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4/20 break In robbery


For sure I have after that incident. That was in 07 though, havent posted pics since then lol.

GL op.

May it be HAY

Awww that's sad, you shouldn't be put off from posting pictures :-S

We want to see other people's grows so we can wish we had their strains/lighting rig/yield etcetra ;-)

But yes, may it be HAY!

I hope it turns to ash in their... wait that expression doesn't work with weed does it? ;)


my croud is always trying to anticipate the cut. cant let that happen.
I think it's best for them to not even know there is a cut. Once in a while I throw in some vague language like "whenever the trucks come in" or stuff like "I have no control over what and when". Keep any idea that I might be a grower far from their minds.
I think it's best for them to not even know there is a cut. Once in a while I throw in some vague language like "whenever the trucks come in" or stuff like "I have no control over what and when". Keep any idea that I might be a grower far from their minds.

Hell to the fuck yea. Anticipating a cut? Fuck that, that's like the crackheads knowing when the metric ton hits the border! When I start with the regular production, my lie is that "I know a guy" or that I get it from cali in the mail like everyone else.


Well-known member
Sounds like it's time to move...and change friends or something.....if you really do think it was someone you know. I agree that knowing we can't go to the cops would be a motivator to try to hit you again....maybe some type of stealth cam in your house as part of security...at least you might get a shot of who if there is a next time. Other wise I'd bit the bullet and clean up whats left...and call in the cops as a matter of principal....at least they dust for prints and have a direction to go....whats the purp gonna do snitch...they are purps and have no credibilty at all....sorry to ramble it just chaps my ass how some fools let us do all the work and then try to profit from it.....good luck man and be safe.

It's only been on telly that I ever saw a cop dusting for prints.

Just saying...


ya id move . no more growing there.. and like the other dude said.. u never let anyone know wen ur going to harvest.. and main thing .. if ur going to post shit on these sites.. make sure no1 knows its you.. cuz then they can rob u just by findin out wen ur about to crop ur shit..

CAMERAS CAMERAS CAMERAS... Dogs DOGS DOGS.. haha.. I put up the beware of dog sign and enter at your own risk signs so.. go for it .. my pit will fuck people up if he is home alone.. and doesn't know the person coming into the house..


fingerprints usualy only on crimes that are violent.. also depends on how much they take.. a few gs they aint worried.. if they take 20 grand worth of shit? they will pay more attention..

but ya man cameras grab urself 1 and use it


...Dogs DOGS DOGS.. haha.. I put up the beware of dog sign and enter at your own risk signs so.. go for it .. my pit will fuck people up if he is home alone.. and doesn't know the person coming into the house..
Be careful, this can be used against you in that you knowingly had a dangerous dog (if an innocent person was attacked).


real bummer to hear about your break in.

btw. this site removes exif data from pics that are uploaded, but it's always a good idea to do it yourself. i resize and save for internet, that takes all the exif data out.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Sounds like it's time to move...and change friends or something......


My grow got robbed, I lost the Cheese to some dickless donkey jizz gargling bastard/s.
I couldn't tell you how many times they have been back to that shed since the theft in 08.
The last time that shed was left with the door open was last week. I still know the people whose house it was and that shed has been opened up every couple of months since they got my grow and my kit. My mate doesn't even lock it any more, he got sick of replacing locks and now he keeps his lawnmower and tools in the house. I made his shed useless.

Time to start circling ads in the property pages.