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3way proposal


Hi friends,

Came to my trusted source of ingenious and creative ideas.

I have been in a 3 way relationship with 2 women (polyamorous) for quite some time. We want to get married.

I need proposal ideas.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Just curious but are you polygamous in the religious sense, like a Mormon or something? Or ya'll just into the threesome thing?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Hi friends,

Came to my trusted source of ingenious and creative ideas.

I have been in a 3 way relationship with 2 women (polyamorous) for quite some time. We want to get married.

I need proposal ideas.

Yesterday some guy on Instagram who learned to fingerbang a hand sanitizer dispenser was my new hero.

Now it is you.

You have given fresh hope to a fellow polygamist :tiphat: And what a pleasant surprise, I was all ready with a few quips about threeways. I'd more or less given up on the idea as one who has struggled to convince even one person I'm not a total whackjob (There's a wall of public evidence against me. Bloody Masons.).

Nothing specific to suggest but obviously something inclusive, a tie that binds each of you to each other.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Good luck with that. One wife was hard enough to handle for me. I can't imagine the drama shitstorm that would occur on a daily basis with two wives.


Active member
^word...and I would point out that 2 women is not twice the bitching...its four times....bitching is exponential:

happiness = 1 / (bitch^#wives);

happiness - your happiness
bitch - the degree of the instantaneous bitchiness
#wives - number of wives one shackles themselves with.


Active member
Ohh you poor fool you...

U do know that eventually the HONEYMOON ends....

I love my wife, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't imagine dealing with 2 of her when she is pissed off or PMS'ing....

NW Wheeze

And here I am, just hoping to have a threesome someday...

If you get divorced do they have to split one half of your shit Or do they each get a half, and you are left with nothing?

I want to know more about the lifestyle, sounds crazy to me.


I see some old friends in here. Good to see you all again. The jokes were good, too!

We are not polygamous or religious. Just 3 people in a happy, loving relationship. We've been together for quite some time now.

Does anyone have any positive, awesome ideas for a proposal? I've already bought the rings. I want it to be original... and breathtaking. My mind scatters from the top of a mountain or on a crowded beach. These are scenic but not original? And, it needs to incorporate the three way aspect. You can see why I came here for help.


Active member
ICMag Donor
How long have you three been together? Were you with one for a while before you met the other one? I'm just curious. I've dated multiple girls at the same time, a lot more than 2 at a time. I've been in committed relationships with one girl at a time.

Is marriage among 3 people legally recognized where you are? If not, I'd say go for it. I'm not a fan of signing a legally binding contract regarding personal relationships anymore.


We've been together for 2 years. I was with one before the other, now we are all together. Marriage between 3 people is not legally recognized where I'm at.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
I wish you the best and hope the three of you have a long happy life together.
But damn two wives? Buckle up brother lol why don't ya just dip your balls in honey and stake yourself to a fire ant hill. Lmao!
As far as the purposal goes how bout old school take the two of em to their favorite restaurant and do the rings in a glass of champagne?


if it smells like fish
first move to Utah theres guys with many wives there....I lost half of what I owned when my last fiasco happened she clearly got half or more ...what would happen with 2 wives??? I wouldn't want to find out...I heard the menstrual cycle match up with women when they reside together is this true??? man 2 women on the rag ...no thank you....good luck....yeehaw


sounds good

its like having a dog

its way easier if you have two because they can keep each other company.

chicks need constant attention, let them entertain each other.

best of luck.


if it smells like fish
I don't compare dogs and women..dogs are more loyal and dont really know what a 1000 dollars or more is..i also wouldn't want a bj from my dog ,,,,she is cute but has really big teeth and likes to eat sausages...yeehaw


Active member
ICMag Donor
Loving a dog or loving your kids is different from romantic love. Dogs don't get insanely jealous when you pet another dog. Romantic love tends to be more needy and more personal.

Some people are happy with the polyamory thing, but it's not for me. Banging multiple girls is awesome if you aren't attached. I just wouldn't want my gf or wife to be having sex with other guys.

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