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4 cotyledon's??



Should I scrape this girl? She is a fem DNA LA Woman and I would love the plant but 4 cotyledon's? Whats up?



Here is the pic...

Here is the pic...

Sorry, I don't know why it would not post the pic but here it is....



  • LA Woman 001.jpg
    LA Woman 001.jpg
    85.5 KB · Views: 14



I read a little of the thread but zoned out. Is it assumed these are better? Anyway, I will let her run a little while longer...


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Nah, no better and no worse. It's just a trait, really, and one she may grow out of as she gets older. But certainly there's nothing wrong with your plant, so let her go! I hope she's dank as hell...



No Longer a Human Watering Can
yea man for sure let her live!!!!! if it makes it maybe it will be good more budsites is a good thing

Hella THC

In the cannabis world, growers love deformities/oddities. Sometimes it can be a sign of great things to come. Or at least unique things to come. So yeah bro, you have NOTHING to worry about.

As others have said, you might get increased yield off of it. At this early in growth, having 4 leaves to support instead of two might mean your plant is extra vigorous since it has the ability to do so. This, of course, is a good sign. It could, however, turn out to be totally normal :D

Either way, enjoy your smoke!

- Hella


some of the best smoke that i have ever had was off a runt, everyone said oh kill is its too small. but that bitch cranked out one of the tighest dence nugs ive ever had, if she is femmed why kill it, that is one less plat u have then that would have givin u what u want..... dont go witht he majority, run and let us kno how she does. just wait till u get the 15 sided pot leave lol

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