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400w HPS DR80 Air Pot grow!


Just Call me Urkle!!
11 days veggin in the tent...

11 days veggin in the tent...



1st Row: DPBF,LB#5,LB#5 2nd Row: DPBF,LB#5,LB#5
3rd Row: DPBF,LB#5,Oregon Grape Bagseed Pheno A and the bitch inbetween the 2nd and 3rd row is a Pre2k DJ Short Blueberry cut my buddy grew from seed but it's never been flowered...





LB#5's with what I think is a P deficiency? I've upped the Bloom to 10ml from 7.5ml and in case my girls need Cal I added 5ml Plant Amp with the 2.5ml Mag Amped and we'll see really soon!


Shot of my Smart Pot girls my lil DJ BB and my Super Grapey Bagseed bushing out like a muthafucka!


Back row with left to right... DPBF,LB#5,LB#5


Here's my Dj Short Blueberry from late 90's seed stock woohoo! Lets hope she doesn't hermi cuz my buddy said that's common with that strain is this true? I'd think Dj's gear would be pretty damn stable no?


DPBF,LB#5 and the DjBB above em...


Just Call me Urkle!!
13 days veg pic

13 days veg pic

Alright so I am so stoked on how fucking beautiful my plants are now that I started using Plant Amp with my mix!! I'm also using Uncle John's Blend starting today as I read it helps with a bunch of shit including increase in flower size and how many ect..

Here's what I found out about the two...

Cutting Edge Solutions

Cutting Edge Solutions was founded by John Piccirili and August Mayo in 2000 in Northern California. Pairing their knowledge of plant nutrition and organic chemistry, the two began research and development that focused on identifying the key nutritional requirements - particularly relating to hydroponic gardening - and began formulating a new approach to complete plant nutrition.

Three years later, Cutting Edge Solutions now has a complete line of products available to ensure that our customer's plants are maintained in optimal health. These products range from the three-part Grow/Micro/Bloom blend, to the newly released products such as Plant-Amp and Uncle John's Blend. All of these products thoroughly tested at CES' own research greenhouse, pH stable, and designed to be easy to use. All CES products are available in Quart, Gallon, 2.5 Gallon, and 6 Gallon sizes.

OMRI ListedPlant-Amp is derived from Cutting Edge's unique and proprietary microorganism based chelation process, which harnesses the power of Nature's smallest creatures to "fix" plant food for easy uptake. Plant Amp's chelated Calcium will not lock-up important compounds such as phosphorous, silicates, or sulfur, while facilitating Calcium uptake by plant roots and leaves. Calcium is a critical component in mediating growth responses in plants such as leaf and stem photo-orientation.

Uncle John's Blend is a unique elixir developed to increase flowering and fruit production in vascular plants. Cutting Edge uses their chelation process on a blend of complex potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, silicon, and a generous helping of carbohydrates to create Uncle John's Blend. Plants tested using UJB have shown increases in flower and fruit set, pathogen resistance, CO2 uptake, and overall chlorophyll production.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Now for the proof in the pudding as they say :smokeit:
Look at how pretty these bitches are!! Also they are twice the size they were when I flowered last time I'm gonna have some beastly bushes going on and purple as hell too I can't wait! Especially to watch my bagseed that I got so much shit for blow cats away cuz I know she is something special. She stinks so bad in veg right now it's like sticking your face in a back of Purple Kush all grapey I love it!





Can you say healthy???? Cutting fuckin Edge Solutions man!!! Also these girls pictured are 2 Double Purple Blowfish and a LB#5 in the middle of em :smokey:


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Just Call me Urkle!!
Oh yea and if some were wondering why a few fan leaves look all funky is cuz I used the FIM technique on these bitches and it worked this time. Tops all over is what I have coming a straight canopy of purple beauty..


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks but it's not filthy pal you just see a shoe and packaging from something I had opened up before the pic.. It's been filthy but it's not right now haha

Darth Fader

Wow, those look waaaaay healthy now. Nice & vibrant. How long have you been running the plant amp?

Also, kinda funny but your 1-gal smart pots look almost as big as the 3-gal airpots.

Check out my tent-grow. I've got my scrog screen up but I ran out of space for photos. How can I upload more pics? Sorry, but I'm pretty new on this forum & haven't figured it all out yet.


Just Call me Urkle!!
easiest way I've found lately is use the attatchments option when you reply go advanced and then manage attatchments upload the 4 photos cuz that's all you can do at once but you can keep going after they upload. Then close the pop up window and you'll see all the files you attatched in the manage attatchments area and just right click them and copy link location and use that link for the insert image button and you will have uploaded your pics nice and big for us to see. If you just attatch them thew will be thumbnails people would have to click on to see fully...


Just Call me Urkle!!
Just to let you all know we have been on a 12/12 schedule for 2 days now so get ready for some fun!


Active member
I've been slowly reading thru the thread for the past few days and I'm finally caught up. I've enjoyed your passion for the plant beyond anything else...plants look good too..hehe. I use the H&G in coco and I'd def suggest getting the aqua flakes or the coco specific. I've used both and the lack of cal/micro nutes in the coco formula made me switch a few yrs back.

I've always loved blue dreams smoke so I wish she would have performed better for you. I've never grown her but love how her fragrance lingers like incense. Oh and no coffin?

cre8iv fuel

Looking good Thundurkel, real tight robust and healthy. Been peepin in here, just not saying anything. Are you going to keep it 12/12 all the way to the end?

Darth Fader

TD, what's your current recipe then with the CES nutes? Are you using all 3 parts plus additives? Also, tap or RO water & pH.


Just Call me Urkle!!
It's my secret I'm not telling figure it out on your own fucker....

Just messing with ya haha, right now I mix my nutes at these ratio's in this order all ratios are per gal of tap water... Don't have to ph anymore since I started using Plant Amp and honestly if your tap water is between 7 and 8 like mine the ph without additives is 5.8-6.2 or so. But when you use the Plant Amp the organic acids lower the ph down to like 4 and it says on the bottle not to adjust cuz the ph is going to rise as the plants take up the chelated calcium.. As you can see my plants are loving this shit!!
5ml Micro
5ml Plant Amp
10ml Bloom
2.5ml Mag Amped
5ml Uncle John's Blend
and 2 drops of Superthrive and I've started to use Humboldt Nutrients ProZyme at 5ml and the reason for using ProZyme was cuz it's to turn dead root mass into usable nutrients for the plants . Being in Air Pots and Smart Pots which air prune the roots I figure there is A LOT of dead root mass that can be used in my medium. So far my girls seem to like it and seem like they are growing a lil faster..

After reading this right here is why I decided to add the ProZyme to the mix...

Enzymatic Concentrate

Enzymes are biological catalysts, derived from living organisms. Catalysts increase the speed of naturally occurring chemical reactions. Prozyme, is a concentrate, made up of over 80 different beneficial enzymes.

Humboldt Nutrients employs the foremost experts in horticultural enzymes to formulate Prozyme into a highly diverse blend of enzymatic compounds. The result is a rich, dark biological which will break down dead root mass, starches, carbohydrates and nutrients to make them readily available and useful to the plant.

Competing enzyme concentrates are clear in appearance, indicating low enzymatic species count.

Prozyme is a natural chelate
, or a biological key, carrying the elements necessary for plant health, and delivering them into the cell wall for maximum absorption.

Organic and conventional nutrients can contain complex macromolecules which are harder for a plant to break down and absorb than smaller compounds. Prozyme stimulates the "pre-digestion" of these complex molecules, allowing the plant to absorb and immediately use the nutrients.

Since each enzyme has specific role to play in catalyzing reactions, the diversity of enzymatic species in Prozyme assures that each task required by the plant is performed efficiently and rapidly.

Whenusing Prozyme as a catalyst for chemical reactions, the rate of reaction can be over 15 million times faster than if left un-catalyzed. Without proper enzymatic activity, absorption of nutrients is sluggish and incomplete.

Using Humboldt Nutrients Prozyme in addition to our nutrient feeding schedules will ensure that your plants maintain rapid, and complete nutrient absoprtion.


Active member


Have u ever tried Hygrozyme?
I feel it works much better that ProZyme. And its about the same price.
Humboldt Nutes says that competitor enzyme concentrates are clear in appearance, indicating low enzymatic species count.
This is not true about Hygrozyme and I really don’t think that an accurate way of measuring quality.
Just my $.02

Darth Fader

It's my secret I'm not telling figure it out on your own fucker....

LOL - Hey, how did U know I was a f*cker?!!?

Just messing with ya haha, right now I mix my nutes at these ratio's in this order all ratios are per gal of tap water... Don't have to ph anymore since I started using Plant Amp and honestly if your tap water is between 7 and 8 like mine the ph without additives is 5.8-6.2 or so. But when you use the Plant Amp the organic acids lower the ph down to like 4 and it says on the bottle not to adjust cuz the ph is going to rise as the plants take up the chelated calcium.. As you can see my plants are loving this shit!!
5ml Micro
5ml Plant Amp
10ml Bloom
2.5ml Mag Amped
5ml Uncle John's Blend
and 2 drops of Superthrive and I've started to use Humboldt Nutrients ProZyme at 5ml ...

Yeah, I noticed you weren't using the Grow. How come? 5/10 micro/bloom is on their feeding schedule in the "transition mix" stage. Is your mix based on N-P-K math or is this just a 1:2 ratio based on the Lucas method. Either way they look great but I can't help wondering what's wrong w/ the suggested schedule(s) from GH & CES. You'd think these companies do plenty of testing and would adopt these "imprived" recipes if they actually outperformed the full 3-part recipe. L8r


Just Call me Urkle!!
Have u ever tried Hygrozyme?
I feel it works much better that ProZyme. And its about the same price.
Humboldt Nutes says that competitor enzyme concentrates are clear in appearance, indicating low enzymatic species count.
This is not true about Hygrozyme and I really don’t think that an accurate way of measuring quality.
Just my $.02

No I haven't I'm a poor bastard using my free samples I got over the summer :biggrin: Really liking this CES line and they way I'm using it is working GREAT!!


Just Call me Urkle!!
LOL - Hey, how did U know I was a f*cker?!!?

Yeah, I noticed you weren't using the Grow. How come? 5/10 micro/bloom is on their feeding schedule in the "transition mix" stage. Is your mix based on N-P-K math or is this just a 1:2 ratio based on the Lucas method. Either way they look great but I can't help wondering what's wrong w/ the suggested schedule(s) from GH & CES. You'd think these companies do plenty of testing and would adopt these "imprived" recipes if they actually outperformed the full 3-part recipe. L8r

Well I'm copying the Head Formula and tweaking it to my plants liking I think the chart is over kill and when I did try 15ml Bloom with 5ml Micro I burned my girls so the mix I'm using is perfect for coco.. If GH was smart same with CES they would just figure a 2 part coco line that matches the NPK of what head and Rez do.. That's just my feeling on it since they are both well respected breeders around here and can grow their asses off :biggrin: Not to mention everybody that has used the Head Formula has had nothing but good things to say about and I believe it's why my same strain had fatter calyxes in my cfl cab cuz it was using the CES Head mix of mine and the HID girl was PBP cuz they are doing it again in my cfl cab and we'll see what happens when the buds set and start swelling up under my 400 with this mix :biggrin: I'm also thinking of using Ginormous on days 28,36 and then day 49 slam em with Ginormous and Deuce Deuce which I think will work out quite well :biggrin:
Hey Thunderkel - I did ask a while back, but couldn't see any reply - just wanted to know how easy it is to transplant plants from those air pots you use?

Do you even transplant?
