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3rd week flowering problems...WTF?


Well-known member
hi Guys

hope you can help out here. these plants are in their 3rd week of flowering and have been powering on, but after leaving them for a few days i found this problem.

plants in soil being fed maxibloom every few days and watered daily...i suspect some over watering and have now set up the pots to DTW

they were being feed fish emulsion during veg with some soil amendents and switched the maxi last week...

drippers have only been one/pot so there have been dry spots and will set up 3 drippers/pot tomorrow.

this is a very dramatic change from 3 days ago when they looked primo...oh yeah...i did defoliate the main shade leaves then as well

so any suggestions will greatly be appreciated...




Active member
I don't sure, but sometime something similar happen when you have a big temp swing between day\night.

Sometime can happen when you owerwater plants.

But signs looks like Fe deficiency or lock-out. (usually happen due high Phosphorous level or pH issue)

Also your plants looks like have too much Nitrogen.

Anyway if you use maxibloom you must don't have any problems with feeding, this nute works great itself and usually no need any additives.

So like advice you can check your grow conditions and check runoff parameters EC & pH.
I agree with smailer, looks like either could be over-watering or micronutrient lockout. most likely a combination. check ec and pH with soil sample or runoff


Well-known member
thanks for your input guys...you have kind of confirmed what i suspected...although temp fluctuations are not an issue. i will let pots dry for a couple of days, flush with ph'd water and hit with 1/2 maxi to get the ball ball rolling again...

water is always ph'd to correct levels for soil usually around 6.4 or so


Well-known member
found the problem...the timer had shat itself and hadn't turned on the 4 days....GGGRRRRRR