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400 Watt CAB! Go green or go home!



Wow its so crazy to see plants flower and actually see bud, MmmM... Lol Im sick of looking at just leaves I wanna see some bud on mine!

Looking good man , What are your goals on weight you expect?


No goals, no expectation on weight. I'm a novice. I'm on a time limit for growing, maybe 3 runs if I'm lucky. With the AK, I'll be weight focused, with the Grape Krush, well, I just wanted to smoke some "elite" weed. Whatever I harvest will be kept all for personal use.

As for your comment about not seeing buds yet, I was there a few weeks ago and now I have found something worse, I have pretty buds to look at but now I am out of smokeable weed for myself. LOL trust me it sucks so much worse, bud is so close yet so far away......about 3 weeks.


Day 10 of flower, Expecting to show sex soon I'm seeing some hairs but nothing known for sure yet.

They stretched like a whore in the last couple days, I should of kept them closer to the light or is that normal?

I also didnt water them as quick as I should of so they got all mad at me and started drooping but they are back up now lol.

Still going well. hopefully get some nice fucking bud!

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Well found 2 females so far and one male!!!,Woo hoo, Im happy!

This is the male i chopped.

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Same size , a little more bushy.

I cant let them get any bigger lol, they are 2 inches from the light, gonna have to get a screen or something..

more pics to come

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Tony Danza

Try GENTLY breaking the main stem of the taller ones/tying it down with twine, some people say it pauses growth for a day or two, but at this stage it will make little difference as you aren't packing on weight yet. It will keep them out of the light, and spur the side branches a little.

An vortec style inline fan will blow your mind with the air movement, and they're hardly louder than muffin fans, I just put one on my 400 cab. Just a 4inch 165 and it's hard to open the door for all the suction.

4 square feet/14cubic and I only top 80 degrees if the ambient does.



Get some string and start tieing them down, bending them over whatever you can. Hows the strech going?


Three Females!!! Boy am I lucky or what!

They are stupid tho, stretching like a whore still. I dont have any string but I put a shoe lace to use tonight lol..

Growing is so fuckin fun, The hairs are coming out like crazy now, Something I've never seen.

And now the budding starts:)
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Hey andrew :wave:
Just read through and man!!
That shit is crazy it's so cool to make it to this page
and see you still have plants growing!!
I also have a 400hps in my closet
and temps w/light are a problem (no cooltube) maybe next round:)
but still i have to bend and tuck every day things just love the light!!
Well hope every thing finishs up nice for ya!
I'll stop back later, just try to keep ALL your ladies happy! JS


What up 415,

At the beginning you said you were growing AK48, New Purple Power, and Northern Lights. What's still growing in your closet?

From your pics, the leaves look about the same, but the plants are different heights. Just curious. If they're different, do you have a favorite?

The plants look awesome, btw... Does your camera have a macro setting? Everyone loves bud shots! ;) Congrats on the females!



I never labeled them, stupid on my part...lol so it will be a grow and guess game:(

I'll check my camera I am sure it does its a newer one so
Hey man happy 4/20!
I did the same thing,
But my two strains are totally different so it's easy to tell them apart.
congrats on the girls things are about to get good:) JS


Day 22 of flower I believe were at.

The buds are growing noticably over night now, its insane.

I wish I had LST them a bit more but live and learn I guess.

Whats going on?
The suspense is killing me!
You should be haveing some serious bud by now!
Lets see those girls Andrew! JS


I'm away from home for a week, So my EX girlfriend is taking care of them lol so we will see what they look like when I get back.

I can tell ya they weren't looking as healthy as the prior pics when I left, they started yellowing a bit and bottom leaves dieing, I think I nute burned them. But then again I hear from some people that bottom leaves sometime die during the mid to last stages of flower?

But the buds definatly are growing big, I cant wait to see them in a week!


Yea no doubt..

I just found out she lied about going:( she said she was tired (its 20 minutes from her house)

So by the time tomorrow when she gets there they will have been 5 days without a soaking:( I dont think its gonna be a good site!:( What a bitch:(

Do you think they will be still alive? They used to need water like every 3 days:(

Update: the slut went and watered them, said they were a little droopy but looking good.

I will get her to do it again friday night then i'll be home saturday afternoon and take some pics of the bud:D
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Dude, I'm gettin worried... Please come back with some good news!

"Ladies" can recover from a 5-day drought (tried and true, oops!!), but they def need some water eventually. Did your ex follow through? Hopefully?

Update for the spectators?? ;)


I'm kinda embarrassed as to show you now...lol

They were burnt on the top (temp guage says they reached a high of 101!!!) .. I pulled most of the dead leaves off and they seem to be ok... I also ditched the box, just too damn hot lately and I wanted to get more bud!

I think Im gonna give it about 1 or 2 more weeks until harvest!

Day 39 I believe..

I smoked some bud from the top tonight where it was burnt dry.. I got sooo high it was insane.. off just a little
