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4,000 lbs.!!!!!!@auto-mechanic shop



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to KnottyDollar again.

:respect: lol your alright man :rasta:


Active member
KnottyDollar said:
Lets make that a little more intelligent for those with half a brain.

A pound of mexican brick weed can usually be found for 300 to 400 street price; since that was wrapped, the quality in undetermined. But still, 500 is excessive for compressed cannabis.

I loved the terrorism quote, cracked me the fuck up.

Wow, I never knew weed could be so cheap. 3-400 a pound.
I cannot imagine what it tastes or looks like, I don't think I want to either.


sunshine in a bag
R03 said:
Wow, I never knew weed could be so cheap. 3-400 a pound.
I cannot imagine what it tastes or looks like, I don't think I want to either.
If someone tried to show me a $300lb I would probably look like the guy in your avatar... tryin to hide :nono:


in the thick of it
i picked up a pound last year for $500...it was great having that much at first, but it sucked and then it took forever to smoke. don't think i'll ever go back to the brown frown again.


As bullshit as that story was, I would rather see the cops busting guys with crazy weight for commercial profit, guns etc, then busting medical grows for personal use or other small grows.


Ha I wouldn't even call that stupid fuck a journalist... I'd just take all that shitty awful weed and make water hash out of it. That would, in all honesty, purify it and make something that was at least worth smoking. My .02 on that everyone.



Registered Med User
KnottyDollar said:
Lets make that a little more intelligent for those with half a brain.

A pound of mexican brick weed can usually be found for 300 to 400 street price; since that was wrapped, the quality in undetermined. But still, 500 is excessive for compressed cannabis.

I loved the terrorism quote, cracked me the fuck up.

I can understand you translating my message for those who aren't familliar with street lingo, but to say that I am only getting my message acrossed to those with less intelligance contradicts itself. If people have more intelligance shouldnt they be able to comprehend messages with less than perfect grammar and shortcutted english as well?
who has less intelligance, the people who can understand abreviations and shortcuts in english AND proper grammer or the ones who only understand english dialect the way it was origonally written?

As the english language evolves it would be ignorant to assume those who speak in simpler terms are un-educated, I know people in proffessions such as news reporters and radiotalk hosts who will speak "correctly" while on the job but soon as they get off they are back to speakin in simpler terms, yamean???(do you understand what I am saying?) for those 'Intelligant" people out there who only know websters...

Long story short, thanks for correctin my broken english, glad theres a nerd like u around ta get my messages across to the other nerds on these forums.
U bring those with less computer skills closer to those with less get-pussy skills. Thanks!
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