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4 week Trainwreck looking small??

these are my 4 week vegging trainwreck girls...they seem to be doing fine, but do they look small? sorry for the blurry pics, need a new camera





The girls were either stressed or fed some nutes too early. Sorry to say, they definatly look real small for their age but I wouldnt worry one bit. Just give em straight water and a deep pot if not in one already.

they look funky and abnormal which is always good for some whacky trippy bud
yeah...they're still growing...the stems are starting to purple...these plants are the greenhouse fem trainwreck...normally don't use fem seeds but they were cheap and I was curious


Active member
My first run of Greenhouse seeds Trainwreck grew to about 20-24 inches. My second run has surpassed that and it appears to be indica type leaves on a Sativa leaning plant.
The main thing is the stone: Yes, it was all that! I am quite satisfied and I'm dropping 6 more girls within the next few days.
My friends were clamoring for TW, now they want more!
Usually if you have stunted growth like yours it's in the soil. What mix did you use?
there are four of them under a 150 cfl in a box with a fan and ventilation...small light leak, but I've never had issues with light leaks during vegging. soil was I think some miracle grow and worm castings...all I had laying around when I got these seeds :-(...

Yeah, they're in the middle of there four week from seed, saturday begins the 5 week. I definitely can't flower these plants....maybe I should get them new soil...any suggestions?


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
a good question, i scoured my area and no one had it. miracle grow was the best i could find even at a nursery.


I have some Greenhouse Trainwreck going at the moment. Mine so far seem to lean to the sativa side with farily narrow leaves and fairly long internode spacing.

gladysvjubb - So this is your second run of the TW? Were both runs Greenhouse femmed seeds? Were the plants fairly consistent that you've ran so far?
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hmm...on like 2 of my plants the leaves are wide and pretty compact, the two others have alittle more spacing between the nodes and thinner leaves...I have no clue where to find better soil...though I did find a hydro shop that sells organic nutrients. have any of you tried the following:

Pure Blend Grow

Budswell Liquid

Alaska Morbloom

they also sell fox farms products


New member
i heard fox farm soil is good.
usually used to gro tomatoes, which essentially makes it ideal for MJ.

i'm no pro. but i've been doin research for about a year and a half.

i'm in the process of setting up my cabbie. and i have foxfarm soil in the apt somewhere.

i say try the foxfarm soil with some worm castings.
or moonshine mix if you ever get a chance.

good luck with your grow!! :wave:


Active member
There's different kinds of miracle grow soil, and they're very different from each other. Just saying that you use Miracle grow soil is not telling much I think.


Active member
five_put said:
I have some Greenhouse Trainwreck going at the moment. Mine so far seem to lean to the sativa side with farily narrow leaves and fairly long internode spacing.

gladysvjubb - So this is your second run of the TW? Were both runs Greenhouse femmed seeds? Were the plants fairly consistent that you've ran so far?

Yes, GHS femmed. The first batch of 5 were a bit different than the second batch I've got going now. The second run looks like a better yield. The tallest plant is about 30-34 inches tall. The leaves are glossy, leathery looking and very deep green.
The Trainwrecks are in the back, in the middle. The tallest cola is visible. To the left are 4 others not quite as tall.



me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
try to find some general gardening stores in your area as well. when i first started out, i too just kept things to the "hydroshop" but i have learned that they dont sell everything. make a list of the things you need, give the list of stores a call , get some prices so you know who to deal with and who not to.

the miracle grow is really iffy and seems to be finicky when it comes to MJ. some people swear by it, some wouldnt use it to grow dirt weed, its all a matter of preference. if anything many people have had descent runs with the organic miracle grow line. if anything repot, get a lil more perilite in there, maybe a lil peat moss to cut it and you should be ok, seems as though the roots coudl use some air

IMO, it could be that you used regular miracle grow, which is not really airy to begin with and those roots are struggling to deal with that compact soil and those chemy nutes in miracle grow. i would suggest you get a list going of whats sold in your area/ what you can find and make a soilless mix from that. there are alot of products that can do the same things as others. (ie- black gold and FFOF are pretty much neck and neck as far as whats in them, as long as your not too picky).

i wouldnt say its the lighting, 150 cfl for four?!?! more than enough. got a friend growin 17 x SSH under a 65 watt flourex and they are bustin outta the box!!

happy roots are in aerated soil with a good drainage factor. and yes USE THE MOLASSES!!! EVERY WATERING!!! 1TSP PER GALLON!!!! also remember when you repot you will see a lil stress, they wont respond right away, so repot, feed em right after, give em 2 days str8 light and they should take off
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^^^What Frank said.

Definitely add some perlite. A 4:1 ratio of soil to perlite is a good start. Most potting soils lean to the dense side so the rootmass of rapidly growing plants is at a disadvantage. Watering adds to soil compaction, further hampering a healthy root system. Light and airy like a giant soft sponge is what you're aiming for, not mucky, mud pie type of stuff that you can get with cheap mass-produced potting soil. But, those cheap soils can be used as a base once you're good at judging healthy root conditions.

You'll have good results with a light, airy soil. When your plants say it's time for a feeding, you can get great results with the PBP line from Botanicare.

Good luck!



Non Conformist
My thought's

My thought's

They look like they could use more light or maybe alil different spectrum. Natural or one richer in red will speed up growth. I think the biggest problem folks have usein MG soil is that it doesn't hold it's ph ( I know I did in flower pots on my porch. I wont use it fer bud. ). I see no problem with ph here tho. I agree with the air, it's the key ta healthy fast growing plants because the roots and the microherd love air. So besure ta make plenty of holes in the bottom of yer pots. If ya can't find good soil, go with the MG organic and 30% worm castings ( if there still available ), and 30% perlite. Feed litely with somethin organic like FF Big Bloom ( is full of micro oganizims ) when ya transplant. This will buffer yer plants from shock, and kick the microherd inta gear plus add to it. Witha heathy a microherd yul have -no- ph problems because of the humic acid they create, humic buffers ph. With a "sponge" like medium that's well drained and plenty ta eat, the micro critters will thrive and so will yer plants! Good luck! Take care...BC

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