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400 watt club...


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Man the 400 watt hps was my first "real" grow light I bought.

I will be doing a 400 watt led grow in the next coming months that I am excited about but haven't played with a 400hps since I grew under the 600 watt which has kept me grinning from then on.


Plenty of folks use $20 bulbs with the same results as $120 bulbs.

Proper feeding, temps and genetics will do much much more than a bulb, keep that in mind!

I'm looking at a Ultra Sun HPS at about $20 After that I will proby try a hortilux. As long as my $$ is good at that time. It's a bit of a bitch living on a fixed income. But do what I can to get by. And with my girls the only one I have to please is myself.:)


Senior Member
hey heres a few pics of my ladies at day 52...they will be ready for harvest in 4 days, well the left side anyway, the right side is at day 24 and has a month to go, im getting 39 clones per half of my cab now, and getting around 5 gram plants on average, so nearly 200 grams a month is very close to being achieved, this next round should be between 150 and 170 grams and the next round should be near 190...both sides combined in a 2 month period will give me near a gram per watt soon...i'm very excited.

this c99 is starting to get some really strange and powerful new smells now that it's budding in cold temps, i started with a gasoline and fruit punch combo that's turning into a garlic/burned rubber/fruit punch as things continue to ripen...i can't wait to sample her.


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Guest 315072

i cant wait to show u guys pictures of my 400w flower room lol.. i filled the entire room floor with 1 gal grow bags.. for a SOG going to cut off all branches and leave colas.. and see what a 400 w can really do ..


hi ,might start up again with 400s, still got 2 ching chong 400s digatal i remember just before ishut down, i was having hard time starting globe icould hear it hissing and farting trying to start . through my monitor 50 metres away down at house, it was sunpulse bulb, i think some of chinese digs etc equals junk.


alot of the 1000w digitals are raelly loaded with 750w guts.. and then they say oo u use super lumens and get more watts wen u use super lumens and get 1000w this is what i was told by the hydro store guy who has had 40 ballast come threw the doors all diff brands of digis labeled 1000w and only having 750w guts .. WIERD!!!!!!!


Senior Member
750w guts?! do they even make 750w ballasts OR bulbs? honestly sounds like your dude was bs'n you...in order to save money throwing cheaper guts in you would think they would need to use guts that are mass produced...like the guts of 1000w and 600w ballasts...to specially manufacture a totally new set of guts for 750w, for which they don't even make bulbs for...i think it would be a lot more expensive on a large scale than just using generic 1000w guts that are mass produced already...

not to mention that, but if the ballasts were using 750w it would be so super easy to test that with a voltmeter dealy...im sure people would have wondered and tested...and if it were true it would be all over the place...i mean when you are running 100,000w of light in a big warehouse, but only paying for 750,000w of light i think it would become pretty obvious...

from everything i have read people have tested these ballasts quite a bit, because electronic ballasts claim to use less watts than magnetic ballasts, a 1000w magnetic ballast probably consumes over 1100w while electronics run closer to the specified wattage because not as much electricity is wasted as heat through the ballast...people have tested all of the major ballasts, and if they were regularly coming out at 750, well people would find out pretty fast...

not to mention i would think they have some sort of laws that keep them from exaggerating the claims of electrical equipment...i mean if you buy a dvd player and it's not running at the advertised levels and somehow caused a fire or something you would think you could sue them, cause those technical specs on electronics are used to ensure breakers and fuses and wiring and junk are all up to snuff, maybe not in a small garden, but these giant mega warehouses and junk running millions of watts...i don't know for sure, but i would think quality electronic equipment would need to accurately rate it's energy consumption so that they can be safely installed in large numbers or small...

grow shop dudes are hit and miss, ive learned to be polite with mine, but to not ask them for advice or offer any of my own, because they tend to be more knowledgeable of the catalogs and the companies pitch lines...growing peppers and tomatoes than they are about cannabis horticulter...seems obvious that if you had 5 thousand watts in your basement cranking out buds for a living you wouldn't need a job, and if you decided to have one anyway, a growshop would probably be the one place you don't want to work...i mean it would be like sayin', hey coppers, look at me, and to any of their neighbors who knew you worked at a hydro shop, they would assume the same...

im sure most of the people in my shop used to grow, or if they do it's a small personal garden, but for the most part their info isn't super reliable, i mean the owner of my local shop had me in a fit for over a week when he told me digital ballasts and electronic were different, that electronics were actually magnetic...it took tons of research and thread questions to finally convince myself the idea's he put in my head were total bs, of course i have since shown him, that on the "digital ballasts" that he sells, well they say electronic ballast right on the box, AND on the ballasts, undeniably proving that digital was just a flashy word for electronic ballasts, which are completely different from magnetic ones...

just goes to show ya, you can't believe everything the hydro shop guys tell you, and in reality, in this industry, you can't believe what everybody assumes to be true, either, as this black market has spread stoner myth like wildfire, and half the accepted facts about marijuana cultivation prove to be completely wrong...


ya maybe for the first month, after that cheepo bulbs start dropping off quick, try measuring a 90 dollar hortilux eye after 10 months use and a cheepo bulb after the same...then you will realize why it's worth it to use a good bulb!

of course also you need to change a cheep bulb every two months to come even close to the output that a hortilux will put out for an entire year. because of that it will take 6 bulbs or $120 a year to run cheep bulbs, but only 1 bulb at $90 a year to run a hortilux or other high end brand, so you save money and get more reliable output.

then of course there is spectrum, cheep bulbs have a bad spectrum, sure they work, but a hortilux eye has not only the reds but much more blues as well so you get tighter node spacing and denser buds...i honestly can't see why anybody would want to slum it with something so important as their light source...

honestly, i don't think any of that means anything without a reliable source of light... in my opinion, with indoor growing your light is the most important part. honestly i can't think of a way to impact the quality of your crop for the better than going from a cheep bulb in a cheep cooltube to a high end bulb in a high end hood...high end soil, ferts, even better temps wont help your crop as much as a new light, and more often than not with genetics these days the 200 dollar a pack dudes are putting out stuff just as good as the 50 dollar a pack dudes, hell go to cbay or whatever and you can find stuff for next to nothing, that will do just as good as the high end lines!

p.s. here are some of my girls, first ones skunk, the rest are c99 day 45ish, under my 430 watt hortilux eye...the smell is like concentrated juicy fruit gum flavoring...


I've used the same generic 400w bulb for about... 9 months now.

First run, 315g dry.

Second run, 336g dry.

Third run, ??

Mt Toaker

Fukndenny... Grows getting heavier as bulbs get weaker... Personally I buy a lot of cheep stuff because I got better things to spend money on and it all works just fine. Plus, when it does break I don't go broke...


Wooow...That Cinderela is really looking topshit:woohoo:

I have seen a lot of people growing C99 and I would really like to know if this is just reputation or is it really that good....seeing the resin on the buds it looks very powerful:biggrin:

I wanted to say that I also use a 400w hps with Lumatek electronic balast. This is my first grow and I am still having some temperature problems. I am using a cooltube in an area size 0,8x0,8x1,6m.
I am doing the Sea of Green method and I have 13 clones from mother of Chronic Serious seeds.
Yesterday i did some trimming of old and excessive leaves and everything is looking OK, exept the Temp is app. 31C.
I had them 1week in vegetation and 4 weeks into flowering.

I will post some pics after I get myself a better camera. Still I would like to know how do you set your camera when taking a shot with the 400w bulb turned on ....:thank you:


, The Ghost of


I know there are more of us penny-pinching, space deprived, stealth driven 400 watters out there.

Most recent chop.



Sorry, didnt get a useable whole plant pic.


Active member
im still working on my sweetpurple x whitewidow (sweetwidow) crosses under 400mh


veg area...i will be smoking good this summer



ya maybe for the first month, after that cheepo bulbs start dropping off quick, try measuring a 90 dollar hortilux eye after 10 months use and a cheepo bulb after the same...then you will realize why it's worth it to use a good bulb!

of course also you need to change a cheep bulb every two months to come even close to the output that a hortilux will put out for an entire year. because of that it will take 6 bulbs or $120 a year to run cheep bulbs, but only 1 bulb at $90 a year to run a hortilux or other high end brand, so you save money and get more reliable output.

then of course there is spectrum, cheep bulbs have a bad spectrum, sure they work, but a hortilux eye has not only the reds but much more blues as well so you get tighter node spacing and denser buds...i honestly can't see why anybody would want to slum it with something so important as their light source...

honestly, i don't think any of that means anything without a reliable source of light... in my opinion, with indoor growing your light is the most important part. honestly i can't think of a way to impact the quality of your crop for the better than going from a cheep bulb in a cheep cooltube to a high end bulb in a high end hood...high end soil, ferts, even better temps wont help your crop as much as a new light, and more often than not with genetics these days the 200 dollar a pack dudes are putting out stuff just as good as the 50 dollar a pack dudes, hell go to cbay or whatever and you can find stuff for next to nothing, that will do just as good as the high end lines!

p.s. here are some of my girls, first ones skunk, the rest are c99 day 45ish, under my 430 watt hortilux eye...the smell is like concentrated juicy fruit gum flavoring...

* All bulbs are produced at the same factories. It does not matter what brand or make. There are a limited number of factories making HID bulbs. Unless you bulb is made in North America, then it's made at the exact same factories, using the exact same parts, by the exact same people making the ones shipping free with light kits.

* "Chepo ferts". Not sure what you mean by this. Some of the cheapest nutes, GH's flora series, are used by NASA. They are also used by this guy - http://www.youtube.com/user/HygroHybrid?feature=watch who I would argue is a better grower than anyone on this entire website when it comes to indoors.

* You do need a good light source, this is correct, but you think spending money means it will be better, when it isn't. You can drop $200 on a bulb, $300 on a hood, but if you don't know what you are doing, your grow is going to suck. There are people pulling 1 pound or more per plant with 400watt lights on other websites. I don't see anyone here doing that. Many of them are using basic stuff. They aren't going out and dropping tons of money on overpriced AN nutes, and $400 sunhoods.

* I work with my hands, and I can build can build anything from cooltubes to Sunhoods that rival the most expensive. Total materials wold probably run $60. So if I toss them up on Ebay for $70, what makes it worse than the $400 hood? So long as your environmental conditions are good, you have a nice light proof tent, you keep everything clean, and you keep everything simple, you will grow great stuff no matter the equipment. If you really want to get technical, everything we all use is garbage, when the sun is sitting outside of our houses. We just make due because growing out doors even with a license is just not widely accepted yet.

Here is an example - http://www.420magazine.com/forums/grow-supply-product-reviews/135513-cheaper-hps-bulb-options.html only a 10 percent difference between a $130 bulb vs a $21 bulb.