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400w Digi Water Cooled/Chilled DWC Cabinet


dude for real first off the jump to hydro is just one you have to take...Dont be scared...yes it is all water and things can go bad real quick but if you are adamant about this being your hobby I cant believe you would let yourself fail. I thought I could never do hydro cuz of the costs and whatnot, tell you what after spending the money I know that I can now supply a crop of MUCH better quality and yield spending a few $100s more.

-fuck it I'm going to just change the OP-

Resi between 64.1*-74.8*F


Week 6, day 2

Gravity and Purple Maxx still in res and added the typical
Aqua Flakes A/B, Bud XL, Budswell, Shooting Powder, Extreme Serene, Trinity, Drip Clean, SM-90,



Its been a good ride so far and we're almost there...another week or two and chop.

Seeing some purple on the tips of most of the kolas now along with the hairs changing color.

First of I dont think Im going to get the yield I was hoping for 300g or .75g/w but I know what I'm going to do on the next run guaranteed to increase yields.

1) Change Bases (Aqua flakes are too "organic" to get the good yield Sunat here I come!!)
2) Scrog for sure without a question. Building a PVC frame to mount on top of the DWC Template.



Well... Even though you will not get the yeild you have hoped for, I still think it look really good.. Was nice to follow the grow..
Looking forward to harvest pics.. :)

best regard,


kenned....thx for the kind words but yea that is why they are called "hopes" :D But yea the ultimate goal is 400g....Im thinking about 175g ish for this run (WEAK AS HELL) so yea I need to step the game up next run!


mofuckin farmer smurf
this is a real sweet setup you got here. I can't believe I've never heard of water cooled lights before. I've always been interested in doing hydro but I dunno I just can't break from the soil. Except bubbler cloners, they are the shit.


Just Call me Urkle!!
So what are your thoughts and feelings about using Gravity??? I tried it out on 2 plants in my last run and I think thats why they got so fat but my buddy says that using that stuff will make your buds harsh and taste gross... So far my nugs are tasty just curious what a HID user says cuz I did it with CFL
can you tell me what container you used to make that dwc system it looks like a RES if it is can you tell me what size if not can you tell me what it is and were you got it


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Pez I don't think you're quite grasping the ventilation they are suggesting. Ventilation is not just about managing temps. Plants need CO2 to convert complex sugars into energy. CO2 is present in air and all you are doing is keeping your plants in a stale environment. You need to replace the volume of air in your cab 3 times every minute. Your plants may look fine but trust me they would do alot better with ventilation. Hard to say how much yield you lost but it is some. Anyway nice cab.


id like to see you scrog this, youd hit alot higher yeilds.

brilliant grow, you do need to up your ventalation though.


Get two birds stoned at once
I like your grow, nothing is perfect but yours is defiantly unique when most are not.

Don't scoff at 175g, that would last me 5 months!

I agree that ventilation is a great thing, both for air movement and for getting fresh clean air in there. CO2 + H20 + light energy => O2 + Sugar for your plants to use to make bud. The miracle of photosynthesis, gives us a base source of food and the gas to burn it with... beautiful.



7 oz after 12 days drying.....smells soooo pungent, smoke is very mellow with outdoorsy flavor...still needs a cure a lil greeny taste.

Pics soon!


here is some responses to questions

ventalation is fine....tower fan on the bottom with passive exhaust up top.

gravity......I dont really think gravity did that much. I ran one mL per gallon for 10 days 7 were straight water with the last three days full nute strength.

SCROG.... for sure I will not grow without that ever again....DEFINITELY LOST MOST YIELD TO THIS FACTOR....canopy was not even and therefore the lower 50% of the plants only made up about 15% of the yield. Making a PVC frame that will rest on top of my plywood cutout. New grow within about 10 days.

Reservoir....I belive the resi is from an early aeroflo-12 or something. It is a 10 gallon resi and serves as a PERFECT fit at 23x14 I believe.

Fresca.....Not a single issue no bleach used and only 4 gals never got above 72*...cleaning for next round tomorrow! PS I have a very early model of the fresca there newer models FUCKIN ROCK


How much is 7 oz in grams??
And sorry to hear about the yeild... Too bad you didn't use scrog huh'....? :D

(still waiting for harvest pics...!!)

Take care..


I got 201g total. No bullshit nugs, they are all going to hash. But yea not bad for the first time in such a small area but I already have a scrog setup so just need to get 6 more babies. Taken budshots now will post in a second!

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