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400W HPS Scrog - 1Plant - 450gr Harvest


Hi folks i'm new here and this is my first post.
Here's one of the last scrogs i did, thought you might like to see.
The strain was chronic from serious seeds, vegged for 5 weeks and flowered for 8 (used GH Ripen @ the end).
It was grown in a big storage tub; the medium consisted of 2-3'' of pure hydroton in the bottom with airstone, then the majority of the tub filled with pure diced rockwool/cellmax & a layer of pebbles again on the top to keep algae at bay. I used a 400W sylvannia growlux HPS and canna substra nutes with canna pk as a boost. GH Ripen was used for the final week and the harvest total was 16oz! For ages i've been getting 12oz per 400W grow and this chronic/scrog combo has smashed my record completely:)
Any questions, just fire away :smoke:



:wave: Welcome to IC

Very nicly done = 16 OZ :bigeye:
I believe you found your groove




Sensenmann - yes as far as i can remember i think i germed the seed in the last days of January and flowered that particular one around the 7th march, by around the 20th May it was all harvested and dried/cured and weighed.

zeppelindood - thanks for the warm welcome, glad you like the pics :)

Fredster - cheers m8, yeah it certainly is a nice groove. So nice im seeing if i can do it again. I have another plant in exactly the same conditions about 7 days into flower at the moment, we'll see how it goes..

Here's a nug of chronic - curing is a must with this strain. The improvement over time is unreal.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hi NGB, Welcome to IC...
You wouldnt happen to be the same NBG from OG would you...Natural Born Grower, who did that massive thread the waterfarm experience would you mate???
Either way glad to have you among us...Hope you love it here and feel right at home.
goprgeous plants mate...nicely done....ive just had the idea this afternoon of fitting a little scroyg to one of the bubblers Ive put together...so another SCROG'er around here to pester and generally hassle for information is great LOL.
Lovely Buds man.
Be lucky now


Looks really good..1 pound offa one plant...pretty damn good.. Guess its cause of the scrog and hydro...I should definitely do it like this..


Nice grow NBG,

I was wondering how much water and nutes that monster was sucking down daily to feed those big buds? Your roots must have been massive! I use the canna coco series with the PK. Did you use any Rhizotonic during veg stage?
Nice Growin!



New member
Excellent plant! I am growing my first scrog right now and was wondering how high is the screen from the base of the plant? I'm growing big bud and i have the screen at 9 inches. Do you think that will be good?



Beau D ful. That gives me hope for having a 400 w its MH though..
I have the money for a new hps though.. i will get it right before i start indoors..
Well that was a great grow thanx for sharing pix with us all.. Have you started another grow>? And are you going to have a thread? peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
Our grow has adopted some new family members.. LQQK!!

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


GODDAMIT! i was halfway through a decent sized post then i stopped and clicked on someones gallery....
Lost the f%*!ing lot :badday:
Oh well...
Harry Gypsna Lol yes thats me *busted* although i got sick of the waterfarms and stopped using them in the end. Yeah i thought i'd give these forums a try seeing as og seems to be getting alot worse in terms of the 'cool peeps/idiots ratio'. Glad you like the plants and feel free to pester with Q's if you like, i'll give my views on what i can. YEah you should go ahead and scrog your DWC man, even just as an experiment. What is there to lose?:smile:

nycnoobthanks, yeah hydro & scrog is ace but bear in mind the strain i used also. Chronic is a bf yeilder anyway so i doubt i would have got that harvest using something else, like top 44 or something lol. I think the nice big pot with the airstone in it is obviously a winning combo too, for me anyway.

GreenStreetHello man, hmm i think it was drinking about 4-5 litres a day? Thats just a guess though because i wasn't really measuring it. I'd actually like to try a coco grow sometime as i've seen some nice grows with it but i'm sticking to what i know for now lol. About the rhizotonic, nope i've never used it - is it any good? I like to use nitrozyme and superthrive in veg, alongside the substra nutes.

GMTlol thanks, she's not just a pretty face either.

KillBillBudshehe yeah i'd love to find more strains that perform as well as the chronic, yeild-wise. Thanks for stopping in

cannaCollectorHi, well the plants are in the dark at the moment so i can't measure the distance. But i think its around the 8-10'' mark. 9'' should be fine, what size is the scrog? So long as you've got a bit of playroom underneath thats all that matters really. I'd say lower is much better than higher though.

Lucky420lol yeah i was amazed, i'm always expecting the worst so i usually get a nice surprise, but i couldn't believe the yeild on that one. Had to check about 3 times in a row lol.

sackoweed400's kick ass imho. 250's are too small and 600's too hot for me lol. I've never actually seen a 400MH used all through flowering though. Even though my ballasts take both hps and MH i tend to just stick to hps for the complete cycle.
I am growing some plants at the moment, all chronic clones from the last run. I have 2 in one cupboard and 1 in the other, just like last time. They are about 2 weeks into flowering. I'm going away for a couple of weeks so i'll post pics of them when i get back (if they are still alive lol).

Thanks for the replies folks and i'll be back soon with pics of the current scrogs:D


Captain Expando
I so dislike when that happens NBG... I've done it so many damn times... I know the feeling... piss!!! haha.... rock on br0 ~

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
although ive never clicked something and lost it....I lose posts at least once a week because of sodding AOHell cutting off lol, wankers.
Im gonna put the little scrog together tomorrow.....i have a Jack cutting that can go straight in it. i might add a waterfarm-esque air powered drip ring to it for the start just til the roots go down into the bucket....Hmmmmmm
When you say sick of the farms you mean you dont like em anymore or just got bored??? LOL It took me about a week to read that thread of urs over there.....ur mate was here too Gaius....with a wiked example of a powerplant SOG on coco.... aint seemhim for a while though.
anyway Be lucky man
PS C'mon us brits


Hey NBG,

The Rhizo is good and I also use Superthrive in veg, lol, but after seeing your results, I slapped my plants around and told them there's gonna be some changes!

Once agian, Great Grow!



Active member
damn .........one impressive plant. how does the chronic smoke , always wanted to try that one


Active member
WOW :eek: :yoinks:

Mucho :respect: NBG!! Welcome to IC!! That is one Serious plant,,, wow,, i was thinkin of tryin out a scrog at some point,,, this makes me want to try NOW!!! :biglaugh: Those buds are off the hook HUGE!! what kinda nutes did you use? i might have missed it somewhere in between droolin on the monitor,,, :D EDIT,,, just went back and looked,, found the nutes used :wink: :kos: :abduct:

And a couple Q's for ya,, you seem to know your scrog! Did you, or do you need to top the plants when scrog'n? Do you need to fiddle with the tops as they come up gettin them in the screen right, or just let um go themselves? And :chin: do you flip to 12/12 when you get a few tops through the screen or wait till it's got quite a few through it? Alot of Q's i know,, sry. but that is just the coolest thing i seen out of a 400wt, 1 plant grow! :woohoo:
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damn dude, awesome work there with a 400! wowsa!

lots of thick assed tops, prolly the most uber 400 watt grow i've seen pics of, saweeet!

lotta veg time involved with that tho ;\ you running multiple flower rooms , or other scrogs in same room? or just deal with the 1lb every 13 or so weeks?
