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400 hps to much for this amount of height


New member
I found a thread about stke fingas vertical grow. After seeing his results, I see where my vertical grow went wrong. I should have vegged longer and trained them around horizontally a bit. I think I will go with a CMH and then an HPS when the stretch stops and then CMH again to finish up. My past grows were swc but I'd like to try biobuckets. I think it might be too noisy though. Maybe aeroponics is the way to go. Dirt is too messy for me and I tend to overwater or let them dry out too much. I've ran my swc res almost dry before and the plants didn't seem to suffer much at all. I love micro grows; it's cool to see people get a lot from a little.

this is the best pic showing the growing area. my gallery has tons of pics showing every aspect of the grow. the biggest mistake was letting the plants grow through the screen before flowering. i should have waited till the stretch stopped and then let the tips through and trimmed the rest. yield suffered because of this. lesson learned. i also had issues with humidity and ventilation, too much plant for such a small space.

my new cab is 4x2gal trash cans of coco, 4 pre98 bubba kush, 4 hindu skunk and 3sqyrd of net + co2. two carbon filters, and a fuck ton of air flow in the cab(seriously). i really gotta start a thread. i hope i get 1gpw this round. i can take some pics with my phone but they will be clear as mud with the light on. i'll do it this weekend. puts my old cab to shame.


weed fiend
p.s. i decided 2 get 2 cabs n thro sum 250s in thm it snds like the best way to go..of course i gta save a lil cash first(lost my job) but def snds like the way to go...but .....im also saving my 400 to do a vert down the road just for fun...you never kno what you might fall in love with:bis:

Hell yeah, JS. Go with what's best for you! Two 250s will get ya lots a weed. Used cabs can be had on the cheep if you keep an eye out, yard sales etc. Unless you want one from scratch, a pre-built cab makes things easier IMO. Grow tents are cool too and some aren't that pricey.

Your 400 may have a number on it. Google the number and you'll probably see an orientation indication. If it doesn't list orientation, it may be universal. I think FB said it would only last about 1/2 as long if it's oriented the wrong way. If it's already used, less than that.