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400w Big Buddha Cheese Closet 1st Grow


Organic Farmer, M@rg, and SeventyNine... many thanks

Me and a few friends smoked a big fatty of the Northern Lights one night last week. We're all very high tolerant smokers, but as soon as the doob was done... my friend became unable to make complete sentences. We all started laughing and my one friend couldn't contain himself. He said he hadn't been that high since he first started smoking. I was high as a kite... but It wasn't like when I first started. I'm very very pleased with the Northern Lights. I have even higher expectations for the cheese though :rasta:
Here's some Northern Lights pictures I took a few days ago.

Only three more days until the cheese harvest :canabis:


Thanks Sammet :D I'm looking forward to your dried cheese shots and report.

I forgot to upload some cheese pics I had also. Here's a few:

I'm planning on watering them again the night before harvest so I can accomplish a slower dry this time. Would hate to lose the juicyness of this cheese.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
that northern lights looks amazing , thoose purples go real deep,
def a keeper ,even if she is just for show lol

very nice find


I cut the Cheese

I cut the Cheese

After 72 days of flowering, I chopped down both cheeses. They both look unbelievable. The smaller cheese ended up having a good amount of purple on it... but nothing like the northern lights. Here's some pics from the chop.
Small Cheese I'm expecting about 2 ounces from this plant

Big Cheese I'm expecting around 3 ounces from this plant

Continuing the grow
I have 8 cuttings from the 2 cheeses and 1 Northern Lights I recently finished. I'm planning on vegging them for another week or so before switching them to 12/12.

Also, when I realized I had to get rid of 2 of my clones a while back due to lack of space--- I decided to just put them in the flower room with my big plants. Better than throwing them away I figured...
Mini Cheese & NL

I'll probably start another grow diary soon. I'll keep posting updates on here for now though. Thanks to everyone who checked out my grow and gave me advice along the way. I appreciate all of your kind words.


End of the grow. Recap, summary, pics, etc.

My first grow is officially complete and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. While there were a few bumps in the road due to first timer mistakes and such; I have ended up with 5 and 1/2 ounces of some of the best bud I've ever had. I smoke a lot of weed too lol. No matter what strain it is... its always better when you grow it yourself.

What I've learned from my first grow
1. The guy at the hydro store doesn't have a fucking clue
2. Straight Fox Farm Ocean Forest is too hot for big buddha cheese seedlings
3. LST'ing is too much maintenance. I'm going to only FIM from now on.
4. Big Buddha Cheese barely eats anything. Go easy on the nutes.
5. Northern Lights eats more than cheese. It's a cal-mag whore.
6. Seeds from hermie plants produce hermie plants. I'm getting rid of NL after this next round.
7. When curing... don't wait until the stem snaps to put into a jar. Its too dry at this point.
8. Making hash and/or cannabudder from all of your trim is kind of a waste of time. Just use the frosty leaves.
9. If you don't have enough frosty leaves... save them until you have enough. Seriously... hash and brownies from fan leaves is a real tease.
10. Big Buddha Cheese responds well to FIMming. It also does well with LST.
11. Don't forget to switch your ballast from MH to HPS when you change bulbs. I forgot to switch mine and flowered with the ballast on MH the whole time.
12. Clones eat more than their parent did when it was the same size. I've had to add nutrients significantly earlier to my clones than I did when they were seedlings.
13. If you're me, Jiffy works better than rapid rooters. I put 1 cutting in a Jiffy pellet and the rest in rapid rooters. The Jiffy popped roots before the rapid rooters, and more roots were popping out in the jiffy than the rapid.
14. If you're new to gardening and watering plants, use the lift method. I was so worried about over-watering my plants that I killed 3 seedlings from not watering them.

Kind of ranting now, so I'll get onto the rest of the post

To summarize my grow...
I have 5 of these filled to the top :laughing:

My Northern lights yielded 1 Ounce.
Factors that may have contributed to its low yield: It battled a calcium deficiency for a long time, It slept in low night time temps, it was a 3 leaf whorled-phyllotaxy plant. I also could have messed up the final transplant by not loosening roots. The finished plant wasn't rootbound. Even though I over-dried this finished plant, it still smokes great and knocks me the fuck out.

I'm in love. I ended up with two different phenotypes. The Big Cheese yielded 3 ounces, and the small cheese 1.5 ounces. The smaller cheese was a bit frostier, denser, and had hints of purple throughout. The Big Cheese was the stinky one of the group, looks more like the cheese I remember, and tastes awesome. I slightly messed up on the dry/cure of the big cheese, so the small cheese has a better aroma in the jar. They both have a very similar taste though, like no other. I'm going to keep both phenotypes because I love them both.
I mixed up the pictures, so I don't remember exactly which ones are the small cheese and which ones are the big cheese. The one with purple is the small cheese and the fluffier/hairier one is the big cheese.

I think this next one is the big cheese

This is definitely the big cheese

Big thanks to everyone who tuned into my first grow. Your suggestions and comments have always been appreciated. I'll be starting another grow diary soon, so keep an eye out for it :wave:
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
great shots, loads of sugar
looks like u had a nice harvest aswell
that nl wont let u down next run

i cant wait to get my cheese up and running



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