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400 watt Cermaic Metal Halide Cabinet, Ebb& Flow System Growing DJ Short Grape Krush


Here's a few others to see some differences Here's the medium plant still in the cfl veg cab compared to on that has been in the 400 watt cab since 3/10

The girls split up. The plants were being trained for certain spots in the cab, the one in the back was a corner plant, everything was trained to be in the front. the other plant was closer to the center of the cab so it's spread out a little more.

and the way you have seen it with them in front of one another.

Don Cotyle

Great job on those Murhpy, I espically like the way you tied the side branches out to let more light in where the canopy would other wise be blocked!!! A little streach on the seedlings won't hurt just bury them in the medium to the first node when they go into the flowering chamber and no worries! If you want to try something on them you might want to gently scrape the stem on the seedlings on 2 sides and dust a little rooting powder on the scrapes and push the soil up around them, this will add to the root system and eliminate the long stem also. Just another way to go about it, possibly a little radical but will work in a pinch if very early streach is a problem!

Excellent work on those!!!
heya murphy!

first time back since i seen the males, great job on those by the way. grape krush would be some nice pollen to have around. love the CMH growth! looks like the plants skip the stretch n go straight to flower. mine should be here tomorrow and i can't wait!

you got any idea on how much cooler CMH runs compared to HPS of similar wattage?

stke :joint:


stke_fingas said:
heya murphy!

first time back since i seen the males, great job on those by the way. grape krush would be some nice pollen to have around. love the CMH growth! looks like the plants skip the stretch n go straight to flower. mine should be here tomorrow and i can't wait!

you got any idea on how much cooler CMH runs compared to HPS of similar wattage?

stke :joint:

Grape Krush itself doesn't "stretch" from what I have read. Others have said it stays at the same rate of growth through out flower.

As for how much cooler the bulb is, I can't really say.....I haven't tried the hps bulb in the cab yet to know what the tempature differences would be but, I do have one. after I have everything dialed in a little better, I'll try it and see what the difference is.


Don Cotyle said:
Hi Murphy, Heres a few links on training, supercroping, and pruneing you might want to check out. They may help yu get more yeild in your limited area.




Hope you find them useful, enjoy!

Thanks for gathering those links! After this run, I have (Serious Seeds) AK47 and (Seedsman Seeds) Ata Tundra, neither are going to be this short so there will be some cutting and bending to keep it in that cab. I failed with cloning the Grape Krush so what I get out of these 2 will be it. I have one seed left, hopefully that one will be female. I've read a few GK grows, and I've seen others with the bad male ratio I had. Only getting 1 - 3 females per 10 plants so I'm not as much of an odd ball as I had thought.


Murphy said:
Yamaha, they are coffee containers, I make stuff out of just about anything and everything. I go to Home Depot and walk around for an hour just looking at stuff and thinking how it "can" be used to build shit.

LOL One day when the home depot guy asks me for help, I am just going to say "yeah look, I got 800 pot plants in my basement in these tables. I need to find a drain for the table" Maybe bring a camera and record his look?

I walk around home depot looking for stuff that will fit my needs all the time. Well not too much anymore, all my building is done

Coffee containers? I thought they were buckets.... :D

Looks like things are coming along. Took me a year from construction to getting it right so dont sweat it.


I was messing with the camera and playing with the settings, here's what I got after many blurry pics. Random bud site shots, first signs of frost and I tried to get in on the "hairs" on the lower sites.

And here's the way the cab sits now. The Mandala Safari mix was sprayed with Liquid Light about a 1/2 hour ago. The last 4 were added to the cab yesterday. Other then the Mandala mix, there are also 2 T* Haxe X Skunk freebies in there to, the smaller on sitting to the right of the cab in front of the sheild.

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Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High Murph! Looks like they healthy and doin good!
Yo, keep workin with the digi bro! I worked a few ways to get some decent pics from a cheap ass camera, myself! check my "new strain" link in my sig to see what is possible. be glad to help.....!
Peace, bugout


yamaha_1fan said:
Looks like things are coming along. Took me a year from construction to getting it right so dont sweat it.

Yeah, I still have tools and crap everywhere. I see people like Big Toke's Bio Buckets and Blazeoneup's "build" threads and all I can think is, there's no way in hell, they went to home depot and in one trip knew exactly what they needed, filled a couple of carts, went home, started snapping pics and slapped that shit together as easy as they made it look. Even with the parts list, and one of those guys with me, it would take me at least 3 trips...... :pointlaug There are plenty of great builders here that do the same thing, I just don't get how they make it look that easy. I've read a ton of the DIY threads, it's cool to see the things people use and the stuff they come up with but man, there are some "system builds" that just blow me away......like your's 800 PLANTS :eek:


TBug said:
High Murph! Looks like they healthy and doin good!
Yo, keep workin with the digi bro! I worked a few ways to get some decent pics from a cheap ass camera, myself! check my "new strain" link in my sig to see what is possible. be glad to help.....!
Peace, bugout

Thanks for checking in. I've been waiting for those dried bud shots!!

Don Cotyle

Murphy said:
I was messing with the camera and playing with the settings, here's what I got after many blurry pics. Random bud site shots, first signs of frost and I tried to get in on the "hairs" on the lower sites.

And here's the way the cab sits now. The Mandala Safari mix was sprayed with Liquid Light about a 1/2 hour ago. The last 4 were added to the cab yesterday. Other then the Mandala mix, there are also 2 T* Haxe X Skunk freebies in there to, the smaller on sitting to the right of the cab in front of the sheild.

Looking good Murphy, I was looking at the last close in plant pic,#6 Do you see how dark the underlieing bud sites are? You may want to snip the feeder leaves just over the bud sites. This should allow more light in to help with yeild;) Just a thought...
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Don Cotyle said:
Looking good Murphy, I was looking at the last close in plant pic,#6 Do you see how dark the underlieing bud sites are? You may want to snip the feeder leaves just over the bud sites. This should allow more light in to help with yeild;) Just a thought...

I read pruning threads, they all say the biggest mistake people make is over trimming. I took everything off of the bottom, I think I should have come up another node on some of the longer branches but, it's all part of learning. I'll take a look tonight and take off a few that are directly blocking some sites, I didn't know if it was to late, there are a few I think should go. When I was taking the pics, I saw how dark it looked in the pic but, it's not that dark. I think the camera had to over adjust for the brightness of the bulb, about 12" away. Most of the bad pics I trashed were spent trying to get a good pic of the lower sites they all came out to dark.
those are going to be some frosty goodness when there finished! great job! i'm running a 400w CMH too. still in veg but it won't be long with the way things are growing now. check it out, let me know what you think.


Active member
Just got the pm, looks like you worked out the bugs. I like soaking my seeds in liquid kelp with water prior to putting them into a rooting medium. Looks like IGrow & Yamaha got you covered.


green_tea said:
how do you like the CMH bulb so far?

already noticing the tell-tale awesomeness that is CMH?

I wish I could say but honestly, this is only my second grow. The first was a year and a half ago under 1000 watts MH in 5 gallon buckets and I got about 2/3 of the way through it before I had to cut it all down. This is completly different so, I can't say my opinion would mean much.

I've been trying to load updated pics for the past 2 days, it keeps telling me that "Uploading temporarily disabled."
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Pics from last week

Pics from last week

Here are a few shots from eariler last week that I haven't been able to get uploaded. I'll have a fresh batch of pics posted again very soon.

.....looking back at these pics, a lot has changed. I think I have 3 males, I want to be sure before I chop them so I'm giving them a few more days. I trimmed some leaves on the Grape Krush, I took to much off but it looks like things are still moving along.


A few shots from tonight

A few shots from tonight

The Mandala Safari mix and T* Haze X Skunk has jumped up. Everything in the dirt is getting fed FloraNova Bloom, gotta love the stuff.

The 3 larger plants are the ones I think are males

and some of the Grape Krush

....a little burn on the top of the cola in the back



those are looking real nice, but i have one question for you. how much fucking coffee do you drink???? lol or did you just go to a retirement home and ask for all their empties haha

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