up in a stadium formation with all colas within 6-10 inches of the cooltube and we reposition all the plants every time we water.
Has anybody else grown Greenhouse SSH? Any thoughts?


New member
The super silver is our trophy smoke, they are 73 days of 12/12 cycle and look like they're gonna need another week or so... You'll be excited to hear that we are always mixin shit up, for instance, we decided to flower our two existing mother SSH stouts hoping to get four main Coka Cola's on both. The North Lights are day 54, they have nice calyx and resin development, but the crew is a little disappointed that the vegetative growth was not enforced more. They look like candy sticks or miniature palm trees that someone sneezed pixie powder on.
Durban Poison IS a grapefruit salad.


New member
Here is our Super silver at 10 weeks. Our plan is to pull her on or around 11weeks depending on when she looks fully ready.
I'm still plagued with side ways pictures even though I edit them and save them before I uplod. another ssh.
Nuglet of ssh, you can see more focused in the background, notice the resin production!!!!
Kind of a shitty picture...
We decided to flower one of our mother ssh.
and another, BOTH OF THESE are the short phenotype ssh. we decided to keep the ssh tall mother because when flowered it produced bigger denser colas, plus we wanted to see how all the training will flower.

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