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3'x2'x2'H tent - 150W vertical and 110W T5


Active member
man i can onlny hope my Wappa turns out as nice as yours. I like the way the clones grow in the 1L just one huge cola...trying to get 2 of those a month myself =D

hi chloemobile :)
well I guess it was a good choice to keep one cola only - and keep them close to the lights.

I was just taking a look at your grow (very very nice!) and this time I'm actually far behind you... I think I kept too many bud sites, plus I stressed them too much this time with supercropping, wild pruning, and also changing the light spectrum of the 150w along the way :(

I have some clones (wappas too) in 0.75 l pots coming up, we'll see if they turn out like this first run - I'm always following your thread btw - c ya!

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