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4000w Qrazy Train, Plushberry, and Jack The Ripper.


Moon-grass farmer
So, now that my last garden is officially in the books, wasting no time getting the next round off to a good start. Unfortunately I didn't get this run started as soon as I would like due to a lack of veg space, but, luckily I was able to at least get these in pots as the last run was finishing up. Won't be letting that happen again though and from here on out I will be starting the next veg cycle as I flip to 12/12.

The room/equipment:

-10' x 15' metal shed/outbuilding
-Sealed with CO2 enrichment
-4000w of digital sunshine
-Magnum XXXL air-cooled hoods hoods
-8" Valuline fans for air-cooling the hoods as well as circulation
-Additional box fans for circulation
-Sentinel PPM-4 Controller
-12,000 BTU/hr dual hose portable air conditioner (will be upgrading to something more efficient and effective soon)
-70 pint dehuey
-Homemade DIY environmental controller

The genetics:

Will be doing a run 100% TGA. Despite a very strong following (especially here in the PNW), I still do hear mixed reviews of TGA from time to time. Smoked a ton of TGA buds... mostly Querkle. Yummm... But, been interested in growing more of Subs' genetics for quite some time now, and now will be doing a complete run with his gear. Starting with:

-23 Qrazy Train cuttings
-3 JTR females from seed
-4 Plushberry's from seed, 2 females ID'd

So far out of (2) 5 packs, a total of 5 females have shown sex very quickly under 24/0. Just switched to 20/4, we'll see if the other two PB's show themselves soon.

Last run I grew one Qrazy Train cutting just to check out the pheno, and turned out as the most unique aromatic strain in the garden. Comparable to coffee, skunk, diesel, lime, but the main aroma falls into the category of a hearty, savory, almost like a steak seasoning or something. Mmm. Looks to be a heavy yielder, covered in resin, and a very sturdy, robust, I'd say 60/40 (?) sativa hybrid. Surely seems to be the "lanky" Trainwreck pheno. Will get some budshots shortly.

And obviously the seed plants are more or less just in hopes of finding keeper phenos for future runs. We'll see how it turns out! Had a hard time deciding which packs to buy, and also wish I'd have got 10 packs. Ah well...

The nutes:

Will be using the same line of Botanicare's PBP + additives as my last garden. Was considering trying CNS17, but with a large amount of PBP Grow remaining, plus great results from last round... why fix it if it isn't broken...

-PureBlend Pro Grow/Bloom
-Liquid Karma
-Sweet Raw
-Silica Blast

Also got a good deal on a bottle of Hygrozyme... been feeding it to my mothers and will be doing a root trimming soon so we'll see if I notice a positive influence in the root zone. Whatev.

The medium/containers:

-Sunshine Mix #4 Advanced with added perlite
-5gal SmartPots

Had a great yield last run. Giving some credit to the SmartPots. Were pretty easy to clean, and will be transplanting to the 5gals in a couple weeks or so. The plants are currently in square, 1/2-3/4gal or whatever they are :dunno:

What I'll be doing different from the last run:

As with every grow, it seems as if you learn something about your style of growing/setup that you would like to change or could've done better. A few things to note particularly:

-Plant count. Last run had 35 plants total. Too many. Canopy management, space, and maintenance was more of a PITA than worth it IMO. Will be reducing total plant count to 22-23 plants, for sake of legal limit and perpetual cycle. Will be culling the weakling QT's to obtain this number.

-More aggressive trimming. Did a pretty good job last run of taking care of lower/inner growth, and had a low amount of larf, but I know I could do better.

-More even canopy/better canopy management. As with any multi-strain grow, this can be a bitch. But my last run could've had a better all around canopy.

-Canopy support! Thought that all of my rootballs and stalks were sturdy enough to handle the weight. DEAD WRONG. Staking up and tying brances is something I hope to completely avoid this run. Haven't decided between tomato cages or trellis. Likely cages due to the slight multi-strain factor.

-Shorter veg time. Last run was 8 weeks of veg, and I think 4-6 weeks will be sufficient. Of course yield will slightly suffer, but the extra couple weeks each run should be more valuable in the long run.

Well I think that about covers the basics. If I think of anything else I left out I'll edit the post. The plants are currently under 2000w but running at 50% for a few more days until I'll increase intensity. Had a bit of a cloning stall for some reason and some slight deformation. Everything is coming back nicely and establishing well, and should be off and running here very soon to flourish.


First row from left is the Plushberry's. Second row is the JTR's. The rest are QT's. Obviously started at different times and have been under T-5s in a seperate space until I got the room cleaned up and ready for the next round. We'll just call it the first week of veg :tiphat:

Thanks to all who followed along on the last run. This round will surely not disappoint. Will post updates and pics weekly at a minimum.

Actually stoked to be back to square one and start all over again! :artist:

Until next time... :tiphat:


Moon-grass farmer
Oh and I might as well mention... I think I may be having a change of heart.

In my last grow diary, a couple folks mentioned that #5 SmartPots may be too big, and that #3 would suffice - and actually give the plants a better uptake of nutrients due to increased feeding/watering. I think I might agree. Especially being that this run will consist of a shorter veg time, and last grow I had an 8 week veg. I had a few individual strains in #3s... and yielded between 2-3oz with very short veg times and very minimal topping/training/trimming. And were even away from direct light.

I'm torn. And I really don't mind spending the money on more SmartPots... the #5s held up very well and will have a good shelf life haha.

Ah well, I've got a couple weeks to figure it out :dunno:

Any thoughts/theories appreciated.


Moon-grass farmer

Completed one week veg. Increased lumen intensity to 75%... very light feeding was given of PBP Grow, along with LK, CalMag+, and Aquashield. Will increase dosages probably by next week.

Pretty straight forward so far. Going to start preventative Azamax treatments soon. Maybe some foliar feeds... if the plants seem as though they may benefit. Should start taking off very soon, although pretty noticeable growth in the last week.

ID'd 2 more Plushberry females. So out of 5 packs of each, ended up with 3 JTR females and 4 Plushberries.

Stay tuned!



Power Armor rules
Those plants are looking super healthy. You don't need to go out and buy 3 gallon smartpots. Just use the 5 gallon ones and only put in 3 gallons of soil. You can roll the extra fabric down at the top to make it flush with the soil. It's like getting two birds stoned at once.



Moon-grass farmer
Those plants are looking super healthy. You don't need to go out and buy 3 gallon smartpots. Just use the 5 gallon ones and only put in 3 gallons of soil. You can roll the extra fabric down at the top to make it flush with the soil. It's like getting two birds stoned at once.


I thought of that as well but I was wondering if the #5s would be too shallow with only 3gal of medium...? Figured I'd just say screw and buy #3s. But if it won't make a difference I'm always ready to save some cash!


Moon-grass farmer
Those plants are looking super healthy. You don't need to go out and buy 3 gallon smartpots. Just use the 5 gallon ones and only put in 3 gallons of soil. You can roll the extra fabric down at the top to make it flush with the soil. It's like getting two birds stoned at once.


I thought of that as well but I was wondering if the #5s would be too shallow with only 3gal of medium...? Figured I'd just say screw and buy #3s. But if it won't make a difference I'm always ready to save some cash!


Moon-grass farmer
2 week veg update:

Not really too much to talk about... Except for a slight little hiccup... Gave the ladies their first full strength feeding and found out that the QT's are a bit sensitive to overfert. The next day or two after the feeding I observed some leaf twist and inward curl. I actually recall during my last run when I gave the solo QT a full strength feeding and had the same affect, while all of the other strains in the garden were all looking happy as can be. Same deal this time... the 7 plants from seed, PB's and JTR's, are looking beautiful with no sign of overfert. My bad, should've remembered. But after a couple days now they're already coming back... will just water with plain pH'd water next time at least.

But, regardless of that... Starting to take off now.. thankfully.

Did a preventative spray of Azamax just for good measure... get started early. I'm the most pest-conscious and paranoid as ever it seems. Prevention! For the first time I felt it necessary to rinse off the leaves a couple of days later. The leaves had a much more apparent residue left over for some reason, despite a very low dose. Although GH says no rinsing is required, it still seems to me that it's still possible to clog the stomata. So I went for it.

I picked up a few blocks of Sunshine Advanced #4, and will mix in added perlite at about a 20% ratio. Also will add some Subculture M @ 1 TBSP/cubic foot of medium, moisten mix with Liquid Karma @ 1 TBSP/gallon and then let sit until I transplant.

Which I'm not 100% sure when I plan on doing that, and it might be sooner than I think.

Still haven't decided if I'm going to roll down the edges of the #5 SmartPots to make them 3gal.... or if the pots would be too shallow. But what I am pretty dead set on is that I am surely downsizing to 3 gallon pots this round. Whether it be improvising with my #5 or now. Or say screw it and buy new ones.

Okay enough stoned rambling yet again.

But, some other good news to share... I ordered (3) 10 packs of beans from the Bou for future use:

BOG - Sour Boggle
BOG - Sour Lifesaver
Mosca Negra - C99 BX1

Way stoked, especially for the C99. Plan on dropping those beans in my next run and find that Pineapple or even Grapefruit pheno of C99...!

But anyways. Overall the ladies in the garden are doing great. Coming back from the QTs bit of an overfert, and there'll be a lush green jungle in here shortly! The Plushberry and Jack The Ripper phenos are looking quite similiar so far in stature, except for one JTR which seems to be the "runt", which has skinnier, slightly more sativa leaves. All of the JTR phenos are branching quite nicely and appear to not require very much topping... probably will only defoliate and pinch some branches. The Plushberry phenos are nearly identical in structure and leaf pattern to one another except for 2 of them have slightly fatter, more indica leaves than the other 2. But still very close. Have already topped those ladies... PB sure doesn't want to branch very well on it's own.

We'll see how the selection goes!!

Here they are... PB's are the far left, JTR's in the next row, and the rest QT's.


Check back soon!


Moon-grass farmer
An update, in the middle of flush on Day 51, a week shy of harvest, for most of the garden anyway...


It seems I am a horrible grow-diary keeper and I just seriously pulled a stoner move and realized I forgot I ever started this thread.


But, here are some of the ladies on their 46th day of flower. This grow has had some frustrations in veg, some quirks in flower, but despite not being 100% routine, it looks as though its goin to turn out to be a nice harvest.

Quality it is there on every strain/pheno, although I don't have a heavy interest in any 3 of the Jack The Ripper phenos. Pheno #2, which is pictured below, is something a bit unique compared to what I'm used to growing. Surely one of the most Sativa phenos I've came across. Very curious to see how shes going to turn out, although I don't believe any of the JTR will be coming down at the listed 8 week mark. A "true 8-week haze" my foot. Is what I'm pretty much feeling at this point.

More pics to come of the rest of the strains and phenos in the garden... just snapped these pics quick a few days ago, turned out to be share worthy pics so I thought I'd share :tiphat:

Qrazy Train

Blue Cheese

Plushberry #2

More below...


Moon-grass farmer
Plushberry #3 (also very likely not being chopped at 8 weeks)

Plushberry #4 mmm....

Jack The Ripper #2

Like I said... more pics to come. Everything is looking lovely, smelling fantastic, and the garden is well on its way to a successful harvest... just unsure at this point how much longer a few of the phenos needs to go. But, the majority is coming down a week from today like I said, so expect not only harvest pics, but some more detailed and close-up shots of all of the ladies.

Meanwhile, back at the veg setup....

I have my next group of ladies that will be going into flower somewhat shortly after chop of this garden. That will consist of half Blue Cheese, and the other half being 7 C99BX1 females that I scored out of a 10 pack of Mosca beans, and 5 Sour Lifesaver ladies. Can't wait :artist: will start a new thread soon, and will keep that one updated.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I'm late but can't wait. I will be back to add my input. I love TGA and I'm totallymdiggin your scene brother

turtle farmer

Great looking crop Holdin'.
I'm curious what the total weight ended up being..
I like TGA's flavor variety...I'm setting up a 4k run of Ace of Spades..


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Yeah dude come back and give us an update. Loved the nice fade in those last pics. God damn the PB looks killer. Check out my dtrain in my signature. It's a nugbuckets cross of his white domina x TGA qrazytrain Fucking dank. Weed nerd!


Moon-grass farmer
Yeah dude come back and give us an update. Loved the nice fade in those last pics. God damn the PB looks killer. Check out my dtrain in my signature. It's a nugbuckets cross of his white domina x TGA qrazytrain Fucking dank. Weed nerd!
Shit dude I completely forgot about this thread...I will post pics and results later today. Long story short, barely hit yield minimum, very disappointed in my 3 JTR phenos. Found a lemon/lime plushberry keeper and a purple berry smelling/tasting keeper. Qrazy Train turned out great but it may be getting replaced with a different keeper.

Edit: That cross looks awesome!!.
How is the odor of the Qrazy Train in flower? Is it stealthy at all or super funky?
Super funky. Pretty unique funk too... but NOT stealthy.