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400W HPS cooltube. 4 weeks into Flower. unknown strain. Possibly thai something.


New member
God day to you all. Let me start off by saying that i really enjoy browsing the forums. I have found much helpful information here by using the search function, but now it´s time to start my first thread.

So here´s the thing. I while ago i noticed that CB is a great sleep aid, keeps me off the horrible meds otherwise prescribed by my doctor. Benzodiazepins are not something you want to get hooked on. Believe me. Anyway, bought some weed from a local dealer, not the best I´ve had but sure does the trick.

This seemed to be water cured. It was very dark green and with a mild taste. I asked him if he knew what strain he was selling and he started mumbling something like, "Mmm, Thai, thai something, *mumble* *mumble*. Not so helpful! He´s not a retard otherwise and the Thai strains are not widely popular here so he did not have any apparent reason to lie. But that does not matter. :p

Oh well. Let´s get to it. I found some seeds in the weed and thought to my self, why the hell not? So I germinated the little bastards and soon i had a couple of really cute plants. All Is going well? No, not really. In the beginning I had my setup in a closet, this closet was over 2 meters tall so space really was not a issue.

But then cupid decided to shoot me down and I left my girlfriend and suddenly I´m stuck with something of an emergency scrog. :O
The closet i previously used were mounted to the fuc**ing wall in our old apartment so taking it with me was not an option. Well, I ran to the flea market and found a cupboard style IKEA thingy. Money Is something our lord have Not blessed me with at the moment so this would have to do. I managed to build some kind of net with the help of a clothes-hanging-drying-contraption. A bit weird but necessity is the mother of invention right? :p

Measurements? Yeah. Heard of dyslexia? Well, there´s something similar when it comes to math. So If anything i write that has anything to do with numbers seems a bit of or even completely retarded, let me know. :p

The cupboard thingy is roughly about:
88 cm in height / 34.6 in
46 cm in depth / 18.1 in
102 cm in length 40.2 in.
(Yes I´, aware of the fact that this is rather tiny).

The HPS is mounted about 21 cm / 8.3 in from the top of the plants. I do believe that I have sufficient airflow going through this god forsaken contraption due to the fact that I do not have any burn damage on the plants. The temperatures are about 28 C at day time, sometimes up to as much as 30-31 c, and about 22-24 at night when lights are off. Come to think of it, I will add a second ventilation hole, maybe a passive one.

I will add some pictures to the post that explains the whole fan ventilation stuff. But so far I have one 120 mm intake fan that sucks air directly from outdoors via a vvs tube thingy, and a 120 mm fan blowing hot air out. Also two 80 mm fans that blow air directly on top of the canopy.

Now you might wonder why the heck I posted this long and relatively "messy" post. But the thing is that I need help to make the best of this. I need someone elses thoughts and ideás. :)

Regarding PH value and other things you might need to measure "things" I went to shop for a Ph meter yesterday but my economical situation forbids me at the moment. Luckily I have a birthday coming up in a couple of days so that should be resolved in about a weeks time. :jump:

So what Is your take on my current situation? What would you suggest? Other than the obvious space issue. :p

Pictures will be below shortly. And please excuse my language, I´m from the north of something where polar bears once were said to roam the streets. ;P

So how do you finish of? I will just say that I love the forum and the expertise found here amazes me. :) So a thanks in advance from my part to all of you. :)


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