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400 Watt Shativa Question


New member
Hey HEY,
So i finally got a good set up... atleast for me.
I got a 400 watt MH/ HPS conversion set up with 14 Shativa( ShivaX Hawian Sativa). My room is 5x5x6.
I started them early Jan from seed and they are about 10- 12 inch bushy plants now.
I was wondering what the best way to sex this would be.
Can i just flip em for a bit and determine sex and then re-veg... But ive heard that is no good, but i dont have the room to take clones.
Or should i let them veg for a total of 2 and 1/2 months and then jsut flipem for good?
I am kinda worried about space
any thoughts?


flip em, and as soon as they show sex pull out the males, and take clones off the females. i pull clones off plants in early flower all the time :)


New member
I am not trying to take clones...
I was just wondering if I can flip em, kill the males, then flip back to veg and grow the females bigger?
You could always take a cutting from each plant and put them in a cloning medium (rockwool or damp soil)* and then put them under a 12/12 cycle.

This way, even if the cuttings don't root, you'll still find out the sex of each plant.

I appreciate that you'll need an extra light, but even a CFL should do the trick.

On another note, a single 400W is nowhere near enough for a 5 by 5 area. Realistically, if you can squish the females into a 3 by 3 space, you'll probably get much tighter and fatter buds.

*Even a cup of water will probably do - you'll only need to keep them alive for a couple of weeks! :)


New member
Yes Yes this seems to be the only option that seems legit. SO I have a few Q's about that. First off, i know that 5x5 is to big.... and i think the 3x3 will be perfect. So Pomper or anyone, could you show me a link or write me instructions on the best way to take cuttings and sex them. SHould i do it now? OR wait....
I really trust most all of your peeps great advice, so thank you.


i would take them now, then once you pic the best female(or females) out of the the group and get some mother plants going.

i run a 400w also, but i only run about 3 or 4 plants under it, i usually get pretty good results. you can check the link "zombie virus" in my sig and check out my setup. may give you some ideas :)

here is a link about cloning

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