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4 kw Kush gro


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Mites suck so bad!!!
I have been battleing them to. I have been using "Einstein" Neem oil and 1/4 tsp Ivory dish soap. right before lights out about 6 weeks in. I kills every damn one!! That was last round.
This round I found some on one leaf but that has been it :) I have been using ACT with EWC and this helps boost the plants pest fighting abilitys too.


Active member
if you want to try something that won't leave a residue that often fucks up pests is a 10mL 29% hydrogen peroxide per L will really disturb them (a 1/4 dose of a Wetting Agent/Sticker will help a lot too). Don't think it kills the eggs, but it's worth doing in late flower if you don't want any residuals of pesticide on your buds come harvest... :yes:


Ive heard of ppl getting good resultes I havnt used it or seen it at any shops around here tho.

apparently its like electrically charged water or something


yo guys sorry for the lack of updates but its too embarassing to post pics,coming up on 6 weeks and shit is going to hell.freaking buds are webbed up and shit its fucking disgusting and to top it all off I got PM bad gunna be throwing away half this fucking crop sucha shame by far the worst run i've done, I made alot of rookie mistakes.Ill update with final yield and whatnot in a couple weeks.

I'm designing a new room with waaaay better airflow and noo fucking mites lol.Hopefully Ill haave something worthy to show you guys.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Don't feel too bad it happens to all of us sooner or later. A word of advice for a preventative measure against bugs is to buy about seven No Pest Strips. I have not had one bug problem since I started using them and I'll bet my life they work lol. I have actually rid bug problems by placing double the amount in a room, shutting off fans and exhaust and then repeating this three or four days and worked for mites great. Not enough people try them out. Good news is no spraying. Hope you can get them in your area. The active ingredient is Dichlovas and it is extremely toxic, so take them out of the room at the flush period.



thanks, I kinda feel like im doin a injustice to the plant tho.

ye im gunna started flushin asap gotta get this mess down and dried.this next rooms gunna be nice and sealed so Ill definetly give those no pest strips a shot this current room has too many cracks and crevices for it to work.

hey also is there anything I can do with buds/trim thats been affected by PM like make hash or oil with it?


Active member
I have spider mites too...

have been used spidermite control by growth technology...

someone used too?


Active member
Sorry to hear bout them damn mites!! Word of caution, The mites will keep building webs after you pick your plants. Find a place you can shake and knock down them fuckers before you hang them to dry.

I have had great results with extra healthy plants with soil and ACT made with headyblunts airlift brewer. Try it , your plants will grow faster and stronger than you can handle. :)


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Home depot


Use it on your moms it will destroy them fuckers soon as they feed on your plants.

Clones will have a little(as it is a systemic insecticide) to ward them off if you clean house and keep clean, no real trace in full flowered plants. That way you don't have to spray buds.

Ps I havent posted in a while, had fusarium or verticillium knock me and my genetic library out so it happens man, I've fought it all I think. Root aphids, thrips, mites, gnats, fusarium/verticillium, root rot. So I know how ya feel. Look up integrated pest management.


Sorry to hear bout them damn mites!! Word of caution, The mites will keep building webs after you pick your plants. Find a place you can shake and knock down them fuckers before you hang them to dry.

I have had great results with extra healthy plants with soil and ACT made with headyblunts airlift brewer. Try it , your plants will grow faster and stronger than you can handle. :)

yea I like teas but i worry ill plug up my watering system with them,is there much particles in the tea you speak of?

Home depot

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Use it on your moms it will destroy them fuckers soon as they feed on your plants.

Clones will have a little(as it is a systemic insecticide) to ward them off if you clean house and keep clean, no real trace in full flowered plants. That way you don't have to spray buds.

Ps I havent posted in a while, had fusarium or verticillium knock me and my genetic library out so it happens man, I've fought it all I think. Root aphids, thrips, mites, gnats, fusarium/verticillium, root rot. So I know how ya feel. Look up integrated pest management.

thanks for that product I wonder if ill be able to find it in cannada.A good systemic insecticide would help my moms there pretty much mite free which is great cuz the bloom room is right next to it loaded with the bastards but i do see the odd one if i cant find that products ill go the floramite route.


Active member
Anything with imidacloprid as the active ingredient will do. Just check the gardening center or hardware store.



yes neem oil works great but not with 2 weeks togo in flower.I use it mixed with end all 2 on the mums works awesome
Have u givin any of the aerosol pyrethin bombs a try yet ???? I have used them Ion ants with 3 weeks left of bloom....shrpshooter


yep used the biggest can you can get didnt do much if anything at all.the botanics spray foam works good,I think the best thing you can di in the way of prevention is to dip cuts in floramite b4 transplanting. next time no mites


Final Update

Final Update

hey guys

just thought id swing by for one last update to finalize the thread.This was pretty much a run from hell, everything is being reworked and hopefully my next run goes much smoother.Even though this run had mucho problemo the yield still suprised the HELL outta me at 6lb 6oz so it wasnt all bad.

I hate spider mites

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